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Nasal rinse/ENT visit

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Nasal rinse/ENT visit

Post by lula »

Tomorrow, I will visit the ENT. He does listen, but like everyone else he says he does not smell anything, anyway, I don't have anymore hope that he will find anything.
I need to know if anyone has had any success with nasal rinse or sinus surgery.
I have had some success with tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy.

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To Lula

Post by JSwithBB »

Hi Lula, I can definitely understand your pain and sufferings. I suffer from this terrible since I was a little boy I'm 32 years old now. I take good care of mouth, I purchased everything out there. I saw GIs, ENT and more. I had my tonsils removed, but no luck. The ENT told me that my breath smelled perfect. I'm manager for a big a cooperation I feel like BB is holding back from getting any further promotion. I saw a doctor who is a MD and naturopathy still didn't help. I was online and I came accross a chinese doctor named Dr. Hou, I went to see him and he told me the bad breath is coming from my stomach. He also told me I will see improvements in 2 weeks. He gave me a gallon of tea and I take it with probiotics 50 billions. My breath has improved I talk in people face, they are not turning away. I will keep you posted.
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Post by lula »

That is nice to hear, but that is not my question. I asked has anyone had any success with nasal rinses. I did not ask about stomach problems. The only symptom I have, confirmed by my mother is nasal odor. I do not have any other problems. So, if ur problem is digestive, that is not mine. Like I stated before:
Is there anyone with just nasal odor and in the southeast Georgia area. Please contact me.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

I can vouch that nasal rinses work for me. The more mucus I sneeze out the better my breath.
I don't have nasal odour, but I have a collection of old mucus green/yellow/brown.

Getting the equipment is fairly cheap, a bulb syringe/netipot and sea salt.
Use it for 2 weeks.
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Post by lula »

Thank you so very much born to suffer. The ent of course could not smell anything. When I tried to explain what my co workers do to me he suggested it was in my head. I have had people smell me because they could not smell me like others. I have had females spray perfume and people push me out the way. But it is all in my head.
Anyway, it is more bothersome trying to get help from anyone.
He told me to use the nelimed and gave me clindamysin for anaerobic growth.

Born to suffer, can you explain how the nasal rinse help your bad breath. I have read where doing this give a false sense of helping. Thanks again for answering the question I asked, and not tell me to buy products.
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Post by Sickandtired »

I remember i read it here i think, one member had nasal bb problem and she went to her ENT and got metro that cure her nasal bb for weeks, than it came back so she went again to get some more metro, and after that she had no nasal bb again. Maybe after your surgery bacteria found another place in your nasal cavity to give you a headache, ask your ent for metro don't hold back or feel ashamed, i don't won't to be a party breaker but surgery I don't think it would help much (but maybe i'm wrong). For at least I'm avoiding mine. Oh and another note on antibiotic- if your ent does give you some, make sure it's metro i remember i was on long course of antibiotics for my sinuses this summer and he gave me clarithromycin which done nothing for me.
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Post by halitosisux »

I think that person was lisa1983. If so, here are a few of the threads she detailed her experiences in:-


Remember that chronic sinus infections usually always involve biofilm formations. Antibiotics generally do not work very efficiently in the sinuses like they would in other parts of the body where antibiotics can reach more effectively through the bloodstream. Only higher than normal dosages and for longer than normal durations have been found to affect such biofilm formations.

I've never heard of anyone making their own sinus flushes using dissolved antibiotics, maybe that could work?
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Post by Sickandtired »

halitosisux wrote: I've never heard of anyone making their own sinus flushes using dissolved antibiotics, maybe that could work?
I did it :roll: as I mention above while I was on clarithromycin. 6 weeks for nothing with that antibiotic.
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Post by halitosisux »

Oh, sorry, I just don't recall anyone on here mentioning a sinus irrigation using antibiotics. So did your doctor prescribe Clarithromycin as an irrigation or was it a cream or did you make it into a solution yourself?
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Post by lula »

So, sick and tired
The antibiotic nasal rinse you use did not work. Anyway has anything worked.
I'm going to try nasal rinse with baby oil. Crush antibiotics on tongue
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Post by Sickandtired »

My antibiotics didn't work at all, but that was because of type of antibiotics they gave me... I also got oral steroids and much more things for my sinuses and that's why I ruled out my sinuses. They were blocked most of time (allergy and rhinitis) and sometimes my mucus was yellow but now is completely clear and still my problem remain. Is your mucus colored? Do you have it at all?
Oh and baby oil? I didn't hear abt that but i did hear for rinse with few drops of baby shampoo.. Did that too..
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Post by FedUp »

Sickandtired wrote:My antibiotics didn't work at all, but that was because of type of antibiotics they gave me... I also got oral steroids and much more things for my sinuses and that's why I ruled out my sinuses. They were blocked most of time (allergy and rhinitis) and sometimes my mucus was yellow but now is completely clear and still my problem remain. Is your mucus colored? Do you have it at all?
Oh and baby oil? I didn't hear abt that but i did hear for rinse with few drops of baby shampoo.. Did that too..
That baby shampoo impaired my sense of smell. Maybe I put too much in the irrigation bottle though?
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by lula »

Sorry, I did not mean baby oil. I was half sleep.
Anyway, I am slowly realizing maybe there is nothing I do help.
I am going to be in Atlanta in a few weeks. If anyone want to meet up let me know.
I do not have mucus. I did the rinse before and it was clear. I do not have post nasal. My mouth has not been super dry sense the tonsil/adenoid surgery. If I do get better insurance I will go to dentist and new ent and a gastrologist.

If anyone lives in Atlanta, which doctors to go to and which not to.

Again, sick and tired, nothing you have done had helped your breath. Can you pm me so we can talk.
Thanks to everyone who has commented honestly.

Also, I meet someone years ago in college with the same problem.
Georgia College. If you went there, pm.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

Hey girl,

Hm... I think the main reason is that my maxillary sinus is infected. I have a lot of old mucus stuck in my left cheek. My left ear is constantly blocked by a ringing sound. Now it's almost clear!! No more blocked ears.
Of course when you have an infection your body tries it's hardest (believe it or not) to kill the infection. Saliva travels from the body into the infected area to destroy the anaerobic bacteria. Well it basically traps the bacteria and carries it out of the area, which leaks into your mouth.
Saliva + bacteria = Stink.
When I do the nasal rinse, a lot of junk comes flying out of my nose. Globs of green. More crap comes out, less bacteria, less stinky saliva = better breath.

Have you ever had a pimple? Once you pop the pimple, it heals faster than not popping it. The white stuff just sits there until something happens. Same with bacteria until you get it out, it just rots there and gets worse.

The main reason why I don't really know if I can be fully cured is because I believe that my frontal sinus is infected too. Because I see floaters in my eyes. Dunno how the hell to clean up there without surgery, but thank goodness for gravity, hopefully the mucus will leak down into my nasal area, thus allowing me to rinse it out.

Every case is different. You have to find what works for you.
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Post by Sickandtired »

@FedUp how many drops did u put in your solution?
@Born to suffer so you do get a lot of green mucus? Have you tried long curse of antibiotics prescibed by your ent of course (that's what usually ent gives you if you have chronic sinus infection) and have u try the flip-turn sinus flush? Also, you really should do regular irrigation 4x a day, and be persistent your nasal cavitiy needs time first to clean up then to recover and heal.
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