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Diet and DIM supplements

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Diet and DIM supplements

Post by seanlee1980 »

Guys, inspired by a healthy diet and HopefulOne's cure I have been on a good diet for a week and have taken DIM supplements which is supposed to be good for estrogen metabolism. My breath feels fresh now. It's early but I know when I feel a good change and wanted to share. I have been eating gluten free food but with more restrictions. It is not hard as I thought it would be. I don't eat red meat, no fish, no dairy. Ive been eating lot of salad and the carbs I get is from brown rice. I drink celery, kiwi, red onion, tomato, lemon juice every morning. It gives me more energy. I eat salad most of the time during lunch...sometimes gluten free sandwich. Dinner I eat chicken, random veggies and brown rice. Ijudt added DIM supplements and noticed a great improvement. I'm not sure if it's diet or DIM alone ot both, but I must say I feel better all around as well as fresh breath.

BTW, I am a male and have been afflicted by bb for 20 years. I am not saying this is a cure. It's been less than 2 days of noticing a "huge" difference in breath.

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Post by Archimonde »


In the name of science, please go back to your old diet but keep taking DIM supplements.

You're awesome for having the guts to test hormone supplements. I think they make bras for men, just in case you grow bitch tits.
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Post by hopefulguy »

Hey SeanLee,

How many MG's of DIM are you taking each day?
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Post by hoping »

I just read info. about DIM. It helps to digest estrogen in order to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body. It won't enlarge the size of breasts. Men and women can take it.

Seanlee1980, please update us on your progress. Thanks for sharing.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I am taking DIM plus from Natures Way. You can get it at Vitamin Shoppe. I take 2 capsules twice per day. 2 capsules contain 100mg DIM. Also, 2 capsules contain 100 Mg of Protectamins which is spinach powder, cabbage powder and broccoli powder. This is the recommended dossage for men. Women take half the dossage of men. Also fyi, don't take DHEA if you arr thinking about it. It just made me break out.

Also don't get your hopes up. I have taken serotonin and it helped for a few days but the effects wore off. I am bracing myself for the worst but at least I am getting clues about what is actually causing my problem. Wish you guys luck.

Note right now I do not have the yucky taste in my mouth. It feels fresh and I just woke up. I ate lot of red meat last night but it was unflavored. I will update everyday. Good luck to you guys who are gonna try. I have no side effects by the way so far.
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Post by Tibya »

Did the doctors suggest you this dosage, or you are voluntarily taking it on your own?

Is there a way to test estrogen levels?

Please keep us posted.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I also want to note I drank coffee and smoked a cigarette last night so I suspect it's the DIM that is helping more than diet.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

@Tibya, no doctors suggested it. I got the idea from hopefulones post about her removing her ovaries and uterus which cured her. That made me think my problem was hormone related. Quite a few here have stated change in breath relating to taking contraceptives, being that time if month, hormone related issues. Some mentioned antidepressants helped which I believe effects hormones.
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Post by Tibya »

Since I developed this during my pregnancies and , I notice that bb is more during that period of the month. I also feel gum sensitivity during this time and I take extra care. But I also have bb on other days as well. Its like 24/7 , 365 days/year. I will check this with my doctor. Hopefully she will be more cooperative this time as I plan to be more direct with her this time.
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Post by HopefulOne »

Hi Sean,

I haven't posted in awhile because I've still been recuperating from my surgery. But what a coincidence, I actually ordered DIM supplements about five hours ago. About four weeks after my surgery I hit a serious crash with my hormones. I became extremely moody, irritable, and the hot flashes and night sweats were unbearable. I started taking a menopausal supplement with Black Cohosh and Vit B's. My mood improved but the hot flashes were relentless plus I could NOT sleep at night. My doctor put me on a bioidentical estrogen patch which is kinda working but now I'm getting a fat belly. I also started using a natural testosterone cream for my decreased libido (it's working). But unfortunately my bad breath has returned about 30%. I am so pissed. I KNOW it's the hormones but now I have to play around to achieve some type of balance. I can't go without using anything because my fiancee would probably leave me and I won't have any friends. I hope the DIM helps even out the hormone imbalance.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

@HopefulOne, I was really hoping your cure was permanent. I am a bit skeptical now about DIM, although it is helping right now. This seems to be a complex problem of controlling or maintaining a precise hormone balance.

I have been on a junk diet for past 36 hours and I have fresh breath. I dont think its long enough to say DIM is effective in my treatment of bad breath. I need to continue with the bad diet a bit longer and then stop taking DIM to see if the bad breath comes back.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I'm still doing great with the DIM supplements. I have been on a pretty bad diet for the last few days also. The best part is I have no side effects and I feel happier. It's only been a week, but I feel more optimistic. And, at least I have found the root of my problem and and I know I need to go see an endocrinologist for help.

Off topic, I feel less motivated with work and more willing to "play" or socialize. I have been working non-stop on a venture and now that I feel better, my priorities seem to be changing. It makes me wonder what my life would have been without this silent disorder. If it is destiny or if there was a "purpose" for me having bad breath for most of my life, I feel like it's not the right time for me to be cured. For me, having bad breath made me adapt to a different way of survival. I believe I have worked harder than my peers to excel in no bull-shit skills that actually translates to something that can be utilized. If I didn't have bad breath, I think I would have been lazy and more willing to talk my way out of problems instead of actually solving problems. I'm sure many of you can relate.

Now if I am cured, do I continue to work hard until my venture (my passion) is a success while having no social life or do I just drop my venture and begin a social life that have been non-existent all my life? I always thought my destiny was to create something meaningful for the world and my disorder was a motivation I used to fire myself up, but now I am confused what my purpose in life is. I feel carefree. I just want to live if you know what I mean.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I am talking way ahead of myself and probably have jinxed myself.
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Post by mike987 »

seanlee1980 wrote:
Now if I am cured, do I continue to work hard until my venture (my passion) is a success while having no social life or do I just drop my venture and begin a social life that have been non-existent all my life? I always thought my destiny was to create something meaningful for the world and my disorder was a motivation I used to fire myself up, but now I am confused what my purpose in life is. I feel carefree. I just want to live if you know what I mean.
By all means, please live!

By simply living, and seeking out your immediate desires, you'll do everything you want to do and more. Don't be afraid of throwing away your previous long term goals.. You're so excited to just enjoy your life, I would be upset if you didn't make that your first priority. You won' abandon long term goals completely. For now, just live my friend!

BTW, I haven't been paying much attention to this thread... seanlee, what kind of breath would you say you have? Mine seems connected to digestion, smells like farts and shit.. I'd be excited to try these supplements if they indeed work for you...

Don't worry. There's no such thing is jinxing yourself. You're either on the right track or you aren't.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

what is DIM, I never heard about this before?

Does it work?
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