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I think I know whats causing my BB

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I think I know whats causing my BB

Post by DanielPine »


I have most of the symptoms that fit these two diseases

- bad breath (of course)
- food getting stuck in throat and esophogus
- feeling of food stopping going down in the esophogus
- gurgling in stomach
- burping
- farting
- pooping quite a bit
- stomach growling
- some acid reflux

I did a lot of research and it can be one of three things: esophogus candida, achalasia or zenkers diverticulum. I dont think I have GERD

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You said you don't have GERD but you mentioned acid reflux in your list (which is GERD) and some more classic symptoms of GERD. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you have Also, it is highly unlikely you have any of the other things you mentioned especially the candida. Don't get me started on that! Candida is the biggest holistic medicine scam of the last 5 years. Babies and AIDS patients get candida, not healthy teenagers.
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Post by potty_mouth »

for years I thought I didn't have GERD (or GORD in Aus/UK), but this year I had an endoscopy which discovered an ulcer in the lower part of my oesophagus. This means I have reflux with acid. Since being on the drugs that cured my ulcer and then coming off them again, I have now come to realise what GORD feels like to me. It has never given me any pain, but I would describe it as like a cool icy blast that you might get in your stomach region after eating a strong mint. i always thought that it was normal, and it didn't seem to last long, but maybe we only feel the first few seconds of it and then get used to it.
Anyway, you need to go to your GI and ask for a referral for a Barium swallow. When you make your appointment, ask them if the X-ray machine is capable of doing 8 frames per second, if they don't know ask to speak to the technicians. The first one I had done I watched the results with my doc and it was just a ridiculous series of three still images which were so far apart you could have missed a lot of stuff. This time they did 8fps at my request and I'll be seeing the results on Monday.
If they are going to charge for having the fanciest machines in the world then get your money's worth! :)
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me too

Post by judielmarc »

me too daniel pine,.. i i think i have the same situation like you,..
because few days later,..within 10 days. i FORCE myslelf to eat fresh fruits and fresh vegetables only,a vegetarian meat,. no fish,. less carbohydrates,.no softdrinks,. no beer, ...only fresh water and fresh tea.... no strong odor foods like,.onion,. and garlic,... because most of them makes our breath stinks and odorful!

and then i notice.. after i leave and eat healthy within 10 days.,..
my breath odor from my tounge in to my teeth are normal,. because that smell is what i smell in to others without BB..and everytime i brush my teeth using a toothpaste it smells good! i smell my fresh breath again after 7 years,.. and that moment also remember my child hood..

but that was not for good,. after a few minutes,. and when i expose to the outside environment,.. there is still a stink,foul,odor in my breath

and i notice.,. its something in my tonsil,.a sticky something.. down there,... where that foul odor came from ,... and im very angry in that particular thing that made my breath very stink and disgusting!!! and made my life lonely and less social,. cant even enjoy my life and leave life to the fullest!!

im asking guys,.. what can i do to cure this?? i notice that it is coming from my throat down there?? please help me,.. i really need this cure BADLY!! >:-(
Posts: 187
Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:22 am
Location: Australia

Post by DanielPine »

I wonder what is causing my bad breath then? Its definitely coming from that region of the stomach. I hope I dont have this forever
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