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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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You might be interested in knowing this...

Post by Chichibi »

Hi, i just joined this site not long ago and wish to share some of the knowledge i gained over these past few years regarding this matter that we concern 24/7. If you are serious in curing ur problem, i'd advise u to finish reading the following text. It has to be that long, else u cant understand.

Yes yes.. the beginners' guide has almost summed up every possible 'physical cure' that we can find now. But still.. deep down inside our hearts.. we can feel that something is missing.

What i'm about to tell here is not a physical product. It is something else.. but before i tell it.. i have to explain more information first before u can understand it better.

Some people may have heard it before. But still i have this strong desire to tell this to the people who can read or understand my message, simply because i know how saddening it is to have this problem.

Ok.. the question now is.. why do we have bad breath? Not even the science now can answer. Even though science has shown that those ppl who have fresh breath have certain bacterias (the good ones that help protect the oral environment) that those suffer from halitosis do not have, the scientists do not know why this is so.

About two years ago, i came across this website that provide some information that feels weird but at the same time exciting. As I was always wondering why do I have this problem but not others, and what is the purpose for me to have halitosis in this life, this site appeals to me because it answers all my questions. And now i know why i have it, but it isn't important. What's important is, what u are gonna do about it NOW.

We all know there are natural forces that govern this planet right? For example, law of gravity. This law does not change, no matter what. But what we do not know is there are OTHER LAWS too.. that govern this game of life. Yes.. without knowing the rules of a particular game, u can't play it well. The same goes to this game of life. We are practically playing it now, we are all in this together.

It will be of tremendous benefit to u if u know the existence of this law. Just like how Newton was wondering why does the apple falls downwards but not upwards from the tree, he then discovered the law of gravity. The name of the law is called "Law of Attraction". It's quite a popular term now. Though many have misunderstood/distorted the true meaning of it. The definition for this law is "That which is like unto itself is drawn." Puzzled? I will summarize the whole thing in a few points for u to understand easily.

1) Thoughts become physical things. Whether u believe it or not.
2) Law of attraction is the law that governs all thoughts that exists in this universe and sends those that are similar to yours to you.
3) When you always think a particular thought, it will gain enough power by virtue of the law and become a physical reality for you.

Now, u might say "Hell no! I never thought of bad breath when i was a kid because i have it since i was a kid." More points to be summarized:

4) Thoughts have frequencies. You will get those thoughts that are same as your thought's frequency. No matter what kind of thought it is.

Now u might ask, "how the hell should i know which kind of frequency should i think so i can get good breath"

5) everyone has a guidance system within them. It's called "Emotions". Yes, there are a lot of different labels for emotions ex. anger, frustration, jealousy, hopefulness, love, boredom etc.
HOWEVER, all of them can be grouped into 2 categories, one feels good and one feels bad.

When you feel good, you are attracting all the things that FEEL GOOD into your physical life experience.
When you feel bad, you are attracting all the things that FEEL BAD into your physical life experience.

When i say "things", i am referring to "physical objects, people, events, circumstances". Yes, you are right, u can attract an uneasy feeling or embarassing conversation situation.

Might sound crazy for some people. But it's real.

OK, straight to the solution. So how do i get rid of bad breath?
By really really believing that you are cured. This is the fastest way to cure. Yes sounds f****** hard. I KNOW. but by law of attraction, because believing something means the thought has gained enough power, so it will manifest REAL quick.

Not only believing, it is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE that u feel good. because when u feel good only can u receive what u want. Having fresh breath feels good, having bad breath feels bad. You are cured (feels good). Not cured (feels bad). You must be on the SAME FREQUENCY as what u want!
And so if doing a particular thing (reading, playing game, whatever) makes you feel good, THEN DO IT!!!!! You are well on your way to your good health. Guaranteed.


yes i know it's hard!!!! but all u need is practice! We create good and bad fortunes for ourselves. There are no assertions. Only creations!

AGAIN, 2 main factors to be focused on to cure yourself:
1) FEEL GOOD!!! (Do it no matter what, it's the most important thing)
2) By start believing that you can be cured. (You cant have fresh breath if u dont believe u can have it)

I think there will be a lot of questions arising within you! Feel free to ask! At the mean time, i will provide the link so that u can understand better:

To gain a better understanding, visit this site:

If u think i'm nuts, it's okay! for those who are ready, they will understand and really start having the wonderful life that they deserve to live.

lots of love and light to you people,

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Post by yeagermeister »

What the hell kinda shit is this?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

probably he wants to increase rankings of his website
let me repair it a little
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Post by mizz123 »

obviously don't have bad breath, nice try though.
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Post by Larc400 »

He has a point though, hidden behind all that new age-talk :oops: 8) The power of the Central Nervous System over the body (including immune system etc etc) shouldn't be underestimated... and we all know bb gets worse during stress or if we're in a bad place mentally. So being in the opposite state should have good effects. Wish he'd ditch that talk about Frequencies and shit though 8)

Anyway, it's 2008 and the brain and it's processes are not that greatly understood, so things like this shouldn't be dismissed :P
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Post by Larc400 »

Pretty disgusting to target desperate people looking for a cure, on forums like this though. He's probably googling all kinds of diseases etc, to get people to join his hippie programme :arrow:
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

I simply refuse to read such a long post man
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Post by thanatos »

this is low, man.
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Post by elliott »

When you feel good, you are attracting all the things that FEEL GOOD into your physical life experience.

When you feel bad, you are attracting all the things that FEEL BAD into your physical life experience.

Yes. Lately I've made a conscious decision to "FEEL GOOD" and I'm much less stressed about BB. At times, I'm not even sure I have it anymore. Of course I do, but I'm not labouring over it anymore. Since then, I haven't noticed any harsh reactions, I feel overall great, happy, gong to the gym, I've increased my protein intake 250% and eating WTF I want.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

elliott wrote:When you feel good, you are attracting all the things that FEEL GOOD into your physical life experience.

When you feel bad, you are attracting all the things that FEEL BAD into your physical life experience.

Yes. Lately I've made a conscious decision to "FEEL GOOD" and I'm much less stressed about BB. At times, I'm not even sure I have it anymore. Of course I do, but I'm not labouring over it anymore. Since then, I haven't noticed any harsh reactions, I feel overall great, happy, gong to the gym, I've increased my protein intake 250% and eating WTF I want.
Well done man!! congratulations!

That´s the only way to get better,

I´m taking chances with a girl and i´m feeling great too,

And please everyone eat everything that you want!!!
Stop adding punishments to this condition!!!!!!

good luck to all
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Post by Chichibi »

Hi guys,

I think i'm being misunderstood here.

1) First of all, I'm a girl.
2) I had bad breath. But now I am cured.
3) I am not the owner of that website. I found that site.
4) I did not buy a single product from them. I find free torrent downloads and even pdf files using various peer-2-peer software.

Yes.. keep it up.. Last time i always used to have this belief that eating protein is gonna make my breath worse.. so I was in this really stupid dilemma where I wanted to go on a high protein diet (to get lean) but at the same time having fresh breath. You don't know how suffering it was. But one night when I was meditating I tried to quiet down my mind.. I asked myself "What is it that I really do want?" I realized that I want to be a healthy person.. and I know it is possible to achieve it.. so I slowly released this belief that is not serving me well and of course it took me some time to start believing that i deserve wellness and i'm a worthy being despite all the things happened in the past because of my halitosis. But with practicing.. I managed to feel good about myself easier and easier..

Yes.. practice is important.. I am always practicing to feel good. Not only does my body feels healthier.. other aspects of my life are improving too.. I am very grateful and blessed to have found enlightenment.

If anyone of you are interested in having those materials I found.. please pm me.. I do not mind sending u a copy of those pdf files as well as the links to those torrent downloads..

By the way.. I will provide the yahoo group link for u guys if interested.. They are direct quotes from a non-physical "conciousness" which i value very much especially those regarding Health problems.

Do a search on health subject and u will see quite a bunch of them. They are the answers provided to those guests that have deadly disease on how to be cured.

I hope you will find your answers and ways to good health.

much love,
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Post by Archimonde »

How big is your rack?
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Post by halihope »

I been facing several illnesses so does it mean I brought on to me these illnesses?? Anyhow I will be attending 2 chakras sessions in July to learn how to heal myself.
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Post by hopefulness »

I think Chichibi talk was insightful. Although I only read the first few lines I'm sure the rest would meaningful to say, a frog.

Chichibi if I can be so bold let me make you a person of real interest.

Just take your laptop outside and set your webcam to live stream on YouTube, then climb into 4 or 5 car tires with plenty of gasoline on them, look at webcam and light yourself up man.

I wait on YouTube with baited breath.
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Post by stressedout »

chichibi's post is insightful for psychogenic halitosis #5.

any halitosis (1 through 4) turns into # 5 eventually if someone deals with it for too long. this cure can be applied by some folks, so why dismiss and take it so negative when someone has clearly taken time to type it all with intentions to help?

interested to know aydin mur's opinion on this?
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