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hypothroidism, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorder = bb?

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Post by jen »

HS, thanks a lot. Your question made me think and I did some quick research. It appears that dry mouth and throat is indeed a symptom of hypothyroidism. Maybe I've had it for longer than I think.

One member of the Thyroid Disorders Board, says she uses a mouthwash that the dr usually prescribe for Chemo patients for dry mouth. Ingredients are: antacid, benadryl, cortisone and something for yeast. She says it helps her symptoms a lot. I'm going to see if I can get something like this. I obviously have lots more research to do.

Gymrat, do you also suffer from dry mouth?

Lavender, are you on medication?

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Post by gymrat1 »

Hello jen and HS

Yes I do suffer with a dry mouth although it seems to be more at the back of the tongue and throat rather than my entire mouth. I wake some mornings with a very dry, sore throat that tends to disappear within an hour or so. I do have a saliva flow but obviously not enough to stop the dry, thirsty feeling at the back of my throat so I compensate by drinking lots of water throughout the day. When I took candidas medication I had so much saliva flow I thought I was going to drown in it :) but unfortunately the extra saliva or the medication did not help my bb.
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Post by halitosisux »

Jen and gymrat, yes, the reason I asked this question is because I know that one of the symptoms of thyroid problems is a dry mouth. Whenever I'm asked for advice about BB I always say how important it is to to get as many tests done as possible to rule such possibilities out. Hope this leads to something for you both.
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Post by Archimonde »

halitosisux wrote: I know that one of the symptoms of thyroid problems is a dry mouth.
Don't the vast majority of BB sufferers have dry mouth as well? I've rarely heard of people on this forum saying they have good saliva flow but that might be selective memory on my part.
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Post by halitosisux »

Yes it appears that the vast majority of BB sufferers do suffer with dry mouth. But, this may also be due to having the sensation of mouth dryness because of various factors like thicker than normal tongue coating. It's the same thing with PND. Lots of people with BB say they have PND, but I wonder how many cases actually are true PND or just the sensations which make people believe they have PND because of what's generally going on at the back of the tongue and the use of various measures against BB which may be irritating the mucous membranes of the throat and producing more than normal amounts of mucus.

If a person has a problem with low saliva it doesn't matter how much water they drink, the low saliva problem will still be there.

So basically, my point is, dry mouth may not just be a general symptom of BB, but it might also be due to a chronic underlying medical condition which needs to be ruled out if other symptoms relating to that medical condition are also present - as appears to be the case for Jen and gymrat.
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Post by solider »

gymrat can u please post a link to where u purchase your thyroid meds online. I would love to try this out it seems promising to me because I suffer from many of your symptoms as well...
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Post by gymrat1 »

Hi soldier

Sorry for the delay. I've pm'd you the web address.

Just a word of caution, please do loads of research before taking these meds. I spent months gathering information before I picked up the courage to order them.

Good luck !!
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Post by Archimonde »

I was not able to find any thyroid med locally, i will have to order online.

Gymrat, are you back on the med yet?

I found this the most interesting:
gymrat1 wrote: I did not expect the treatment to have any affect on my bad breath but after a few days of taking the medication I was surprised that my bb started to subside. It was the first symptom to be affected by the treatment.
For anyone who missed it, Gymrat1 took: "Nature-Thyroid ¼ grain (16.25 mg) made by RLC LABS". Read her posts.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

HORMONAL BALANCE and HYPOTHYROIDISM: Books on candidiasis have always stressed the connection between yeast overgrowth and endocrine dysfunction. Here is a quote from Smart Health Online:

"I have found that the candida produces toxins which seem to thrive on hormones produced by the endocrine system. The first of which seems to be the adrenal glands, this will affect the person's ability to feel energized, [cause the person to] feel hot or cold temperatures very easily, possibly sweat more than usual, heart palpitations, low sugar levels etc. Then moving on to the thyroid gland, affecting the body's metabolic rate. Serotonin levels (controls mood and levels of consciousness) are affected leaving the person to feel 'spaced out'. I have known patients who have tested for candida and hormone imbalances, have then seen their doctor and had a blood test for say an underactive thyroid and nothing shows on the blood test. Yet the thyroxine does not seem to be getting into the body. Other hormones are also involved."

Some researchers believe that candida in the tissue somehow affects the ability of the body to respond normally to hormones. Dr. Orion Truss, M.D. states "When tests are done on estrogen levels, thyroid levels, or other hormone levels and people are suffering from these symptoms [candida overgrowth], the hormones are there in the bloodstream, but they are not activating any response." Dr. Truss surmises that toxins produced by candida somehow inhibit the tissues from responding normally to hormones. It may also directly affect the functioning of the glands themselves.

This could explain why candida causes immune dysfunction. If candida toxins are affecting the thymus gland, it can no longer produce enough T-cells, thus severely depressing the immune system.

Let's return for a moment to thyroid function, since this is a growing concern among health conscious people today. Most doctors fail, in our opinion, to realize the extreme prevalence of hypothyroid conditions. However, experts such as Dr. E. Chester Ridgway, the University of Colorado's chief endocrinologist, believe that as many as 70% of Americans are now hypothyroid. How could this be? We have pointed out several factors which could contribute to this epidemic, such as the use of fluoride and chlorine, both of which suppress thyroid function. However, we have recently come to suspect that "the yeast beast" plays a leading role in hypothyroidism. Cold hands and feet, for example, are a common symptom of candidiasis, yet on a blood test the person will have a perfectly normal thyroid level. Further examination will show that the patient has a wide array of hypothyroid symptoms. Thyroid tests may be normal, but thyroid function, therefore is clearly not.

Dr. Michael McNett, from the Paragon Clinic (a Chicago multidisciplinary clinic specializing in treating fibromyalgia and muscular pain) believes that hypothyroidism is strongly linked to "candida hypersensitivity." In other words, "Something causes their immune system to aggressively attack candida cells that most of us tolerate." Dr. McNett states that: "One thing that is very interesting is that treatment for candida hypersensitivity frequently causes all hypothyroid symptoms to disappear. Because of this, I feel that when the immune system attacks the candida cell, some chemical must be released that interferes with thyroid hormone's ability to cause its effect in the cell." Dr. McNett adds that in turn, hypothyroidism contributes to and may even cause fibromyalgia as well as some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome.

James Haszinger, a brilliant researcher from World Health Mall, has a different slant on the candida/thyroid situation. It is his belief that the thyroid gland will function properly if it has adequate nutrients. "The thyroid gland never gets tired or quits working. It creates hormones as long as it has the building blocks." We are inclined to believe that this is true, given the enormous success of Thyodine, which is no more than a highly synergistic package of nutrients needed by the thyroid gland. According to Haszinger, candida overgrowth in the intestines severely affects absorption, thus starving the thyroid gland of minerals and other essential nutrients. He states that when candidiasis is properly treated, thyroid function rebounds. People's energy comes back, they often lose weight, and health can now be rebuilt. He also believes that candidiasis lies at the root of blood sugar problems, which ties in to our earlier discussion of diabetes. Hypoglycemia is probably implicated as well.

I was a member on this site prev and decided to come back. I'm not a candida pusher but I think it is really worth looking into. Alot of us think hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, serotonin etc are the reason for bb because we may have experienced mild relief from treating the symptom not the problem. Truth is CANDIDA should be looked at more closely. We all have tried things that are anti-fungal that did not work at all (including myself) so we scratched it off the list. But candida is tricky and especially for alot of us with long standing candida it has had a chance to mutate making it very difficult to treat. I've read the key is to constantly routate between antifungals within a couple weeks of each other to keep the candida from growing susceptible and immune to the treatments. Honestly, I don't have the answer I'm in a battle right now trying to fight this.
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Post by Archimonde »

Shit4Breath wrote:Alot of us think hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, serotonin etc are the reason for bb because we may have experienced mild relief from treating the symptom not the problem. Truth is CANDIDA should be looked at more closely.
Candida or Thyroid\hormone problems. Chicken or the egg dilemma, isn't it?

Many of us on this forum developed BB around the age of 11 to 13 years old, right? That is a very big clue.

Let's assume that candida is the root cause, don't you think it's strange that so many of us randomly got candida around that age? That seems extremely unlikely and too coincidental.

On the other hand, everyone experiences serious hormonal changes around that age which leads me to believe that hormone imbalance is the more likely root cause of candida and/or BB. I'm just guessing here. Thoughts, anyone?
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Post by Shit4Breath »

Thanks Arch, You have a good point as to whether or not it's the hormones causing candida or candida causing hormone malfunctions. Here is just a theory for candida causing hormonal dysfunction....I believe I had candida at an early age because I developed sudden (i mean extremely sudden) food allergies and seasonal allergies. I remember we found out because in my 1st grade class my eye had swollen up double in size....I went to the doctors and sure enough I had allergies....and I didn't get my period until around late 5th grade. Could it be that we had candida before puberty and at that time our immune system didn't have as much of a tax burden....but then when hormones started to be released around the big "P" it caused a burden on our liver/immune system allowing the candida to spread even more rampedly throughout the body trying to handle these new hormonal changes and such. Could these changes have caused them to mutate and become systematic? This is just a haphazard theory I honestly don't know what I'm talking about but it seems extremely plausible. I can tell you I know for sure my seasonal allergies I get around early spring lasting between March and April were not a problem for me at all this year....I got on the Luferunon bandwagon like everyone else and although it didn't cure my bb it did clean my coated tongue and caused me relief from ALL my allergy symptoms. I usually have the itchy watery eyes and throat, runny congested nose, sneezing, coughing, etc but I diidn't experience none of that this year without having to take a single antihistamine which makes your bb even worse bc it dries your mouth, yuck! So anyway since I've found out candida was the issue for my long standing pollen allergies, i also believe it is the cause of my bb. I think I removed enough of it with the first cycle of luferunon just to scratch the surface but I think I have a ways to go for it to cure my bb. Sighs
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Post by Shit4Breath »


how are things going with your second round of nature-throid? I recieved mine yesterday I ordered the 1/2 grain 32.5mg which has 4.5mcg t3 and 19mcg t4. I have no idea how many i should take but I took two yesterday and one this morning and I have been using the bathroom constantly all day. I noticed a large chunk in the toilet but it flushed to quickly before I could see what it was. Then when I used the bathroom again another chunk but smaller....i picked it up and it was pale and smooth almost grape looking on the outside but when I squeezed it between toilet tissue it was powdery and white on the inside. I have no idea what those things were but after using the bathroom constantly like that I felt energized immediately like a whole bunch of toxins had left my body. My mouth feels fresher as well not sure if there's a change in my bb or not but today is only day 2 on the thyroid meds and all this is happening I can't wait to continue.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

Well I've found out through google these strange waxy like balls in my stool are casein curds. Casein is in dairy which I believe I'm intolerant to because I get a bubbly stomach or the runs when drinking any. I'm wondering if these curds are just collecting in my digestive system and if they have anything to do with my bb.
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Post by gymrat1 »

Hello Archimonde and S4B

Yes, I'm on my 6th day of the Nature-throid tabs, and 'boy' 4 of those days were horrendous. The smell was coming from every orifice!! I started with 1.5 grains and on the first day my whole body smelled bad. It reminded me of the smell I had during my early teenage years a mixture of fish and pooh. The really bad body smell disappeared after 4 days and the bb smell is now slightly better than it normally is. I kick myself for running out of these tabs in the first place and having to start again. But, perhaps given the intense smell the second time round it is an indication that, in my case, the problem is hormonal.

S4B, i'm really pleased you have noticed a change in your bb. I had the same reactions as you the first time I took the tablets. I had plenty of bowel movements that were unusually lumpy and I thought at the time they felt like small stones but I didn't investigate :) I was wondering if they were cholesterol gallstones but as I don't know what they looked like or consisted of I can't do a comparison - maybe next time :lol:

S4B, it's not a good idea to take too many of these tablets at the beginning. Have a look at this web page, it may help you to decide on the amount of hormone to start of with: ... ents-make/

I'll be back again with another update. Please let me know how you all get on.
By the way, the reactions I got from people over the 4 days that I smelled really bad were hilarious - sometimes I just don't give a s##t :twisted:
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Post by seanlee1980 »

Thank you gymrat. Your post is making it a bit clear for me why some of the things I tried have worked. I have tried serotonin supplements (St. Johns Wort) and DIM supplements which helped significantly to reduce my bad breath in the beginning but the effects wore off gradually. Stress and excess estrogen causes thryoid problems so it makes sense that the things I mentioned have helped. DIM supplements helps estrogen metabolism. Serotonin supplements helped relieve my stress I suppose. As stated on the first post of this thread, stress and excess estrogen can reduce thyroid functioning which in turn weakens the immune system and then some of us are not able to fight off the bad bacteria or candida.

I have not taken any thryoid medication yet, but honestly I am afraid it'll be temporarily relief again. I feel as if my body would become resistant to the supplemental thryoid hormones. This is some complex puzzle. It just doesn't sound that easy.
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