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Wow, I tlked to a guy today with horrible breath

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Wow, I tlked to a guy today with horrible breath

Post by Jimi Stein »

Omg, I was shopping a bit and I came into store and the fat guy was sitting down. I did not smell him first but when he stand up that smell just kind of wrapped around my head.

I guess that smell travel in the same height or something.

He did not fill the room, but oh my good I have never smelled something so bad.

I cant describe, it did not smell like shit, it just wrapped around my head, smell like old trash or something.

Now I understand people why they dont want to talk with us. It is just awful.
And he worked with other people in the store. Maybe he was a boss or something.

How must the people who are room fillers smell, that must be even more horrible.

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Post by thissux »

So Jimi - you could obviously smell this guy. I had a recent meet up with someone who was sure they have bb and I did not smell a thing, if anything I smelled neutral, fresh almost pleasant breath. I think I am a room filler and get reactions and the person I met up with me told me I had absolutely no problem at all. How can this happen???? BTW had a tooth pulled today, root canal with a crown - it had an abcess that could only be detected via x-ray as I cannot feel pain there. Could that crap cause bb and tonsil stones as it is an infection? Thanks Jimi!
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I dont think that molar can do that. I suggest you focus on soemthing else.

There should be smell around the gum if the tooth is the cause.

I know molars are close to sinus cavity, but still, I dont believe this can be a problem at all.
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Post by thissux »

Thanks Jimi! What about my recent meet up? You smelled that guys breath so we are not immune to bb in others right? Well I just had a meet up and could not smell anything offensive at all. Their breath was fresh, almost pleasant and they said the same on mine. How can that happen?
I will check further - gotta let this gaping hole in my mouth heal and keep looking. Do you think the abcsess could spread infection, like into the tonsils? Thanks! Happy New Year BTW
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Post by Jimi Stein »

First you can see if you or him get constant reactions from people. If you talk to people, to they hold noses all the time, make smelly gestures?

If not, maybe you or him dont have bb. But usually people who have bb can't smell eachother because they have same bacterias and you know that you are imune to your own smell, you cant smell yourself. It is kind of a body protection.

We would be much worse if we would smell ourselvers all the time.

So judging by others you can see if his bad breath is really bad.

COme on guys, it is so easy to figure it out!!!
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Post by thissux »

I didn't see reactions, we went into stores, talked to employees. Even tried this: One person goes into the store and asks an employee about a store item - I come in later (as though I did not arrive with them). I approached the person they had spoken with and said "Hello, I noticed you speaking to that woman over there, she had spoken to me a bit ago. I felt concerned because I noticed she seemed a little confused and had a strong odor on her breath and I have a friend that is diabetic and when they have a sugar problem, they emit a similar breath odor. Did you pick up on that as well? I was concerned" the clerk was really nice and said the woman seemed a little nervous but that she did not smell anything at all and thanked me for my concern. I did this two times, different people, same results. I get what you are saying, how we could be immune to each other, but wouldn't that mean we'd have to have the exact same bb? You said you smelled that other guys bb. So his must be different from yours? Yes, I get reactions - nose rubs mostly, throat clearing. I hate this s**t Jimi
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Dude, if you are not a social hermit, if people don't run away from you, if you get occasional nose rub, bust still people don't clear the desks when you sit down, you should not worry about it.

Just get on with your life you are probably over exaggerating

If it smells bad, people will let you know for sure, trust me, they will run away from you. Just enjoy your life dude, some people got it much worse than you
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Post by ruch »

thissux has a serious case of halitophobia. get some counselling so you can move on with your life.
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Post by Born To Suffer »

This confuses me too.
One time my coworker who has no bb, came to work without brushing his teeth or having breakfast. When he started talking to me his bb just flew into my nose, smells really bad like something rotten, it surprises me how someone without bb can have such a bad odor.
I walk past him, after he said something to a customer, and I smelled it again, he seemed to have sprayed on bb perfume.
BUT after he had some tea and bread, his bb just went away completely. How strange.
There are times when I talk to people who haven't eaten for a while, and they have bb until they eat. Unlike myself who after eating bb gets worse.
Life just isn't fair.

Omg this happened to me today. You can always get an honest opinion from a child. I was teaching a 2 year old kid something, she was sitting next to me with no reaction, until I got up to get something. I turned around and saw her rubbing her nose. Then after sitting for a while with no reaction I got up again to get something, and when I came back she was rubbing her nose. How strange.
It's weird how you can sit next to someone and you can't smell anything until they move. I think it's because of the water vapor from their breath that clings onto the air, and when they move, they push the smelly air towards you.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

I agree with jimi if you do not have ppl running away from you and you are able to still hold polite conversation without ppl being overly obnoxious just enjoy life it ccan always get worse. Even if you were to have slight bb it does not bother ppl as much as you seem to fear. If you had room filling stench like you believe TRUST me you would know. I know that's easier said then done no one wants to walk around smelling even if it is slight but from personal experience it can go from bad to worst quite easily so enjoy being tolerable.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes, as long as peole star conversation with you sometimes, and keep the conversation going and you have a partner, that is not always the proof, but still, you should be ok, and stop worrying
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Post by Brad123 »


I still have found my findings in my above link to be true for me. I would highly recommend others to read it.
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Post by thissux »

I'm pretty sure I've got some fast moving bad breath. I get numerous nose rubs, particularly when speaking, but also from down the isle at the stores. I have lost or left most of my social life and isolate as much as I can. I force myself out to fight that. I don't want to live like that, but I feel safest at home now. I miss my job, the gym, church and my friends....just talking to people freely. I'm not sure what to believe. Did that meet up and neither person smelled a thing at all. Thanks for your input all.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »


Back when I had terrible bb, I've heard countless of people saying
"It's so hot in here!"

has anyone ever said that to you?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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