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color of papillae

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Posts: 53
Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:33 am

color of papillae

Post by unsungzero7 »

hey guys, im trying to figure out if my white tongue is the same as the way you describe yours or if its different. For me, it is not so much a coating as it is that my papillae are whitish in color. You can only see this whiteness when looking extremely close in a mirror but it is there nonetheless(regardless of tongue scraping, cleaning etc) Is this bad or normal? A white "coating" is just not the right word to describe my tongue, its not like some gunk that i can just scrape off, but it might be nothing. Thanks guys.

Posts: 53
Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:33 am

Post by unsungzero7 »

i think it has something to do with mouth breathing, does anyone else have this?
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