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we will find the cure??get real...

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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we will find the cure??get real...

Post by Ice »

Hey people!
we can't just keep on trying different candies, and try to find THE cure ourselfs! #-o
it's not a flu, where u try aplles, hunney and then just find out hey the honey is good for flu, and tea!THIS IS NOT A SIMPLE THING LIKE THAT!
cause first of all, we could be making more damage than help, by CIO2 or whatever ure peopletrying at the moment :!: , and secondly u can't expect that a bunch of people who have no medical knowledge will find a cure for a disese! thats the same as if people who have aids would say hey lets find the cure! ](*,)
we need medical help! :idea:
we have to alert doctors and I don't know who, because they think we don't exist!u think that they go on the internet and type bad breath and they will just find this web page and start curing us??!WAKE UP!!!!!!!

and they can't just look for the cure, we have to work together, we are the "experimenta-testl rabbits or rats " whatever they need to research US! not the healthy people! Come on people years are just passing by us and we had no time to enjoy the life!I mean FULLY ENJOY!meybe we should atract some doctors on the web page,...give some ideas people!
send emails to people doctors, rich people, influenced people,people with power!! ;;write
not just "chat here how bad ur day was"! no offense !we need ACTION!research...or u wanna live all ure life like this :-& cause the chances are..huge...

something like this:

and can someone tell me what this web page is all about? :mrgreen:

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Post by AW »

Yeah we can't find the cure. But do you actually think doctors and rich people are going to waste money on a disease that causes bad breath? No. They don't think it's "cost-effective" and a "high priority." Technically it's not though.

I was just thinking about this today. Look at people who have AIDS and Cancer. It's a worldwide problem and can cause death and fatal illness. Now what can happen to people with bad breath? No one likes them and no one wants to talk to them. In the world of medicine and money relating to medicine lives come first. I guess they'll work on it after AIDS and Cancer and all of that is cured. This will probably be in about 3000 years.
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Post by smileguy »

Dont you guys read the posts.There is a cure buts its in trials and it will be about 2 years before it comes to market
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cure in trial..

Post by Ice »

well if someone bugged me all the time, look at my eyes they are twice as big as yours!!I would ignore him,hes crazy, but after a while I would take a look at his eyes just to make him stop bugging me! get it?
WHERE IS THE CURE???IN THE TRIAL???WHO?S MAKING IT???WHERE??WHO SAYS 2 YEARS; MAYBE 10?20? that kinda late 4 me, I will have no energy then for life!
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Post by smileguy »

Like I put in the post is the company.Ice you have to take back your life thats what I did. I dont let it slow me down socially,at one point it was totally taking over my life now the only part that it takes over my life is trying to find a cure,besides that I dont let it interfere with me.You have to get a hard shell and just say its just a smell whats the big deal and the smell probably isnt as bad a you think its the way our brain plays tricks with us when we obsess,the best way to explain it is I think most people with bb develop OCD so alot of us need to get help with OCD because even if you find a cure you will still have the OCD so you will still obsess about it.
Let me make myself clear I DONT think bb is in your head its just when you obsess it magnifys the problem.
So I guess what Im trying to say is come to terms face it head on that you may never be cured go on with your life from there and if along the way you find a cure for you bb awesome but if you dont you have already comes to terms and dealt with it.
Trust me on this one your life will be so much better.
By the way there is alot of people out there that cant smell bb once you open up and start socilaizing you will find them.You may have to ask 30 girls but one of thgem will say yes and the same goes with friends, its about working around your disorder.
I hope this starts you on the process of setting you free.
If you dont like anything I said Im sorry, but if you do then good luck

Post by Guest »


curious - how do you face it head on? do you only communicate with people via phone or email? do you not speak much? or do you cover your mouth when talking?

am curious how most of you go about your daily lives with this problem...
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Post by AW »

bbhelp wrote:smileguy,

curious - how do you face it head on? do you only communicate with people via phone or email? do you not speak much? or do you cover your mouth when talking?

am curious how most of you go about your daily lives with this problem...
That's how I do it. Usually I cover my mouth when I talk, clinch my teeth, don't talk at all, etc. It's hard but it works sometimes. People at my job don't even like me because of it. It's not like they just don't want to talk to me, they literally HATE me because I have bad breath. I could understand not talking to someone but HATING them? That's terrible. I suppose mposing a HATRED feeling on someone with AIDS is right then? It's like I get treated like a piece of shit for something I cannot help.
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Post by smileguy »

I just talk to people the way everybody talks to other people.If the smell bothers them thats there problem not mine after all its only bb thats the way I got over it making bb not a big deal if you make it a big deal it will be a big deal.If people get mad or hate you thats there problem and who would want to communicate with that person anyway.The funny thing is once you dont make a big deal about it it seems other people dont make a big deal about its funny how your mind can play tricks with you.
Anyway thats how I deal with it.Thats why I was more interested with the chat for research purposes and to get out all the things that I have tried so that new people with bb could learn from mine and everybody elses trials and tribulations.I have a fine social life so i dont need the chat for that, but thats just me and if it helps other people thats great but in my opinion if you stay in your shell its only going to get worse
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Post by haider »

bbhelp wrote:smileguy,

curious - how do you face it head on? do you only communicate with people via phone or email? do you not speak much? or do you cover your mouth when talking?

am curious how most of you go about your daily lives with this problem...
Infact I face it head on. I never cover my mouth while talking and I talk alot. Inever shy away from my daily business. I even regularly go to a Gym where everyone hates( I suppose) me. You bet BB gets worst while lifting heavy weights. Simply I don't want others to dictate how I live my life. Stuff others, I have to live my life and I have a condition which isn't under my control. Enjoy life, it is real don't live it in a half concious way. Real bad breath, real life. Now it is upto you how to handle it.
Hope for the better and prepare for the worst.
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responce to traylor

Post by smileguy »

Jimi you should of let people reply to the traylor character.I agree with you, dont come here and say a diet is helping me.The reason I say this is how does he know it was helping his breath also put some explanation behind it.If you dont know why it works then its just a shot in the dark.The reason why bb can become less foul from eliminating certain foods is qiute simply the type of bacteria that reside in your mouth stomach tonsils throat etc.A better test would be to try different probiotics until you were having success.Just because one probiotic didnt work doesnt mean another wont.We will all be able to rebalance are bacteria at some point it is just going to take alot of testing and maybe hundreds of probiotics and hundreds of other combinations of products that kill the bad so the good have a chance of implanting.Thats what i have been doing for a long time and iam really close.
Keep up your work,whether we agree with you or not you are giving us a forum that otherwise we wouldnt have
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responce to traylor

Post by smileguy »

Jimi you should of let people reply to the traylor character.I agree with you, dont come here and say a diet is helping me.The reason I say this is how does he know it was helping his breath also put some explanation behind it.If you dont know why it works then its just a shot in the dark.The reason why bb can become less foul from eliminating certain foods is qiute simply the type of bacteria that reside in your mouth stomach tonsils throat etc.A better test would be to try different probiotics until you were having success.Just because one probiotic didnt work doesnt mean another wont.We will all be able to rebalance are bacteria at some point it is just going to take alot of testing and maybe hundreds of probiotics and hundreds of other combinations of products that kill the bad so the good have a chance of implanting.Thats what i have been doing for a long time and iam really close.
Keep up your work,whether we agree with you or not you are giving us a forum that otherwise we wouldnt have
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my god!

Post by Ice »

OK people give JIMI a break!
Everybody can write whatever he wants!thats not the point! If i write eating shit every day makes my breath smell nice, than thats kul, u don't have to try it! are u really that stupid?!! like people arquing, suing MCdonalds, nobody is forceing u to try it!
(and jimi u didn't need to lock that post)
people u can write stuff that u think that help u, andwho wants can try it, who doesn't ,well doesnt its that simple!
Now end of disscusion!!!
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Post by Larc400 »

Jimi is a hero, I applaud him =D>

Still yeah of course ppl can write wtf they like:
the more activity, the more hope, I feel 8-[

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