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Murat Aydin

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by halitosisux »

Doctor, what do you smell when you rub your tongue?
Does your saliva smell of anything when you do the "lick test"?
Are there times of the day when there are any variations?

Of course, I'm presuming you normally have good breath.

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Post by aydinmur »

ItsgoingtobeOK wrote:Can I set up an appointment with you and visit Turkey to have you take a look at it? I am unable to read anything on your website since I am not a native speaker of Turkish language.
There is "translate" line at bottom left corner on my all web pages.

No need my examination if PharmolZn ceases your halitosis for at least 1-2 hours. Such cases are type 1. They anavailing come to me.
meowkity1 wrote:is there anyway to cure type 4.? Would type 4 cause my mouth/face/body to fog up car windows?

I can not cure type 4 halitosis. I can only detect.

jamesmcavoy wrote:Has any of ur type1 patient u examined smelt like something he ate ? Did u think he smelt like something he ate ? (Food smell)
If there is nitrogen based gases in halitosis, then there may be retantive foci between mouth and stomach. Pouches, bad bridge restorations, holes, hallow surfaces or porosities outer surfaces of oral restorastion or tissues, swallowing pathologies, Diverticules, gastroesophagial leakage or type 5.
Basically , is there any chemical substance(from bb bacteria ) which when mixed with food produces exactly similar food smell ?
Because of the smell is very subjective perception, its difficult to assess what bacterial products smell like food. It is not valuable information, neither is diagnostic.
-Murat Aydin

hi doctor

Post by jamesmcavoy »

Yes doctor u are right .
Its specifically my case where i produce such odors .
Cause will only be found if i go under medical observation .
Anyways thanx
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am glad Dr Murat answers here, at least he tells the truth. Katz would say we are all insane and imagining stuff.
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Post by ItsgoingtobeOK »

I wanna give it a shot to PharmolZn.
How can I buy it? Is it shipped to USA?
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Post by Frantix »

Dr. Aydin,

a German dental-lab recently claimed they have found some kind of braces that kill bad breath. Two metal pellets are fixed on it that will prevent or eliminate bacteria that are causing the smell. Unfortunately I don´t have more information what kind of material they use for the pellets.
What do you think of this approach?
Did you ever tried something like have experiences in this? Could it be health-damaging or somehow bad for oral condition to wear these metal-pellets permanently?

Thanks in advance!
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Post by aydinmur »

Frantix wrote:What do you think of this approach?!
Yes, I support the idea metals can prevent odor production in Type 1 cases. Most possible their electronegativity alters Eh potentiel as unfavor to anaerobism.

-Murat Aydin
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Post by halitosisux »

Doctor, purely out of curiosity, if a person had Type-1 BB and they wanted to make a brace that made use of this concept, what sort of metals would they need and roughly how would such a brace need to be constructed?

For a long time I have wondered whether any kind of electrochemistry/electrolysis, (whatever the correct scientific term is), interaction involving different metals and the natural chemistry of the mouth, could interfere with oral bacteria and reduce or neutralize odour.

I know you are working on something like this that's battery powered, how is that developing?
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Post by aydinmur »

halitosisux wrote:Doctor, purely out of curiosity, if a person had Type-1 BB and they wanted to make a brace that made use of this concept, what sort of metals would they need and roughly how would such a brace need to be constructed?
I am not sure understand you correctly.
There is not a chance to choice metal for orthodontic braces.

For a long time I have wondered whether any kind of electrochemistry/electrolysis, (whatever the correct scientific term is), interaction involving different metals and the natural chemistry of the mouth, could interfere with oral bacteria and reduce or neutralize odour.
This is much more than galvanic current, electrolysis or battery effect. Reduction potential (Eh) is enhanced by metal. This is unfavor to anaerobic growth and bad odor production.
I know you are working on something like this that's battery powered, how is that developing?
Yes, a simple appliance containes silver plate on palatal mucosa that is driven by microampere current with silver watch battery. Successfully increased Eh +222 mV but but its effect continued for 3-4 hours after removed from the mouth. I have stopped to develop it.
Thanks for your interest
-Murat Aydin
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Post by halitosisux »

Thanks for trying to answer my questions, especially with the language barrier. My questions are also sometimes simplistic and confusing due to my immaturity and ignorance.

I'm sorry to hear you are no longer developing your device. That's a shame, and I can understand with all the regulatory hurdles how difficult it would be to develop such a product, let alone to have it approved for use.

It's very frustrating to know that no matter how complex the causes of bad breath might be, it's only an odour we're dealing with, ultimately. If a simple way to deal with the odour could be found, rather than the futility of trying to battle with bacteria, that would leave the bacteria to do whatever they like, and leave us to simply deal with their waste products.

Are there any such approaches you could think of?
Carbon? Resins? The kind of products we see in just about every situation where harmful (and malodourous) chemicals need to be absorbed and removed. We already know that you can swallow carbon to reduce the odours in the gut, but what about a device we could wear in the mouth that has a replaceable carbon pellet?

On my original question though, I wondered whether two pieces of metal placed in the mouth (on a specially designed brace to hold the metals in place in the correct location) would create a kind of "electrolysis" similar to the workings inside a battery, that utilizes the acidiy that naturally exists in the mouth, but which somehow releases metal ions into the mouth to either control bacteria or neutralize their by-products.

Also, we see antibacterial surfaces everywhere - Keyboards, touchscreens, etc. Could a specially designed orthodontic brace coated in such an antibacterial surface, be utilized to control the bacterial activity in the mouth?

Re: Murat Aydin

Post by jamesmcavoy »

There is nothing we can do what u are saying here .
Mouth environment is wet but not aqueus to create metal ions to help with bb .
We are doing it by gargling with metal salts like zinc cl2 .

However we can create a device like dr. Murat said about passing electric current thr our most suspected organ i.e. tongue for some time which will disturb the bacterial flora for a time like 12 hours .
Gives result of fresh neutral breath for a day .
But we will have to use it every day for a specific time .

Another u said about creating a protective layer to mucosal surface .
The answer to this is probiotic or oralbiotic .
They create a protective layer not immunae to other bacteria .
Go to any corner of the world but you will not get any answer other than this .
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Post by aydinmur »

halitosisux wrote: Carbon? Resins? The kind of products we see in just about every .......

Not carbon but zeolite is capable of absorb odor.
It is find in nature as stone or rock. If, one piece of zeolite stone is waited in the mouth space, then type 1 halitosis is significantly supressed.

Its very cheap.
price of 1 kg zeolite is 5 lira

Would you like to see its picture?

I recently work on these.

-Murat Aydin
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Are you making Zeolite retainer Dr ?
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Post by aydinmur »

Jimi Stein wrote:Are you making Zeolite retainer Dr ?
Yes, Im trying to make on stone models.
But not to patients yet,

-Murat Aydin
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Post by halitosisux »

Wow, this is what I like to see.

Doctor, how long will one of those retainers you've constructed last before the Zeolite loses it's effectiveness?

This could be developed in so many ways. I'd like to see a design where the retainer can have small replaceable Zeolite tablets which can be inserted each morning for example.

@Jamesmcavoy, my knowledge is very limited, but what gets me thinking is ideas such as this:-
Samsung home appliances, such as refrigerators or air conditioners, have a silver nano coating on their inner surfaces for an overall anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect. As air circulates, the coated surfaces contact with the silver ions which can resist any airborne bacteria, which in turn suppress the respiration of bacteria, adversely affects bacteria's cellular metabolism and inhibits cell growth.

Samsung says the silver nano technology sterilizes over 650 types of bacteria and that "Samsung WM1245A Washing Machine releases over 400 billion silver ions which penetrate deeply into fabrics of any kind and create a coat of sterilizing protection for a maximum of 99.99% disinfection and an added antibacterial effect of up to 30 days after washing"
Could this technology be applied in some way in the mouth?
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