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What could be the root of my bad breath with this dicovery

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What could be the root of my bad breath with this dicovery

Post by DanielPine »

Ok, so when I take digestive probiotics (I take about 5 times the normal dose) and then brush my tongue with hydrogen peroxide the white coat goes down by about 70% and is concentrated at the back of the tongue. It stays like this for a few days. Its as if it ALMOST cures me but doesnt quite. However, the amount reactions I get stay the same. So obviously whether its good or not, the probiotics have a large effect on whatever is causing my breath to stink. What could it be?

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Post by halitosisux »

What happens if you only use the probiotics or only use the hydrogen peroxide? Does it have the same effect?

What happens to the smell on the back of your tongue?
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Post by DanielPine »

If I just take probiotics or just use hydrogen peroxide nothing happens. They have to be together. My theory being the original coat has to be removed by the hydrogen peroxide before the next coat can come, and if ive taken probiotics the next coat is smaller. Its weird. There is definately a difference. Either way my tongue smells like poop
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Post by halitosisux »

Discounting placebo effects, which can be as powerful as any remedy, it may be that your PND relates to some kind of food intolerance (as PND is a known symptom of food intolerance). Have you tried elimination diets? Things like gluten or dairy etc.

It might be that the probiotics have an (temporary) effect on your gut flora and what goes on down there in some way, regarding your digestion and the immune system. That could be enough to cause such changes to your body.

I saw you mention in another thread that your parent's stance means that you haven't yet been tested for h.pylori. But this is really important to rule out, and you can get very cheap reliable DIY kits to check for this yourself.

Also, if you've been using hydrogen peroxide for a while, this can itself lead to furring of the tongue.

Try cleaning your tongue with a scraper, followed by rinsing with chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash, followed by different types of Zinc containing mouthwash or toothpaste to see which one helps you most. If this doesn't help, then the odour might be finding it's way onto your tongue from elsewhere, like your sinuses (or even your saliva through a bloodborne pathway).

Just some general thoughts and ideas there.
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Post by DanielPine »

My PND was caused by large turbinates and a deviated septum. My doc gave me nasal spray for both of them and my PND has gone down significantly. So I believe the issue is in my stomach. Do you think it could be H Pylori?

I am lactose intolerant by the way
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Post by halitosisux »

Maybe that's how the PND gets caused for people with intolerance. Swelling of turbinates and the nasal tissues, etc.

The doctor who won a Nobel prize for proving the link between helicobacter and most cases of stomach ulcers, developed bad breath when he purposely infected himself with it. It disappeared as soon as he eradicated it.

Ever since, there have been stories of people with life-long chronic halitosis being cured after the treatment to eradicate helicobacter. There's even been studies made to try to understand whether it's the treatment itself or the actual eradiation which is responsible.

The manifestations of having helicobacter are probably unique to each person. In some people it may cause no symptoms whatsoever. In others it's even been linked to stomach cancer. For what it takes to find out (about US$10) it's worth finding out.
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Post by Source »

Halitosisux, where can I get a reliable kit to test whether I have H. Pylori or not?

I've always had ingestion issues, but never any sort of reflux/GERD issues. I've also never had stomach ulcers.
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Post by halitosisux »

Search on Amazon/Ebay, they definitely do them on the UK Amazon.
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Post by Source »

Do you think this would be a good reliable one?
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Post by Source »

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Post by halitosisux »

lol.. yes it looks like a standard kit that tests for the antibodies in the blood.
Don't forget that with this type of blood test, a negative result is a highly reliable way of knowing that you don't have the infection, but if you've ever had helicobacter before or you're trying to find out after treatment whether you still have it, then the antibodies remain for months or even years after. So they are only reliable for testing for negative results. If you get a positive then you need to see a doctor, either for further tests or for treatment.
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I think this is very intresting
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