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Did you know you can order tests and test kits online?

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Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:48 am

Did you know you can order tests and test kits online?

Post by ShitTalker »

Hello... Just thought I would share this info I found...

I have read about things like H Pylori and Candida and stuff like that, but always ignored them, or hoped I didn't have them because I can't really get in to see a doctor. I just wouldn't know where to go, or where to start and I read so many people just get rejected by the doctors because they think bad breath is not a serious issue...

Just the other day I realized that I can order a H. Pylori blood, breath, or fecal test, and a Candida test from an online website here in the U.S., and then go to the clinic in town and take the sample and get an email result in a few days. I had no idea I could do this and always thought I needed an expensive doctors visit, or some kind of excuse to do it. You can probably find one by doing a google search.

I'm not sure what other kind of tests you can order that might relate to bad breath, but I thought some people would like to know about this cheaper alternative... If I did it, then I know lots of others might...

The H Pylori test I ordered was about $100 and I put it on my credit card... Not bad to see if this is a problem or not. I just hope it is accurate and not a scam lol...