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What did work for you?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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What did work for you?

Post by telefut »

Yes we all suffer from BB.yes life sucks with this and we miss so many opportunities and have to get well very soon. Now if we share what made us less miserable, what really worked for our BB, maybe this would be a remedy for each other. I start first: I found these helpful: Avoiding pollen(I am allergic to pollen), using nasonex nasal spray(my ENT prescriped it),avoiding white sugar, coffee, alcohol, milk(milk thickens the mucus and can worse your PND situation), drinking lemonade(with brown sugar), eating citrus fruits, using netipot twice a day(I do advanced method now), scraping very back of my tongue. they all helped me. but i still have some bad breath issues. i think am almost there. now i will try food allergy tests to see if they cause excess mucus or bad breath. and of course perfect oral hygiene is a must including flossing, etc. waiting for a great brainstorming here so we can help each other guys.

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Post by OneDay111 »

Nasal Irrigation
Probiotics in Yogurt
Tung Brush
Chewing Gum
Brushing teeth
One Day One Day....
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Post by searching »

  • Brush teeth twice daily with toothpaste containing triclosan, or with dry mixture of baking soda and table salt
    Flossing, once daily
    Tongue brushing (gently) morning, once daily
    Morning use of waterpik, full-blast, with 9 parts water, 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide, at teeth/gums interface & between teeth
I'm very pleased with the results - for more than one year thus far. I wish the waterpik were more-portable, i.e. for travel convenience. For me, this step in the regime is the most-effective. Skipping this step, even for a day, allows the objectionable colonies to reestablish.
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