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"WISDOM" teeth

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by Snobuni »

I've got a question if anyone can help. I went the dentist recently for x-rays she said my wisdom teeth were fully errupted through the gum and sitting straight.

What I want to know (and I should have asked her at the time) is this. When I was a kid, 11 or 12, I had two back top and bottom teeth removed because my jaw was overcrowded. I now have empty sockets in my top jaw and filled in gum in my bottom jaw. So what I'm wondering is, how can the back teeth I have now be wisdom teeth 'cos wouldn't they have been where the empty sockets are, as they were the very back teeth I had.

The other thing is, when I suck on the two top teeth there's a bit of a bad taste in that area, but when I rub or floss around these teeth they don't smell bad at all. I'd say that these teeth are probably about 50 percent through the gum and the gum is tight around these teeth, no flaps or pockets. Could it be that my tongue is pushing the saliva around these teeth when I swallow, so I'm mistaking the taste from my tongue for a taste from my teeth?

I've got an ENT appointment tomorrow. I'm going to ask about teeth invading sinuses, smelly mucous and adenoids, but, to be honest, I know that he won't find anything. After this I'm going to give the antibiotics a go, and if that doesn't work maybe I should consider getting these top teeth removed, but they seem healthy, I'm so confused... :(

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Post by halitosisux »

Hey Snobuni,
I think i understand what you mean regarding the positioning of your wisdom teeth. Do you mean that you'd expected your wisdom teeth to have come out roughly in the space created where those other teeth were extracted? (which is what you'd expect when teeth are removed to make room, so that they use up the space created) I think i know what you are saying, but not the actual point you are trying to make.
I had my upper wisdoms extracted 16 years ago (age 23), the space that was left has been completely taken over my the rest of my teeth. It does seem strange that you still have such an empty space having had those teeth out so young.
Snobuni, do you get any odours if you squeeze the gum around these 50% erupted teeth? Have you ever tried poking anything in there to see how far into the gum it can go? 50% eruption to me sounds impossible not to have some excess gum which is unable to adhere to the enamel which must be buried in that gum somewhere.
Also, if they are upper wisdom teeth and only halfway erupted, that gives much higher probability of sinus invasion.
Looking at upper teeth is difficult without a dental mirror, maybe from certain angles the gums look nice and tight, but could be hiding areas where they are not.

Good luck with your appointment!!
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Post by Snobuni »

Hey Halitosisux,

Sorry I'm not making myself very clear, but yeah, you seem to have hit the nail on the head when you said, 'Do you mean that you'd expected your wisdom teeth to have come out roughly in the space created where those other teeth were extracted?' I suppose what I'm asking is are these teeth my wisdom teeth then (I suppose they must be if the dentist said they are). It's just that everybody else here describes their wisdom teeth as being at the very far back of their jaw, and that they're really hard to get to. Mine aren't hard to get to at all, they're fairly easy to clean and floss. I've tried rubbing, squeezing and trying to get floss up the gum but it's really tight against the tooth. I've looked at them with a small mirror too and can't see anything that could be causing a problem, except, as I said, they're probably only about 50 percent errupted.

It seems unlikely that these teeth are the causes of my bb but I can't understand the bad taste I get from this area. I've tried swabbing my gum sockets with a cotton bud and there's no smell coming from there. When I scrape my tongue and smell that, it smels exactly like my bb, but when I swab around my teeth and gums it smells of nothing. There must be something that is effecting my tongue and it must be coming from somewhere!!! God I just feel like getting all my teeth pulled, I hate all this guessing and searching for the source. ](*,)

I'll post if something interesting turns up at my appointment tomorrow. :)
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Post by halitosisux »

Hey, good luck tomorrow.
Fingers crossed that your ENT will see something that your dentist failed to notice.
On the subject of your previous posting, i think by the sound of it that those teeth are definitely your wisdom teeth but because of the other extractions when you were 11/12 years old they grew further towards the front of your mouth.
Those teeth which were extracted at that age also cant have been your wisdom teeth because i dont think they are even formed yet.
The bad tastes you get from there could be due to stagnation and the fact that other parts of your oral cavity are odourous and these compounds end up stagnating in that area.
Dont leave tomorrow until you are given an explanation why your mucus smells bad, or at least an agreement to investigate the reasons.
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Post by hello »

hey halitosisux how is it going...r u stil bb free after ur wisdom tooth extraction?
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi, yes BB free since the moment that tooth came out. Some strange tastes for a while after but that soon settled down.
How are you doing? i've lost track of what your postings, so i'll have to look back, hope you are getting somewhere.
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Post by hello »

right now im looking into potassium deficiency, relating to acidosis and etc...have ordered potassium bicarbonate both in pill and and powder form...will test it to see the results...i missed my appointment for wisdom tooth extraction, and have booked it for next month. depending on my results from potassium bicarbonate ill decide if i wanna get my wisdom tooth out, though i have to admit when i try to rub in tht area i dont seem to smell much. im still willing to get it out after first consulting with the doc...cuz im desperate and its only one tooth.
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Post by aues »

Have you had an x-ray done prior surgery? (i just read about the xray that was taken 15 years ago)
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Post by halitosisux »

aues, I have just read back through a few posts and can't figure out who the question is for. Could you please elaborate on your question and if it relates to me I will gladly try to answer you.
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Post by aues »

halitosisux wrote:aues, I have just read back through a few posts and can't figure out who the question is for. Could you please elaborate on your question and if it relates to me I will gladly try to answer you.
Sorry, should have written it clearer.

The question is targeted to you.
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Post by halitosisux »

I definitely had an x-ray when I was about 23 years old, and it clearly showed both my impacted lower wisdom teeth, but I can't remember with total certainty whether I had an x-ray just prior to having my tooth pulled. The tooth giving me the problems was not badly impacted, it was just very far back along my jaw, half-sunken into the wall of tissue at the back where the pivot of the jaw sits. I still have another bottom wisdom which is horizontally impacted and completely below the gum still, except for a tiny hole in the thin layer of gum that covers it. I plan to have this tooth out as soon as my circumstances allow me to.

I'm quite sure this remaining tooth is releasing a small amount of discharge because when I rub the gum around the area hard enough, it makes my finger smell skanky.
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Post by Source »

Hey Halitosisux,

Are you still halitosis/bad breath free?

I have been having such a hard time trying to find the source[s] of my bad breath. There are so many things that can be causing this debilitating curse. I am a very social and outgoing person, but ever since I became aware of my BB (and finally started to give a damn), I feel like I have become imprisoned by this curse. I yearn for the day when I can have a face-to-face conversation with people, especially MY FIANCEE, and not have to worry about my terrible breath.

I've had BB since I was 11 or 12. I am now 23. Ever since then, I've tried a variety of things. Everything has failed me. Despite how much I brush my teeth and what magical concoctions I try, my bad breath ALWAYS comes back. When I just brush my teeth and use mouthwash, I can feel that the mouthwash is only masking the true demon underneath it.

Anyways, when I found this site recently and just now read through this whole post, I'm curious to see if wisdom teeth might be my doom as well.

My tongue always smells the worst. When I brush my tongue, the mixture of the toothpaste foam and whatever comes off my tongue has a slight yellowish color to it. I don't know if that's just food or the yellow color has any significance to it?

Also, I just licked the back of my hand with the tip of my tongue, making sure I got plenty of saliva on the back of my hand. I sniffed it right away, 30 seconds later, and multiple times minutes later - I am pretty sure it does not smell like anything bad, like my BB.

When I brush my teeth, I can feel that my mouth would be clean and BB free - save for this feeling that somewhere deep in my mouth or perhaps my throat, something significant is giving off this horrible stench that is my BB.

Halitosisux and anyone else, if you kind people help me figure out the source of my bad breath, not only will I forever be in your debt, but I will reward you monetarily and donate to the this website for sure.

I am in my last leg of desperation. My wedding is in the summer of 2013 and I am HOPING to be BB-free by then. I would hate to offend people with my BB on my wedding night. I am so desperate!
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi, yes I went from having been reliably told that my breath was so bad to go and get help for it at around the age of 15, bullied about my breath since as far back as I can remember, and ever since I had one of my stench producing wisdom teeth removed been told that my breath does not smell anymore, all by the same person.

My mouth went from being on a constant slippery slope towards sewage, no matter what I tried to do, just like you've described. After I had this tooth out, this tendency towards my mouth becoming sewage completely stopped. That's how I know for myself that something significant really did happen.

My remaining wisdom tooth might still be causing some slight BB, but NOTHING like the skank factory my other tooth was. This remaining horizontally impacted tooth is going to be a hospital job, but because of my circumstances right now, I've had to put this off for for the time being.

As far as I know, coloured tongue coatings are usually due to staining from things like tea and coloured drinks. But it can also be caused by bacterial pigments - the same bacterial pigments that apparently turn mucus yellow or green, or make the tongue go black.

Please give more details if you can, about the things you've ruled out, like helicobacter pylori, and any other symptoms you have, like tonsil stones, whether you have nasal odour, and any issues you have with your teeth and whether you dentist has had anything to say regarding your teeth/wisdoms. Does anyone tell you that you have bad breath? Halitophobia is a very real situation that occurs in people who are just as convinced as anyone else can be about their breath smelling bad. It's when a person feels completely convinced that their breath must smell bad (because of bad tastes and slight whiffs of the concentration of odour which naturally occurs literally right under their noses) yet their actual breath they breathe out does not smell bad to others. This is very important to consider - and if you can get a trusted person to be honest and tell you that your breath smells, then at least you know it's real, and can rely on their feedback in the future if you need it.

If you have the money to spare for donating then please send it to Jimi who pays to keep this site running. Good luck in your quest to be cured in time for your wedding!
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Post by Itwillend »

So, first post. I've read some threads on this forum and I just wanted to make an input here.

I noticed that after I removed my third wisdom teeth my breath was in fact... PERFECT! Naturally I had to wait for 2-3 weeks after the removal to check this, just because I wasn't ready to brush in that area. :D

And once I did clear the area with a toothbrush and some floss I realised that I had a sweet/neutral taste in my mouth. I was so happy I tested it out on my mother, and she said she didn't smell anything. And she even told me she has a very keen smell sense.

So after another 2 weeks I still felt great, but suddenly started to feel alittle sour taste in my mouth. That's when I realised that the last wisdom tooth, the fourth, had erupted. And thus the cycle began again.

Now I'm waiting for it to grow some more, 2 months since it erupted, because the doc didn't want to do surgery. Since then I've tested salt/baking soda and nothing has worked...
But this one thing, cleaning my plaque throughly in my mouth with a small mirror (I have some permanent plaque in the front). This did wonders for awhile until I started licking the opening in my wisdom tooth with my tounge, then I got a foul smell in my mouth again. :?

Anywho, my hope is do removal the last of my wisdom tooth. I've my hopes up so high because my breath have actully improved since the last surgery and now isn't as bad.
Has someone else the same story as me and hilatosisux?
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Post by aues »

Itwillend wrote:Anywho, my hope is do removal the last of my wisdom tooth. I've my hopes up so high because my breath have actully improved since the last surgery and now isn't as bad.
Has someone else the same story as me and hilatosisux?
Thanks for letting us know.
It would be great if you could upload xrays of your teeth prior and after wisdom teeth removal.
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