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Do Most Of Us Get Nose Rubs????

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Do Most Of Us Get Nose Rubs????

Post by thissux »

Those are the thing that get me. Whether it is a full on rub, nose smash, finger under the nose rub, a scratch next to the nose and so forth, holding a finger below the nose, you get it. Also, coughing, throat clearing. I believe I have room filling fecal and perhaps rotting meat type BB. People keep telling me I do not have it and I have asked alot. Something would have to really stink I believe for me to start actually rubbing my nose about it.
For those of you here that feel like you have very powerful BB. Are nose rubs a constant? Do all of you get them? How can people even talk to my face if it smells so bad? Still looking for a meet up in Central Florida. I will be 100% honest with you if you will do the same for me.
Could this be candida? I have to try and get a job with this and I usually work in corporate. I have to work. People swear on bible, the lives of their children and loved ones and themselves that I have no problem what so ever. Why won't they or someone just tell me?

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Post by jess »

I get those reactions sometimes and I hear comments once in a while. But not as much as it used to be before.
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Post by thissux »

@Jess - how did you get improvement? Do you have a reflux issue? Is nose rubbing an involuntary reaction to a foul odor? My family and friends are telling me no bad breath, swearing on the lives of their kids etc. etc. I have a bad taste in my mouth and I feel reflux. I also have a shoddy crown that needs to be removed or replaced. Should I go to a new dentist for an honest appraisal of my breath?
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Do you get nose rubs

Post by lula »

Hi, I am working in Florida. I'm in the Deerfield beach area. I would like to meet. Lets exchange info. I need to know and want the truth.
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Post by DanielPine »

You do realise people rub their nose because its itchy, or if there is some mucus in an irritating spot up there right?
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Post by 222chick »

I remember a couple months ago, I was using a water pik to spray my tonsils with in the hopes of cleaning out any nastiness or possible tonsil stones. (not sure if there were any back there.) Anyway that night everyone was rubbing their nose even if they were outside of my usual *safe zone* and that had never happened before So I think it is best if I don't do anything like that to move things around in the back of my throat or tonsil area because it seems to exacerbate it. This includes gargling.
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Nose rubs

Post by lula »


If you want to meet up this weekend. I am game.
There is a difference between a nose rub and someone putting his/her finger under the nose and leaving it there.
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Post by thissux »

Lula - I am game as well. My problem is that due to this problem, I lost my job last year, therefore my condo and car along with it. I live outside Orlando in Oviedo, FL. How far is Deerfield Beach? Just looked, that is South FL and looks like at least a three hour drive. I can't make that trip, if you want to come this way, can come this way or end up driving by here we can meet up. I will tell you the truth and I expect you would do the same as we both know how this is. Let me know if you ever head near Orlando.
So what do you mean there are differences between nose rubs and fingers under the nose (is that like a complete block?). What is with that finger slidding under the nose rub or someone touching or scratching next to their nose?
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Post by lula »

What I mean is that if you notice people. They will rub their nose all day. However, if you have bad breath the finger will stay near the nose. The finger will be over the nose or the index finger will be under the nose.
Anyway, yes I can drive there but I want to meet in a public area. Anyway, how can we exchange information.
Can you give me your email address, then delete it after I have it.
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Post by halitosisux »

I come across people with BB quite often where I work. Some are customers, but there are also staff who work in the company I work for who I've known for years and who always have the same constant BB. They don't know their breath stinks - or they do and are just in denial.

But yet, when they breathe over people, I never see any obvious reactions. People just avoid them if possible. The one thing I can always tell is how people hold their breath when the stench is being breathed over them. They keep their mouth closed and stay still and wait until it's safe to move into clear air. I never see nose rubs or anything like that. Nose rubs might be real for certain people, and may be connected in some way to certain causes of bad breath. But I don't think nose rubs have anything to do with the actual smelling of something bad. It's far more likely to be either paranoia or some allergen which a person releases from their clothing, perhaps because their home contains a lot of house dust or animal dander, which is nothing unusual.

Thissux, you have never replied to anything I've mentioned, but it's ok, you're not the only one. But i'll just mention that I had a family member (divorced now so I don't see him any more) who drank a lot of alcohol. I wouldn't describe him as an alcoholic, but he wasn't far off. Many times he would drink himself into unconsciousness. The next morning the smell in the house was like what i can only describe as a large animal like an elephant had been sleeping in there. Without him drinking this never happened normally, so it only happened when he poisoned his body in this way.

You are very likely to be suffering from the paranoia of halitophobia. Often triggered by a single bad breath event at some point in life, and then every reason to believe you have bad breath remains, whether that be the taste in the mouth, or the colour of the tongue, which was never even noticed until developing the paranoia.

Based on the things you've said from other people who confirm this, I hope someone can eventually manage to convince you of this fact in any meetups you have with BB friends.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thissux »

Lula - please check your messages. I sent you a PM with my email address. If you would like, PM me and send me your info, email or even phone and we can discuss getting together this weekend. I am free to do so and look forward to meeting you. At least you know how I feel and why we want to know. Let me know as soon as you can. I can call you tonight if you send your phone number and I will give you my number. I have limited minutes.
@Halitosisux - I do apologize for not responding directly to you as you seem to be one of the most helpful, supportive and knowlegable folks on the site. I have been an alcoholic in recovery for eight years. Had a relapse last year and this is when this problem started. I noticed people rubbing their nose and I thought, how odd. I was drinking at the time. It has caused so many problems. I work usually in an executive office and right now am unemployed and scared that I now have room filling fecal (perhaps) or worse breath? I am concerned because what if the nose rubbing is only connected with, let's say fecal or rotten flesh type breath vs. the rotten egg smell. It's very confusing and frustrating as I am sure you know. I also do have a very questionable crown that was poorly made and used to smell bad when I flossed it before this big flare up with the nose rubs etc. I was told by my doctor, during my active drinking in relapse and a doctor in detox that yes, they did smell my breath. I was drinking terrible amounts and I am a petite woman. I am hopeful for some meet ups as it looks like those may be possible. I am sure we can smell each others breath as I can smell someone elses bad breath. Right now I am trying to come off Prilosec in hopes that my digestion will improve. I have read of it causing bad breath in some. Lowered acid causing food to rot slowly in the stomach. I have a dental appointment with a new dentist next week. Can I ask you how you would approach him in asking if my breath is bad without "putting a seed in head". What kind of questions do I ask? I thank you for being on this forum, you are a very nice person and a huge help to us here.
@ Stankie - yeah, I just don't why people, someone, a good friend, would not tell you or me something like this. Sure it is personal, but geez. I think I can tell someone if they asked me.
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Post by halitosisux »

Stankie, I don't know what to think really. When we believe our breath smells, our brain plays tricks, there's no doubt about it.

I know most people have no other way of determining things, but reactions may be related to nothing other than paranoia.

Someone on this forum (I can't remember who) understood a lot about the psychology of this problem. They said that when a person is convinced that their breath smells bad, because of the whole uncertainty aspect, the brain will ALWAYS find ways to convince us that it is true. Whether that's by confusing the senses, or by taking every gesture we see as positive confirmation. If we're looking for confirmation we'll always find it, no matter what.

Please don't think I'm implying that anyone is crazy and only imagining things, but we always have to consider that halitophobia IS real, and for those who really do suffer with it, they'll feel just as convinced as anyone on here can be about having bad breath.

Just remember, people hold/fidget/plug their fingers under their noses, people cough/sniffle/clear their throat, people hold their breath - they do all these things as part of normal behaviour too. They don't automatically imply that anything is wrong.
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Post by halitosisux »

Thissux, thank you for your kind reply : ) I'm sorry to hear about these issues you've had. I hope your future will be much better very soon.

Perhaps your alcoholism really was the only thing responsible for causing your confirmed BB at the time you had it. Intermittent BB is also a possibility, regarding that dodgy crown. Crowns are notorious and can cause really terrible breath apparently, when they begin to fail.

You could simply be honest with your dentist, and tell them that your doctor has confirmed that your breath has recently started smelling bad occasionally and that you would like them to check and ensure that the crown is ok. Perhaps eventually you could have an alternative to the crown, which is less prone to such problems, such as an implant.
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Post by jess »

thissux wrote:@Jess - how did you get improvement? Do you have a reflux issue?
Here's a link to things I've been doing: viewtopic.php?t=4721&highlight=

Also right now I'm on a gluten free diet and I eat meat very rarely, especially red meat. At first I was on the vegeterian diet, but being on a gluten free diet and not eating meat at all, I was loosing weight, so I decided to eat meat once in a while just so I can get some nutrients in me. In the future I might completely eliminate it from my diet again.

So far I think the gluten free diet and the vegeterian diet is helping (along with doing the things mentioned in the link above) because every time I "cheat" my breath gets worse.

And also I'm trying the manuka honey as well, can't say if it's doing anything yet, but it can't hurt in my opinion. And yes I get acid reflux somethimes and I think doing number 9 in the above link helps with that. Hope this helps!
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