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Metallic Taste and other Questions

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Metallic Taste and other Questions

Post by semloh »

Hi all, I have several questions. I would appreciate any information anyone has

1) Does a metallic taste in the mouth always signal bb. I have a metallic taste in my mouth pretty much all time, I believe it is from PND. Tried Sinus irrigation but it actually seemed to make the PND and taste worse. Does anyone have any experience with this. I gave up after a couple of days because it didn't seem to do much. Any stories regarding sinus irrigation would be helpful and information. Also, is the rinoflow a helpful machinge?

2) Have tin little white things every now and again from my tonsils. Are these tonsil stones or tonsololiths, or are the two things synonymous. I have read that these do not always mean one has bb, is that accurate. Why is it that many who have tonsils removed, do not end up being cured?

3) Was told by an ENT that my PND was caused by acid reflux and he prescribed prilosec. Has anyone experienced this? Did they acid reflux medication have any effect on bb.

4) What is the most effective way of tackling mucus at the back of the throat. Tongue scraper does not seem to do anything as I can get it as far back as it would need to go.

5) What is oil pulling? From what I read about it online it seems just like a folk remedy. Does anyone actually use it with any success

6) What is the single best product on the market for helping with bb. I have tried Smart Mouth and Therabreath and they really don't seem to do anything.

Any answers to any of these questions would be much appreciated. Really tough living with this problem.

Everyone here is a fighter. While not a true "disease" the social aspects of bad breath are debilitating. Humans are social creatures and a condition that prevents one from building close human connections can have a devastating impact on ones overall health and sense of health.

Stay strong everyone.

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Post by mike987 »

1) When people talk about tastes, it always difficult for me to know what exactly they mean. I have tastes in my mouth, often acid, or sour, but I'm not sure I'd call it metallic. Does the inside of your mouth bleed much? Blood has a distinctly metallic taste.

2) The white things are both of which you described. They're one in the same. I used to think they were coming from below my throat, but after having my tonsils removed, I never ever saw one again. They smelled nasty, but breath is still bad, if not just as bad. I think the crap that collected in the tonsils doesn't collect anymore, but still lathers all over my mouth and throat... It's the only thing that makes sense, unless I really do have multiple breath problems at once.

3) I don't doubt PND is caused by reflux. I often have a very refluxy, acidic taste in my throat.. In the mucus that is ALWAYS back there. I've taken oevr the counter drugs and lots of the weak drugs they prescribe here in Japan, but I can't say I had any real relief in anything.

4) The worst of the mucus isn't on the tongue. It's behind, above, and below the epiglottis because it's dripping from above, and if reflux is responsible, it just needs to irritate the back of the sinuses. I've found the best way to deal with it is to hack and spit. Try to get a back of the throat kind of hack.

5) Oil pulling is "pulling out the toxins" from the shallow blood filled interior of the mouth. I tried it a long time ago. It turns milky white because it has toxins in it.... but that's bullshit. Oil gets cloudy when mixed with anything.
I think the benefit people are seeing is the effect on oil on bacteria in the mouth, and maybe even on mucus. It probably groups bacteria into little oil blobs, and maybe even holds in the odors or prevents the bacteria from feeding, by wrapping them in an oil bubble. I suppose if oil sits on top of mucus, it will also prevent odors from going airborne. This is all just theory.

6) I feel that Closys is a truly effective mouthwash. Tooth pastes with Tea Tree oil seem alright too. Unfortunately I don't think they're doing anything or much for my breath, which I don't think is strictly related to odor releasing bacteria in my mouth. Like you, I have a shit load of PND mucus all the time. I have it in my lungs too. I have to breath deep, cough, and sometimes these tiny more solidified blobs come out. I assume these are relate to breath too.
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