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Anti Reflux Surgery

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Anti Reflux Surgery

Post by stulla »

Has anyone here ever done anti-reflux surgery or had hiatus hernia repair? If so did it help or cure your bb and reflux?

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Post by thissux »

Hi Stulla - I would consider it. There are a few types. I have LPR reflux. I have talked with a guy on another site (MDJunction) that had it done. No more reflux, but he says he still has bb. His does not sound room filling like mine, more close up. I asked him if he tried anything else beyond that to help. He said his partners were reluctant to kiss him intimately. For me, people across the room cover their nose so we are in two different categories. Have you reviewed the newer surgeries? Esophyx and one other where a magnetic ring is wraped around? I do not have a job now, nor insurance and am trying for disability due to my depression which is clinical at this point. What are your symptoms and how bad is your breath? Best, thissux
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Post by stulla »

@thissux. Well I have a moderate hiatus hernia which causes reflux all the way to my nostrils. Most mornings I wake up with my right nostril plugged and a burning sensation. I have tried meds(Prilosec, Nexuim, Reglan) and they dont work so now I am looking at this as an option (inculding the latest types). I plan to start school in January and I am trying to get rid of this problem before then. Unfortunately I also am a room filler and given the fact I started working out again it has gotten worst which I beleive is due to the reflux. I also am depressed but I try to push on everyday and try to find answers with this being the latest. You should hang in there and I wish you the best with the disability. Never give up my friend and stay positive even though at times its so hard to.
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Post by HigherThoughts »

I have acid reflux but I do not know if that is the cause of my nasal odor. I haven't gotten tested to see what the cause of it is. Before I got my chronic bb/ nasal odor problem I do remember I used to get type 1 bad breath on occasion where I taste it in the back of my throat. I believe that was caused by my acid reflux. Possibly surgery might help, but there is also the possibility that there is another cause of the smell. Did you also get tested for h. pylori?

I am in the same boat as thissux. I have the bad nasal odor and people always cover up their nose or make a face from quite a distance away. I also don't have health insurance, or a job. I work with my dad, but he doesn't have money so he can't really pay me and I feel bad asking for money for doctor visits. Especially since my parents deny my problem even exists.
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Post by stulla »

@HigherThoughts Based on what I have been reading, reflux could well be the cause for our problem.I have also seen where the acid can cause sinusitus which could be the cause for nasal odors. Have you ever tried over the counter meds like prilosec to help with the reflux? In 2009 I got an endoscopy and they found H Pylori. I was put on a triple treatment and got tested three times after with all tests coming backing negative.

Nasal odor sucks, cant go anywhere without getting a reaction.
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Post by HigherThoughts »

@stulla - Yes I tried omeprazole, but I didn't take it the way I was supposed to because I got paranoid. For the first few days I was following the doctors instructions and took it 2x per day before each meal. Then I read omeprazoles side effects can also cause candida overgrowth. I was also prescribed fluconazole at the time for it and was taking that too. I thought that my yeast overgrowth was the main problem and that was causing my bad odor so I stopped the omeprazole. Then I took it on and off.

When I first started omeprazole the acid reflux went away, but I don't know if my nasal odor went away. I think some people had some reactions, but at that time I wasn't paying close attention. Now of course my acid reflux is back, and I don't want to take another proton pump inhibitor. These drugs are designed to make you dependent on them. Once you stop taking them the acid reflux will come back. It is not good to take these drugs for long term.

Maybe it is acid reflux, but my problem literally happened over night. Is it possible that due to high level of body fatigue and stress on the body can cause it to get that bad in 1 night?
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Post by DanielPine »

You guys might have ozena if its coming from your nostrils
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Post by thissux »

Hi everyone.....there is apparently another type of reflux surgery that is is the link: ... omach.html

It is called LINX System and apparently was developed in the US. It sounds more appealing to me than the fundo op.

I also get the acid in my sinus and left ear. That sounds like LPR reflux rather than typical GERD.

I am scared today as I am going into a treatment center tomorrow for one month and have to be around alot of people. I am taking face masks but do not know how well they may help. Perhaps reduce the odor. This is hard to deal with and I am very nervous. I pray every day. I too worked out with weights for twenty years, don't know if I did any damage in my stomach but this room filling breath came on suddenly last year. ENT said LPR reflux but I no longer have a job or insurance. It is very stressful. I think most room fillers and many others have some form of GERD or LPR.
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Post by stulla »

@HigherThoughts There can be a lot of reasons for it to get bad in one night. Last year I got stressed and I drank a whole bottle of liquor, the following morning bb and the taste in my mouth was horrible.This lasted for a about a week.I also realize it gets worse when I am nervous, so what you are asking might be very possible.

@thissux I read up on it it does seem to be better than fundo op. Will see what the doctor says. Lifting weights might have done damage to your stomach, I think thats what caused my problem. Hope one day you will be able to get it checked out. Dont stop praying and keep having faith. When you go to that place bring a book it might help reduce the nervousness. Recently I started saying to my self whats the worst can happen.Stay strong and positive.
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Post by HigherThoughts »

@thissux - That operation sounds interesting. That is quite an expensive operation though. I wonder if most health insurance would cover something like that. What kind of treatment center are you going to? Do you mean you have to live there for 1 month or just go in regularly for 1 month? Anyways good luck with that.

@stulla - Yea its weird how it happened for me in 1 night. Mine has happened about 3 months ago and my smell hasn't gone away since. First I had a bad taste and smell in the back of my throat, but now I can't really taste or smell anything from there. People can smell me when I breathe through my nose. So when I just stand there I can see people start rubbing there nose and have a slight look of disgust on their face.

I think my smell comes from inside my body. So it could be the acid reflux and the weakened muscle that allows the acid to go up my esophagus. I would still need to get an endoscopy to check my insides.
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Post by thissux »

Higher Thoughts - it is a treatment center for co existing disorders. I was in recovery from drinking and I relapsed after a good stint. I am also depressed. I have to stay there for at least 30 days with a roommate and I am very nervous. My bags are packed and I am ready to go but do not want to. Yes, surgery is expensive but I do not think as much as fundo and is now approved in US and I think UK. Insurance may or may not pay for it. I cannot get the reflux to stop coming into my nose, mouth or ear. PPI's helped some, but not enough. Feels like my whole body is open to acid, bile, pepsin and whatever. I will be back I'm sure. Hopefully feeling better. Got to stay positive. All the best to everyone. Wish me luck. Prayers appreciated. Thank you all, thissux.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

usually the reason for reflux is lack of stomach acid, it sounds weird I know, but read Dr mercola site, he is scammer anyway, but some stuff is ok.

Also try hydrochloric acid capsules, they contain stomach acid and you just take them

I saw in the last 2 days that I eat some kind of fruit that I though it was an orange, had aorange peel, but inside it tasted like lemon

So I used that and the acid reflux just went away!

Now I stopped for a day and I can feel that taste coming back! TAste of minor acid, burning, not strong but minor

Also if I travel long time and I dont sleep and lie down, the bad breath seems to improve and my pains in chest kind of decrease

Seems like when you lie down the acid just flows everywhere and reaches your sinuses.

Dont know what to do anymore, really
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Post by noway »

Hello Jimi,
Jimi wrote:usually the reason for reflux is lack of stomach acid
Just you can take PPI (its mechanism is to prevent the production of HCL at all through inhibiting the gastric juice bumps which are cells in the stomach responsible for secreting the suitable amount of digestive acids according to signals from another receptor cells detect the contents of the coming food and its need to acids to be digested like proteins) so, if the PPI stopped your reflux it means that "more acid production = more reflux symptoms" .
Jimi wrote:I saw in the last 2 days that I eat some kind of fruit that I though it was an orange, had aorange peel, but inside it tasted like lemon
So I used that and the acid reflux just went away!
You are right but it is not means that increasing gastric acids leads to decreasing reflux because the HCL is HIGHER in acidity more than orange and lemon (HCL lower ph than lemon and orange) so, when you take high ph acidic juices this raise the very low ph of the HCL and decreases its harmful effects on mucus membranes. so there is some acidic fruit have alkaline effect in our bodies like lemon
let me assume that you have 100 ml of HCL with ph = 1 and you will drink 200 ml of lemon juice with ph = 5.5 then you will have 300 ml of acidic juice in your stomach with total ph = 4 like than [(100ml *1+100ml*5.5+100ml*5.5)/300ml = 4]
I hope you got it!

Jimi wrote:Seems like when you lie down the acid just flows everywhere and reaches your sinuses.
It's not matter if the gastric acids reach to your sinus or not, the harmful effect comes from the sensitivity to acid's smell (the steam caused by stomach acids) and yes when you sleep with your head in the level of body it gets the post nasal space in the level of the upper relaxed sphincter of the esophagus and increase the chance of acidic steam direct effect in your sinus tissues!

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Post by thissux »

Jimi - I am back from my treatment and now trying to come off the PPI's. As you mentioned, this could be low stomach acid. I have organic ACV and have ordered HCL capsules. I don't want to damage my stomach, throat or the rest of my digestive system by using these so I am also trying to give them support by taking organic coconut oil, aloe vera juice, slippery elm, honey, coconut milk and 1 Prevacid instead of 2 x 20mgs of Prilosec a day to back off the PPI's. I am also taking Keifer and capsule probiotics. What is you opinion on this Jimi? Could it reduce my bb? I have been on PPI's for one year.
Anyone had any success like this? Help appreciated Jimi!
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Post by grav »

I've had good success using HCL Capsules. I had tried ACV prior to the capsules, and really didn't notice much. I then tried the capsules, in smaller amounts, and didn't get the results that I was looking for. But, I had a gut feeling (no pun intended) that they made me feel better in some way.

Really pay attention to the warm burning sensation you get when you've reached the maximum dose. I never felt it - wasn't taking enough. One day, I threw all caution to the wind and upped the dosage to 6 caps with each meal full meal.

Bing - success. My stomach acid production was so low. A doctor once warned me about mistaking too little for too much stomach acid. She is the one that clued me in on Betaine capsules. She said that once you get hooked on the antacids/meds, it goes downhill from there. Too bad I didn't really figure it all out until many (suffering filled) years later.

Thank goodness I didn't get hooked on meds. I have a friend that is - and I've never seen such a hot mess in all my life. He's always rubbing his tummy, belching, and passing gas - and I think it got much worse when he started taking a few of his friends reflux prescription meds. I did not have the traditional reflux symtoms - so I never got hooked on meds.

I could go on and on about this - because I see so many people using so many things - and many seem to tie into inadequate stomach acid production. I don't think that it is the solution for everyone, obviously.

Watch out for that Keifer if it is milk based.

Good luck friend.
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