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Yellow 'gunk' behind tongue

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Yellow 'gunk' behind tongue

Post by everhopeful »


I've had sinus surgery this week in part to lessen previous pain I've had relation to this (also a revision operation to a deviated septum I have), but in the main to try and prevent the amount of post nasal drip I've been experiencing which causes my bad breath. Although it's early days (I had the op on Tuesday) I think it's only going to cut the level of drip between 40-50% (which is a great improvement but I still have a slightly yellow-ish coating at the back on my tongue and I'm not convinced my breath is reasonably fresh still). What I'm most concerned about is a big lump of yellow mucus (?) that constantly sits behind my tongue and I assume is being caused by the drip (this is exactly the same and shows no signs of going). It never goes away and sometimes has what looks like streaks of blood it (sorry for icky description). Does anyone else get this and do they have any suggestions for anything that has helped? I'm seeing my ENT dcotor for a follow up appointment next month-is this something that can be removed?
This is something I've suffered with for nearly 20 years.. :?

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Post by Larc400 »

Where exactly is it..? I find it incredibly hard to get a good overview of what's going on back there. If it's a collection of mucous can't you just reach back and clean it up..? I'm also seing an ENT next month and am wondering what would be the ultimate way to map out the sinuses / cranial cavities. Is a CAT Scan the way to go or are there better ways?

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Post by everhopeful »

Larc400 wrote:Where exactly is it..? I find it incredibly hard to get a good overview of what's going on back there. If it's a collection of mucous can't you just reach back and clean it up..? I'm also seing an ENT next month and am wondering what would be the ultimate way to map out the sinuses / cranial cavities. Is a CAT Scan the way to go or are there better ways?

It's the drip from the nose coming back down the throat and collecting until it solidifies and I just can't reach it too clean it-it would be really useful if there was a way/technqiue/device to clear this away.
I had a CAT scan which showed irregular sinses due to mucosal thicking but when they operated they also found a horrible abcess which had not shown up on the scan. Despite removing this and doing some work on the sinuses I am still getting the drip-although I think it is slightly better. It still looks like my septum is quite deviated though which probably isn't helping.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I have also heard about this guy from 1 year ago he went thru sinus operation and they found abscess and he was cured.
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Post by everhopeful »

Jimi wrote:I have also heard about this guy from 1 year ago he went thru sinus operation and they found abscess and he was cured.
It has reduced-it doesn't look like it's cured at the moment. I'll wait and see what happens and let you know. The ENT surgeon did only 'promise' up to 50% reduction in the drip but then at that point he didn't know an abcess was there.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

The abscess was smelly probably and that is the thing that gave you bad breath. I am so sure. Many people have pnd and no bad breath but an abscess is causing the smelly stuff to come down. That is my point.

Also sonoitarick was cured that way by dr. Krespi.

I wish you no more bad breath ever really. I hope it works for you.
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Post by everhopeful »

Jimi wrote:The abscess was smelly probably and that is the thing that gave you bad breath. I am so sure. Many people have pnd and no bad breath but an abscess is causing the smelly stuff to come down. That is my point.

Also sonoitarick was cured that way by dr. Krespi.

I wish you no more bad breath ever really. I hope it works for you.
I think the abcess was only part of the problem (and was probably the cause of the occasional smell in/coming from my nose) but the coating at the back of my tongue (caused by the drip) is definitely creating some ordour too. I also find it hard to believe that a hard lump of yellow mucus would not be creating some kind of smell as well. I am very grateful that after (nearly 20 years) of spending thousands of pounds/not being taken seriously by doctors/having really bad sinus episodes/having horrendous breath and humiliating experiences etc that this will be reduced siginificantly (hopefully) but I'm also cautious about thinking the removal of the abcess means the end of my bad breath because I don't think it does on its own-I am a very positive person as well and this caution is from experience and not negativity...
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Post by noptical »

everhopeful wrote:
Jimi wrote:The abscess was smelly probably and that is the thing that gave you bad breath. I am so sure. Many people have pnd and no bad breath but an abscess is causing the smelly stuff to come down. That is my point.

Also sonoitarick was cured that way by dr. Krespi.

I wish you no more bad breath ever really. I hope it works for you.
I think the abcess was only part of the problem (and was probably the cause of the occasional smell in/coming from my nose) but the coating at the back of my tongue (caused by the drip) is definitely creating some ordour too. I also find it hard to believe that a hard lump of yellow mucus would not be creating some kind of smell as well. I am very grateful that after (nearly 20 years) of spending thousands of pounds/not being taken seriously by doctors/having really bad sinus episodes/having horrendous breath and humiliating experiences etc that this will be reduced siginificantly (hopefully) but I'm also cautious about thinking the removal of the abcess means the end of my bad breath because I don't think it does on its own-I am a very positive person as well and this caution is from experience and not negativity...
Hi everhopeful!
Please keep us updated on your condition! I may have your surgery in the near future though its still unknown when. I too have mucosal thickening which after a lot of research I'm led to believe that is the cause of my bad breath (although there are many other possible causes).
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Post by everhopeful »

noptical wrote:Hi everhopeful!
Please keep us updated on your condition! I may have your surgery in the near future though its still unknown when. I too have mucosal thickening which after a lot of research I'm led to believe that is the cause of my bad breath (although there are many other possible causes).

I had my three week follow up appointment last Monday. The consultant told me that the nose/sinuses were healing but the level of drip is still the same from what I can gather. I think I used to occasionally get a smell inside my nose that was like amonia which seems to have gone (may have been caused by the abcess) but the yellow 'gunk' is still at the back of my throat. I've got another appointment in five weeks time which will be more 'in depth' and will allow me to go in there and ask more questions/have a further exploratory. It may be that I'm being too inpatient but my septum is still quite deviated and one side seems blocked still. The consultant seemed to think the op was a success though.
The tongue still has a coating on-especially at the back. I will see how it progresses though and report back :-)
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Post by noptical »

everhopeful wrote:
noptical wrote:Hi everhopeful!
Please keep us updated on your condition! I may have your surgery in the near future though its still unknown when. I too have mucosal thickening which after a lot of research I'm led to believe that is the cause of my bad breath (although there are many other possible causes).

I had my three week follow up appointment last Monday. The consultant told me that the nose/sinuses were healing but the level of drip is still the same from what I can gather. I think I used to occasionally get a smell inside my nose that was like amonia which seems to have gone (may have been caused by the abcess) but the yellow 'gunk' is still at the back of my throat. I've got another appointment in five weeks time which will be more 'in depth' and will allow me to go in there and ask more questions/have a further exploratory. It may be that I'm being too inpatient but my septum is still quite deviated and one side seems blocked still. The consultant seemed to think the op was a success though.
The tongue still has a coating on-especially at the back. I will see how it progresses though and report back :-)
Thanks for reporting back. I had that deviated septum surgery last march and after the surgery one of my nostrils was always blocked (sometimes the left, sometimes the right). Anyway, I also have lots of allergies (24). Have you been tested for allergies?
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Post by everhopeful »

noptical wrote: Hi!
Thanks for reporting back. I had that deviated septum surgery last march and after the surgery one of my nostrils was always blocked (sometimes the left, sometimes the right). Anyway, I also have lots of allergies (24). Have you been tested for allergies?
Yes a few years ago-only allergic to house dust mites.
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Post by everhopeful »

It seems like the surgery has not cured any of my problems unfortunately-tongue still very coated , still the same level of drip (or possibly more) and yellow gunk still forming at back of throat. Still, have a follow up appointment with the consultant so maybe they'll have some more ideas.
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My Story with Halitosis,

Post by BBRuiningMyLife »

So I just joined this site about 10 minutes ago after finding this forum about bad breath on google. I am going to share my story with bad breath for the first time to anyone. So please, what you're about to read is my story with bad breath and how it has affected me. If possible, please give me your replies to it. Thank You.

So I guess you could say it all started in about eighth grade. I was sitting in math class one day, and I was sitting next to this girl who was my math partner. She started to cover up her nose and mouth, which was probably my very first encounter with bad breath on a serious note. From what I remember, as the days went by, she kept covering her mouth & nose more & more, and each time it got me more halitophobic. Keep in mind that at the time I was only 13-14 years old. I thought it was only a temporary thing. But boy, was I wrong.

About 4-5 months later. I started high school. My hopes for the summer were that high school was gonna be the best 4 years ever. When I first entered my high school, the first 2-3 months were pretty good. I had made some friends, and was getting some cool people to meet. But then it happened. My whole world was flipped upside down.

In October of 2008 was where it all took a turn for the worst. Trust me. One day, I saw this kid in the hallway and I tried to make a joke about his name, and I guess he didn't find that funny. So there I had made my first enemy. I wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, I was just trying to be funny and make a new friend, you know, like most people like to do when they're a freshmen in high school. But then, I think about a few days/weeks later, I had to sit next to him in my biology class. I think I had said something to him one day and he automatically said something about my breath. He made a joke and said something about how I had bad breath. Now imagine my reaction as a high school freshmen being made fun of in front of nearly 20 people. Yeah, embarrassing.

Pretty soon, more and more people started noticing and commenting on it. I had slowly started to lost all of the people I had first met when I started high school. Eventually, I guess it came to a point where I felt like I was being labeled/dubbed as "The Bad Breath Kid". I didn't understand. I never had problems with BB up until then. It got even worse, where some people would actually tell me that I had bad breath. Wow did I feel like crap. I mean, what was happening to me?

It got even worse over the years. My 10th grade year, even the new freshmen and even most of the teachers started to notice my bad breath. How do you deal with walking around school knowing that almost everyone already sees you as the person with bad breath.

By 11th grade, the grade I'm currently in, I started to struggle with depression. Now I had dealt with depression in the past, but it was back in 7th grade, when I'm pretty sure bad breath wasn't a problem for me. But now it had come back and the main source had been from all the bullying I had to go through in the past 2 1/2 years of my high school experience so far. I soon was sent to the see my school counselor, whom eventually I had admitted to being bullied. I never said that it was because of my bad breath, because I didn't want to feel insecure and embarrassed. She then recommended that I start seeing a therapist. So I did. Later on, I admitted to feeling suicidal and homicidal towards other people and my counselor sent me to get an evaluation because of my suicidal thoughts. After the evaluation was over that day, I was sent to a program in a hospital to deal with my Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts/Feelings. It helped a little, and I did miss about a month of school, but once I got back, my bad breath had not changed, and I still felt depressed. I was then recommended to go see a psychiatrist at the same hospital, and was also prescribed to take medication because of my suicidal and depression problems. I was also prescribed medication for my sleep and attention issues, but that's probably not relevant.

Now here I am. A 16-Year Old depressed, angry, and suicidal halitophobic. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I've tried mouthwashes, mints, different toothpastes, gum, tonguescrapers, brushing my tongue with my toothbrush, scraping my tongue with a spoon, and many other things to get rid of my halitosis for good. And this isn't a a normal thing. People in school are always covering their noses and mouths. Some people at the program I was at even covered their mouths and noses a few times when I was around or when I spoke. Another downside to having it is that there's this really cute girl in my school who I've been interested in ever since I was in 9th Grade. I've always been really nervous to talk to her, mainly because of my bad breath. I don't what to do. I think she's even noticed it a couple times, maybe more. When I first entered high school, I thought I was gonna be the guy with tons of friends and in a number of relationships. But now I see that my main demon that has ruined my ability to have a good high school experience is my bad breath. I've been ignored, bullied, looked down upon, and it's even made me suicidal. I now have to take pills to deal with my suicidal thoughts because of my bad breath! It sounds crazy, right? But it's true.

For those of you saying you've thought of s*****e, I COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from. I'm so afraid of being made fun of that I can't even stick up for myself when I'm being bothered or bullied. I have to bring gum, mints, and drink plenty of water everyday in the hope that my bad breath goes away. It feels like a curse. It hurts. I feel so alone sometimes.

So now that you've read my story, I guess the only thing to do now is to ask for help. So yeah, if there are any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. I hope you guys understand what I'm going through, or at least try. Thank You.
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