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Finally something is working.

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Finally something is working.

Post by pedroaz »

I have suffered from tonsil stones and bad breath for years. It kept getting worse and worse. I would brush 4-5 times a day and floss and nothing. Then I went to the dentist and started getting my cavities filled and regular cleanings because of my periodontal disease. Still I had no relief. The bad breath was there. Then I started making my own metronidazole mouth rinse and I would rinse with it and spray it into my tonsils and I started to get some relief. This worked OK for a while. I got tonsil stones much less often and my breath was a little fresher. I started to get depressed again. Then I started taking one of the oral probiotics with blis k12 in it and it was like night and day. Within a a couple of days my mouth felt much better. No more waking up with the extremely foul taste in my mouth that I would have to brush two times in the morning to get rid of. My gums started looking better and my mouth felt wayyy better and my breath was better.

Now, every single morning when I wake up I first floss, then spray my tonsils with metronidazole mouthwash and then brush my teeth and then what I feel is the most important thing, I dissolve and gargle a blis k12 oral probiotic. For the last 4 months I have had 'normal' breath. My mouth doesnt feel like a sewer all day and I don't even have to brush 5 times a day. people don't cringe or look the other way when I talk and I can kiss my fiancee without her making the face. It has changed my life.

I am not trying to spam any product here, which is why I intentionally left out the brands of products I use. I only want to share what has ACTUALLY worked for me after years of depression and self-loathing and insecurity. I have finally found freedom from my halitosis. I have no idea whether any of this is safe, but I don't care because today I don't have foul sewer breath anymore.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Sure, only 4 posts, years of bad breath, cured, bamm, another miracle

k12 is a brand you know?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:00 pm

Post by cursedlife »

Jimi, why are you so rude and disrespectful to ppl?? This site is to help others isnt it? Why do you feel the need to be a childish mean person to the ones who are cured or just feel they are? You (and others i wont mention) are the reason why no1likes to share whats working for them. The post a read b4 this,you were talking shit. Making jokes about his teeth.Whenever theres a positive post,i can always count or u to be a rude asshole.
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