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Reflux > Sinusitis > PND > Bad Breath

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Reflux > Sinusitis > PND > Bad Breath

Post by George80 »

Does someone here have experience with GERD, LPR etc. and post nasal drip / sinusitis?

I'd like to know how to treat this. I heard you have to take Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) for up to 3 months to improve the situation or even heal it. I take 20 mg twice in the morning.

Some doctors on the internet say that even a Esophagogastroduodenoscopy doesn't show significant sources for GERD or LPR that is related with PND.

Still I think the PND comes from the stomache, also because the stomache lies on the left side and all my trouble is only on this side, right side is perfect.

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Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:00 pm

Post by StayStrong »

Hi George,

the PND in the case of reflux is due to the stomach acid irritating mucousal membranes - the membrane responds to the acid by producing more than normal amounts of protective mucous, which is experienced as a PND.

as for the left side theory.....would i be right in suggesting that you sleep on your left side? if that is the case and you do have reflux then the acid will accumulate on the left side while you sleep affecting it more. do you get Eustachian drainage problems?

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Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:28 pm

Post by George80 »

Hi StayStrong,
would i be right in suggesting that you sleep on your left side?
That is not the case, I sleep on my tummy. I'm not quite sure, how I hold my head, whether to the right or left, but I think it changes through the night. And I have the mucus problem all day, not really excessively in the morning.
I passed week 1 one with the PPI medication and didn't drink any coffee for a whole week, puh. I used to have acid reflux from time to time, but not at the moment. Still the PND is the same. I guess it's not reflux, but I will stay on medication for at least 4 weeks.
do you get Eustachian drainage problems?
I'm not sure what you mean. I have to adjust the pressure on my ears from time to time, more than other people and I produce a lot of ear wax.
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