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Tell us your story with bad breath
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Let me introduce myself....

Post by missy »

I am another chronic bb sufferer. I, too, have been lurking on this website for weeks, and now want to tell my story. Not much different than yours I'm afraid. I can remember a bad taste in my mouth since high school and always chewed wintergreen lifesavers. A friend of mine did tell me that my breath stunk in grade school tho. I had a boyfriend all thru high school tho and married him at 20, we have 5 great kids. All thru these years I don't remember people turning their heads or holding their noses, but they have been the last few years. I have been researching on the computer for almost 3 years now, and have bought every damn product and nothing has worked. I think all these scams have added up to almost $1000.00. Profesh, Breeze, Total Fresh, Therabreath, Bliss K12, tung brushes, peroxide and soda, NOTHING WORKED. After reading all your stories, I dug into all my hiding places and poured all the rinses down the drain and threw out all the toothpastes and gum. I almost felt liberated. Your stories have made me feel like I'm not alone, but with no one finding a solution, I feel very sad. My husband has been wonderful about it, he never mentions it. I have a few good friends that tolerate me, but no one calls anymore for a get together or say let's go for a road trip. I don't sing in church anymore or go visit much except for on the phone. My co-workers just kinda lean back. My kids are all gone now, I wonder how many times I embarrassed them or if they got made fun of in school. I feel sad that I won't be able to hug and kiss my grandkids one day. Why does a solution seem so far away? My dentist says just floss and gargle. Big help. My doctor says to take acid reflux medicine. Big help. I haven't seen any other doctor yet. I don't have allergies, I don't have PND, I don't have tonsil stones, my tongue is a pretty pink except way back by the taste buds, it's a shade whiter and my dentist says that is fine. I do have however, sticky saliva, and when I scrape my tongue, there is a lot of thick saliva. When I floss everyday, it does not smell, but if I miss a day, it smells rotten from my back teeth. I can smell my breath in the morning, don't think it's a fecal smell, just bad morning breath smell. When I have a few beers, by people's reactions, my breath could clear a room. Some people even pull their sweaters over their embarrassisng is that. And I notice then that my tongue has lots of white coating on it. But after a couple more beers, I don't give a shit. I just try not to talk much. I have worked in the public for over 30 years, and I have never smelled anyone with bb, except for an old man with lots of gold teeth and it wasn't that bad. I only had penicillian once in my childhood when I had lots of earaches. Why did this happen to me?

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Post by noptical »

Hi and welcome to bbh :)

What are your symptoms? Do you have any digestive issues? If you really free of those symptoms you mentioned, then maybe you should have your stomach and intestines checked?
Do you have any sinus issues?
You said that you dont have any white coating but then you say you have, so you get it only after drinking alcohol?
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Post by Busted »

About the last part, I have never met anyone who has chronic halitosis too. I'm also constantly worrying if my life isn't suppose to suck and if i'm suppose to be antisocial because of my halitosis problem.

I really hate goin out to public, not because I'm afraid of the reactions and stuff. But I hate the way people look at me, like I'm from another planet or something. And at the same time I can see how happy other people are, with lots of friends, and most importantly, how they don't even have to worry about their breath. It just makes me wish I was someone else sometimes. But then I realize that the only problem that is stoppin me from being myself is my halitosis problem. That's just one thing that's stoppin me. But why the **** is it so hard to solve it?
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responding to your questions.....

Post by missy »

I don't think I have any sinus problems...I'm never stuffed up or have anything draining down my throat. Digestive problems?....don't think so. When I look at some websites on the coating of your tongue, I've seen some really nasty horrible coatings....some are dark brown even or a stained white .....I don't have that. Do you guys? I used to drink coffee on occasion....I don't anymore cuz the taste in my mouth gets way worse.....from researching I understand that our mouths are already very acidic and coffee makes it worse. But brushing with baking soda to help with the acidiity did not work. I used to be a very outgoing person, I love to talk and visit, and used to be the life of the party. I still had a bad taste in my mouth and sometimes my kids would jerk their heads when I spoke to them close up so I know my breath was not fresh....but these last few years things have gotten so much worse. Menopause maybe? I would do anything to just reduce the bb so people would only smell it really up close. I don't think I have a smell coming from my nose cuz when I breathe thru my nose, there are no reactions. As soon as I talk, everyone backs up, coughs, jerks their heads to the side, scrunch up their faces, offers me gum, and the worst....pull their sweaters over their noses as I am talking to them. It just easier to stay home and avoid people. Having to ride in the car with someone is pure time my friend's little boy said, WHAT STINKS IN HERE? Or people keep opening the window in the car. No one asks me to ride with anymore and I don't ask them. My poor husband has to take me with tho, maybe he can't smell it anymore. I have no other body odor, in fact I wouldn't even need to use underarm deodorant. I have orderd Nullo over the net when I read about it here, might as well try one more thing. I have brushed and flossed and scraped so much the last fews years, that my dentist says he has not seem my teeth look better, hardly any plaque anymore. Another dentist said I had a cracked filling so that is why my breath smelled, but had it fixed and nothing changed. I don't use any mouthwash anymore, even the non-alcohol kind cuz then I have a bitter taste in my mouth on top of the rotten taste. When I heard about that girl with bb on the Tyra Banks show, I couldn't believe how brave she was. Maybe someone should get on Opra, with her bucks maybe a cure could be found. Or if Bill Gates' kid had the problem, lots of funding there. Is there any clinic anywhere that can decifer where the odor comes from? I know Dr. Katz sells junk, but I've even thought about going to his clinic to see what bacteria I have, if he can do that. At least it would be a start. But I live too far away for that. And I don't want to pad his wallet anymore.
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Post by dontholdurbreath »

Busted wrote:About the last part, I have never met anyone who has chronic halitosis too. I'm also constantly worrying if my life isn't suppose to suck and if i'm suppose to be antisocial because of my halitosis problem.

I really hate goin out to public, not because I'm afraid of the reactions and stuff. But I hate the way people look at me, like I'm from another planet or something. And at the same time I can see how happy other people are, with lots of friends, and most importantly, how they don't even have to worry about their breath. It just makes me wish I was someone else sometimes. But then I realize that the only problem that is stoppin me from being myself is my halitosis problem. That's just one thing that's stoppin me. But why the **** is it so hard to solve it?
every once a while I'll catch a whiff from someone, and almost get a little happy. But then I realize I probably had one of those rare moments when you can actually get a good clean rip of your own breath. Then I think to myself, "wow, I cant believe I smell like that" Its so sad and yet so funny too.

And I hate those weird scrunched up/confused looks I get from people, but sometimes it looks so funny that I laugh. They must hate me so much.
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Post by kiki »

Hello missy

everything in this world has a cause behind it, I really don’t want to lecture you here, but if you have bad breath, then you have a problem. Why your saliva is thick, just keep searching for the cause never give up. I heard some people when they have allergy from some food, this allergy manifest itself as excess mucus, which can accumulate inside your nose and even never drip into your throat. Just want to tell you honey never give up, find the cause, then treat it.
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missy ~ my friend's little boy said, WHAT STINKS IN HERE?

Kids can be so brutally honest - something like this happened to me once - actually more than once recently, and in the past all the time since I was an elementary school teacher.
And car rides are so very dreadful, I agree. Once I had to drive a friend somewhere recently and I went through a big pack of extra gum in those 2 hours, I was so nervous about my breath.
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Post by Belle »

I can first remember having BB as far back as aged 10 when somebody in my girls brigade commented. I spent the whole of high school eating chewing gum and hoping nobody could smell it. I never had problems getting boyfriends or anything but i can remember dumping somebody and his mate shouting about my breath smelling, so i knew it did. I had a boyfriend for years after that who never told me i had it but i knew i did, he was just being nice and i was never comfortable discussing it with anybody. Throughout this time i always had really good dental hygeine i visit the dentist every 6 months and probably overcompensated with dental hygeine to try and help the bb. Its difficult because i could never smell it, however always knew by the taste in my mouth.

The first time I seriously tried to do anything about it was about 10 years ago (i am 33 now). I visited my GP told him I had suffered my whole life with BB and was desperate, he kind of laughed and thought i was "imagining it". However, he referred me to ENT and i got an appointment pretty quick. The specialist again thought i was "imagining it" , looked in my mouth and said my throat was fine. He said my breath didnt smell but he never actually asked me to breath on him. Im sure you all know how good we become at holding your breath when people are close. Next step was the dental hospital who took a blood test and said i was "zinc defficient" so i then took zinc supplements and thought maybe this was what was wrong. No joy with that either.

I gave up for a while, then i visited a homeopath for a while, that didnt work either. This was round about the time when i got a computer so i searched the internet and bough products from the states (i had tried everything out of boots). None of them worked, the disappointment that i felt everytime something else failed to help me was so depressing. Then i found "The Fresh Breath Clinic" in London, paid a fortune to travel there and get their so called treatment which basically consisted of cleaning your teeth and telling you how to brush, floss, scrape and to use their products (Dentyl PH). My experience with them is a whole story in itself and i feel i am already going on a bit. If anybody is thinking about visiting Dr Phillip Stemner, then dont, get in touch with me first and ill save you £1500.

I gave up again until 2 years ago i visited Jan De Vries, hes a famous homeopath, lovely man and very sympathetic but his treatment didnt work. He said the smell comes from the stomach and prescribed peppermint and milk thistle. Didnt work so i gave up on that. Nobody ever has really understood what im on about and they always think if you look after your teeth then your breath shouldnt smell. Its sooooooo frustrating!!!

So after i found this website last week, i was overjoyed to realise that im not a freak and the farty smell from my breath is more common than i think (i have never met anybody else who has it). So since finding this website i have been to see my GP who is fantastic, i was absolutely mortified telling her about it all but i know i cant go on like this any longer, i am single at the moment and it is really affecting my confidence. When somebody chats me up i have to go and use mouth wash and eat chewing gum before i can talk back and i know its not really getting rid of the smell.

So my GP has written off to a private hospital for me to get a consultation with a specialist, she is recommending that i get my tonsils removed, i forgot to mention that i have suffered with tonsilitis my whole life (havent had it for about 8 years now but my tonsils are quite large and covered in scars).

I know getting my tonsils out at 33 is a bit extreme but i really dont care, i dont know what else to do.

Apologies for rambling on.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

very good post girl.

They will probably remove your palatine tonsils, but let them chck the lingual also, they might be the real cause.

welcome to our site.

One more thing, it seems that the gilrs can get dates easier than guys when having bad breath. Are the guys less focusing on partner bb or what?
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Post by Belle »

Thanks Jimmi

i should hopefully have a consultation next week so i will ask him about what exactly gets removed (that is if they agree to the operation). I will be getting it done through the NHS so fingers crosses.

not sure if girls seem to get dates easier, i'll take your word for it. im sure other things come into consideration too.

ill keep you posted.

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