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I have ordered Dioxirinse

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I have ordered Dioxirinse

Post by ruthere1 »

I ordered Dioxirinse and have been using it for about a month now and it made my breath smell even worse than usual. I kept getting looks and negative comments any time i even opened my mouth! it is also giving me cavities. i would not waste my hard earned money on this crap if i had known this!! ](*,)

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Re: I have ordered Dioxirinse

Post by hope4now »

ruthere1 wrote:I ordered Dioxirinse and have been using it for about a month now and it made my breath smell even worse than usual. I kept getting looks and negative comments any time i even opened my mouth! it is also giving me cavities. i would not waste my hard earned money on this crap if i had known this!! ](*,)
I used it for over a year. I finally realized it wasn't even controlling the bb. I think it's hard on the liver. It was giving me dry skin problems (eczema). It also gave me acid reflux. I even tried SmartMouth for a week which was even worse than DR. Hydrogen peroxide is also not good for me, but not as bad as chlorine dioxide. Once I quit those oxidizing mouth washes, my dry skin and acid reflux went away.

The bottom line is, trying to kill all the bacteria is not the solution.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Cavities? Same happened to me. I had to make 3 root canals after using in 2 weeks. I had horrible pains in all my jaw, in most of my teeth.

And these fucks say how safe this ****ing chemical is.

***k you halitomafia monsters.
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Post by ruthere1 »

I agree with ALL of you! Hey we may a lawsuit on our hands, people... \:D/ just kiddin
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Post by ruch »

dioxirinse actually works for me. it's one of the only mouthwashes that does! smart mouth used to work okay but stopped working, so i tried dioxirinse and found it worked really well. i have bb that originates in the mouth - between the teeth and on the tongue (back of throat too, probably). perhaps we all have different causes of bb, or different types of bacteria in our mouths.

i am afraid of the effects of it though since it smells like chlorine in a pool, once mixed! can't be good for you. however, i'm so paranoid about my bb i'd rather risk some possible health effects if it works on my bb so i can live a more normal life. pretty awful what you choose to do when you have bb problems. :(
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Post by StayStrong »

Dioxirinse??? i might look into it, I've currently been using Hydrogen peroxide
which makes my mouth feel cleaner but judging by peoples reactions and comments, does nothing for the smell (in the long term).

I recently tried chlorhexidine diglutonate mouthwash and i cleaned my tongue with it using a tongue brush and i found it reduced the white coating that i usually have on my tongue and could have possibly reduced the level of my bad breath but i cant be sure.

I'm thinking about flushing my sinuses using hydrogen peroxide, although im not sure how diluted i should make the solution.....i dont want my sinuses to burn! has anyone done this before?......
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Post by caramiamine98 »

StayStrong wrote:I'm thinking about flushing my sinuses using hydrogen peroxide, although im not sure how diluted i should make the solution.....i dont want my sinuses to burn! has anyone done this before?......
I use hydrogen peroxide in my nasal irrigation and I haven’t had a cold in about 2 years now. Not sure if it’s a coincidence but I’ll continue using it nonetheless. I mix about 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) of 2% hydrogen peroxide in about 8 ounces (240 ml) of water. I haven't had any burning with this amount but you could experiment with it to see what works best for you. Hope this helps.
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