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Chronic halitosis, Rhinitis, PND, bacterial imbalance

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by joeP »

Halitosisux, thanks good point - been starting to have a black hairy tongue. What's the best treatment for that?

@peace, glad to hear how things are going for you :)

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Post by halitosisux »

I've never had black hairy tongue. I'm not too sure what causes it. I think it's something to do with bacterial pigments.

Some medications like pepto bismol can turn VSCs into some other form and cause black staining, so it may relate to something you're throwing at your BB at the moment. If I remember correctly, hydrogen peroxide is good for removing these types of staining.
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Post by ruch »

a few days ago, my tongue stained brown near the back as well. this happened before when i used tetracycline as well. there is both yellow and brown staining on my tongue. the front half looks pink though. on the stained parts, it feels dry and tastes kind of funny and feels a bit sour. the front parts feel neutral. my breath is better than before using the antibiotic but not 100%. i think my bb is going to return after i go off the bb, as it had before...
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Post by ruch »

finished the 2 week course of tetracycline and unfortunately, my bb has returned though it appears milder than before. we'll see if it progressively gets worse or not.

so sad and fed up with this problem.. :(

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by joeP »

I've been on Metro for 2 weeks and it helped only slightly in my case. Still I had a great time having less BB and being able to talk and enjoy life with family and friends.

I feel it is going worse again though since 1-2 days, the effect seems to be wearing off.

I've also been taking most of the other remedies mentioned on the forum and lots of probiotics, which I will continue for the next few weeks and months.

wish this would finally go away :(

I'm planning to try homeopathic next

@Peace @ruch, how are things progressing?
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Post by ruch »

no, the brown and yellow tongue is def from the tetracycline. i read it is a possible side effect. it should go away in time.
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Post by Peace »

My tongue was still pink 2 weeks after stopping the amoxycillin treatment but then felt my bb coming back, mainly through perceived reactions. I have put myself under intranasal bactroban and that had a great anti-inflammatory effect on my chronic rhinitis, better than steroids or whatever the ENT put me on before. I am going to stop soon and see what happens. If breath gets bad I will try double antibiotic intranasal, bactroban + amoxycillin to get both gram positive and negative bacteria .

Regarding amoxycillin I had used 250 mg in 6 oz which is WAY TOO HIGH, no wonder I had a bad reaction to it. Silly me I forgot that 100 microgram per ml is used in media for ampicillin, so 250 mg should be diluted in 84 oz (US)!!!

The question is am I killing bacteria that are only secondary to the problem, for example feeding on something that is the primary cause, or do I have a real latent infection. I need to see a top notch ENT instead of the run of the mill MD who gave me the usual steroids and other sprays.
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Post by joeP »

Interesting strategy...keep us posted Peace!

It has been 1 week since I stopped taking metro and about 2 weeks since I stopped Ciprofloxacin.

I've been trying to keep my immune system strong, having vit C, propolis, echnea goldenseal, lactoferrin tabs and strong probiotics (175 bln+ a day)

I think I'm back at the same level of BB as I used to be last year....i.e. before I started going crazy about this issue. It still is room filling and from nose and mouth, but not to the extent that people cough when i walk by or complain about it to me...i.e. it is bearable at work and with friends and family.

I'm currently only on lactoferrin + xylitol + saline which I use a mouthrinse and gargle (i stopped using it as a nasal rinse about 2 weeks ago) combined with a chlorhexidine rinse.

I'm eating some whole wheat breads and durum wheat pasta and basmati rice again. I hope that does not make things worse.

I'm really hoping the BB gets better and not worse again!!!
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Post by ruch »

why did you stop with the nasal rinse?

i am one week after i stopped the tetracycline rinse and my bb has returned like it was before i went on it. it might seem stronger now though because i think i am at the ovulation stage of my cycle... and apparently, because of the increase in hormones, women can get worse bb during menstruation and ovulation. i'll see if it gets better again in a week or so. oh, and the brown stain on my tongue is gone now, but no diff with the bb.

the other thing is i am beginning to suspect i have some kind of reflux issue. i really need to see an ENT soon. i have been noticing that i sometimes, i can feel something in my throat and sometimes can kind of taste gross food coming up my throat. just about 30 min ago, i burped and felt a bit of food come up (it tastes like vomit.. which is basically what it is). the thing is, i last ate my meal around 9:30pm so it has been well past 3 hours (almost 4 hours) now. there isn't any reason my food should not be digested yet. i can also feel the food still in my gut.. i feel full still. usually, my metabolism is fast and i get hungry every few hours.

if it is an issue of reflux that causes or contributes to my bb, is there a cure for it?

also, the taste and smell in my mouth seems different. it is a specific kind of odour. it's kind of like the bb odour i get after eating a banana when i have bb. it just lingers. not sure what the cause is... but i think specific smells point to specific causes. in the past, i have also had other tastes and smells in my mouth, like a recent one is garbage.. literally, it tasted like garbage. sometimes, it is fecal. right now, it is this weird one like the banana thing i described above.
when i run my tongue along stale parts of my mouth (like on my outside gums at the side), i can also kind of taste something different.. i can't really describe what it tastes like though..
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Post by ruch »

really depressed today about my bb. it feels like it has gotten worse. and i cannot get rid of this "banana" bb or taste in my mouth. it's been 3 days of it now, with each day getting worse.

usually, i get some relief (if not fully) from various protocols like cleaning my mouth and tongue, irrigating gums, using chlorhexidine, etc.. but for this nothing offers any relief, even remotely. i do think this is coming from my stomach or esophagus. can taste slightly sweet pukey feeling in my throat, like there is putrid food there. i really don't know what to do. :(

i did the baking soda test this morning (google "low stomach acid" to find out about the test) and i didn't burp at all even after 15 min.. so i think i definitely have low stomach acid. beets always turn my urine and feces red/pink right away, even if i eat a very small amount of beets. today, i bought some betaine HCL with pepsin (648mg of betaine HCL and under 200mg of pepsin.. i forget the exact #). i took a capsule with my dinner. i didn't feel any warm or burning feeling in my gut. tomorrow, i am going to take 2 of them. i hope this will help. and i really need to go to my doc to get a referral to an ENT and possibly a gastroenterologist ASAP. so tired of this problem, and the fact that it is getting worse..

i think for those of us for whom oral protocols give no relief at all, our problem is probably not oral but elsewhere in the body...
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Post by joeP »

@ruch, stay strong. good times do come back!

I've been doing my routine of saline + xylitol + lactoferrin mouth rinses 2-3 times a day and using strong probiotics and taking immune system boosting meds (like propolis, vit C etc).

I stopped the nasal rinses as it became too time consuming.

I think the mouth rinse really works great.
Try putting half a sachet of neilmed saline solution into the a small cup (like the one they give with smartmouth rinses), add a bit of xylitol (a little more than the saline), add warm water and around half a capsule of jarrows lactoferrin. I rinse and gargle with this solution twice in the morning, lunch and evening and I think it helps a lot if you use a chlorhexidine mouthwash right after.

Yesterday my BB was very tolerable. I was talking non-stop all day whereas a month ago I was not even able to say a word without having the whole room filled with unpleasant air (from the worst time of my life to the best time of my life!).

I think the antibiotics that I was using have done some good... whether that is temporary still remains to be seen.

I used to have a lot of noises coming from the stomach and a strange smell in my saliva which I couldn't identify which is gone too.

My tongue is still mostly pink...I brush it with the neilmed saline solution twice a day.

My diet is going back to normal too
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Post by ruch »

do you also ingest the lactoferrin? that's what i do with it. i think it is what has turned my tongue pink. that has def reduced some of the stink. i think the tetracycline rinse probably helped reduce my oral bacteria because i don't feel as yucky in the mouth.. but i do feel like i can detect bb coming from the back of my throat.. so i am beginning to suspect that is my source right no. today, my sinuses are dry.. no PND or very little.. but i still have this banana breath (if only it smelled like actual bananas.. that would be okay! but it smells like bb you get after eating bananas, which is different). anyway, i am up to 6 capsules of the betaine HCL now and it has def reduced my bloating! after 6, still no warming sensation in stomach so i am going to try 7 tomorrow. it hasn't reduced my bb yet though. i am crossing my fingers this might help me but nothing else has, so who knows. :(

also, i have a date tomorrow so i am nervous about it.. i'm scared to get too close or kiss this person. debating whether i should tell them i have been dealing with digestive issues (i'll be popping those pills during the meal anyway!) and it is causing this weird taste in my mouth. at least then i am upfront about it (sort of) and hopefully it won't be assumed i have bad oral hygiene (i have excellent oral hygiene!)
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Post by joeP »

Yes I do ingest it too. 2- 3 times a day usually.

Hope it goes well for you!
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Post by ruch »

so i think my dosage is 7 capsules. took 8 at lunch and dinner today and felt stomach ache so i think it means i took too many. will go back down to 7 per meal tomorrow.

as for the bb, i had a molar crowned the other day. they had a temporary crown on my tooth for about 2 weeks until this one was ready. well, today, my breath feels a bit fresher and banana taste is gone. i still have bb but it isn't as bad as the past week. i suspect maybe there was bacteria underneath that made it very bad for the past week (with a temp crown, it wouldn't have been bonded on thoroughly so i imagine here were lots of spaces for bacteria to hide and multiply). i am relieved, but the battle continues... to find a cure once and for all.. sigh..
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