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Tooth decay under fillings

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Tooth decay under fillings

Post by plumbum »

After 5 dentists I finally know what's causing my bb. Tooth decay under my fillings. Every dentist I went to couldn't figure out the reason. I resently went to my 6th dentist and she told me I had to have my fillings replaced and 2 crowns because the fillings were so large. After all this running around u would thing atleast on dentist would have said that?

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Post by mtr »

Have you replaced your fillings and noticed the difference in your breath?
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Post by math »

I went through about the same experience. My teeth looked good. A Week or so ago, all of a sudden, one of my teeth started hurting horrifically, with pains reaching my adjacent teeth in combination with one hell of a headache and earache. At first, over the counter painkillers made the pains subside a bit, but the next day nothing could. It was absolutely maddening. Last time I ever had toothache was when I was in second grade.

So the next day I went to a state dentistry hospital or whatever that might be called in your country. They looked around inside my mouth, took x-rays, studied the thing and then some. They said my teeth were in excellent shape. Then they called another one of their dentists, she offered me to go home, wait for 2 days and see how that works out for me, because she couldn't see anything out the ordinary. She even said my fillings looked so pretty she was kinda sorry to remove them. She dug around my mouth again and finally said my gums around the tooth looked inflamed and that I might have had tooth abscess. They referred me to another clinic.

Same story. Mouth cavity search, X-rays. This doc said I had a nerve jammed under my tooth and that he would take care of it. Also said, "if removing your filling will let out a smell we'll be sure it's tooth assess". He started drilling and after a bit some UNBELIEVABLE STENCH filled the whole room. :shock: He even said " Can you smell THAT?!". I have a new filling now and, hopefully, this one will turn out better.
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Post by plumbum »

I had my fillings replaced and new two crowns put in. The odor is still there. I am going to take a TMAU test as soon as Mebo has it available. This is my last option. If this isn't the answer than I'm screwed.
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Post by mtr »


what about candidas? Is a very popular cause of BB around here.
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Post by plumbum »

That could be an issue. My gastroenterologist had some tests done and I had high yeast. I think it came from my urine sample. I've had this bb for years but it has gotten worse. I have to take the TMAU test.
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