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May be the solution for most people on this forum. CURED!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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May be the solution for most people on this forum. CURED!

Post by vvv »

I joined this forum a week or so ago out of desperation but I have been visiting this site frequently for the past couple years. How fortunate was I that my bad breath disappeared a day or so after joining.

The following were my symptoms:
Really bad breath (faecal maybe or even worse).
Disgusting taste in mouth.
Yellow/brown saliva whenever I wake up.
Yellow/brown tongue coating whenever I wake up. (Later discovered that the brown coating was blood)
Sticky saliva.
Dry mouth

Spitting blood whenever i'd wake up (past 2 years or so).
I suffered from chronic bad breath from the age of about 7, as far as i could remember (I'm 22 now turning 23 in a couple months). My entire life i've been relying on chewing gum and even then i'd have to hold my breath whilst speaking. It really messed up my life.

I also suffer from social anxiety and depression, not very sure if it is a result of the bad breath. But ever since my bad breath disappeared my anxiety and depression have been so much better, its really been a confidence booster.

I was very embarassed to visit the dentist or doctor regarding my bad breath, but eventually I went out of desperation. The dentist had a look and gave me a clean, removing some calculas/tartar I had on the back of my front lower teeth. It looked something like this: ... CAQQsCUoAQ .
I've always had this but refused to believe that it was the cause, of all the symptoms above. I strongly believed it was my post nasal research from the research i've carried out.

There was no improvement in my bad breath so I plucked up the courage to go and see him again which was months later. This time he said he can't do anything more and said he'd reffer me to a specialist to check if it was my post nasal drip that was causing my bad breath. So i'm at this stage now where i'm waiting for my appointment, as I was browsing this forum I had my finger in my mouth just fiddling with my teeth where the tartar had been removed from and as I do this pieces of tartar somehow became loose and I managed to remove them. Immediatly following this I noticed that the foul taste in my mouth was gone!! I rushed to the bath room flossed and brushed my teeth and my mouth has never felt so clean and god my breath is fresh! its unbelievable.

The only bad breath I get now is when i don't eat for long periods which is normal and no way as bad as my previous fecal breath. I don't even have morning breath if I brush my teeth at night lol.

I really believe this may be the cause for most people on this forum. In most cases tartar is behind the front lower teeth, in some cases it may not even be visible I believe. Have all your teeth pulled out if you have to. No one should live with BB. REMOVE THOSE TARTAR FUC*ERS. I have finally started living my life. Time to f*ck those bitchesss lol.

As for TMU sufferers I really hope there will be a cure very soon for you guys, stay strong.


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Forgot to mention!

Post by vvv »

Like many people here I thought my BB was gone when I started using GSE couple months ago but it lost its effectiveness a week later. Same when i switched toothpaste to Arm and hammer, thought the baking soda in it did the trick but again lost its effectiveness.
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Post by ttlxman »

You just described me exactly so now I have a few questions for you:

1. How much tartar was removed initially?
2. Did you have some sort of gum problem?
3. How much tartar did you remove to be cured?
4. How long has it been since?

This sounds like the wisdom tooth removal cure in how it removes a bacterial source from being able to recolonize your mouth.
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Post by vvv »

Initially most of it, 3/4 i'd say but I could still feel some significant amount of tartar with my tongue.

I'm not sure if I had a gum problem, I did notice that the teeth from where the tartar came off felt a bit loose. I'ts stable now though.

95% of it has been removed i'd say and its been about a week since, i'm pretty sure it won't come back.
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Post by elliott »

Remember there are a lot of very different causes of oral odor! I think we should be careful using words like "most".

Good luck with your cure :)
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