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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 38
Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:54 pm


Post by bwonita69 »

Watching a program on bbc3 called britain`s worst teeth and they are soooooooo bad, one girl has got clumps i mean clumps of plaque on her teeth!!! and no one has mentioned her breath atall!! I thought it was the plaque that smells, well i think mine does any way and if i leave it to grow into hard clumps of plaque then surely i would stink!!!(alot worse than i do now)
It was sooo hard that the dentist had to chisel the plaque out how bad is that??
There is another bloke i think its her brother his teeth are black and in the shape of an apple core, my teeth are no where near as bad as that, my teeth are white (well whitish - but not yellow) and are all teeth shaped.
It has got to be the bacteria in our mouths as not once through this hour long programme has anyone mentioned bb, and beleive me there teeth are well bad.
why me why me why me??????????

Posts: 613
Joined: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:43 am

Post by noptical »

Yes the plaque does stink and so do rotting teeh or food that gets trapped between them. But that smell just makes your breath smell a little, so little that its bearable and nowhere near as ours. Its a completely different smell and very mild compared to what we call "bad breath" in this forum yet most people think that you can get sewage breath just by not brushing your teeth :roll:
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:46 pm

Post by Iris »

noptical wrote:Yes the plaque does stink and so do rotting teeh or food that gets trapped between them. But that smell just makes your breath smell a little, so little that its bearable and nowhere near as ours. Its a completely different smell and very mild compared to what we call "bad breath" in this forum yet most people think that you can get sewage breath just by not brushing your teeth :roll:
Plaque and rotting teeth do not stink as many people think. When I was working in a social program to help homeless, I had the experience of talking with many people with all thier teeth really bad, plaque, and everything you can imagine people can have after many months without cleaning their mouth. These people really did not have any bad breath at all. It was amazing! They could talk very close to anyone without any embarrassment. While I could smell the lack of bath on them, their breath was fresh as baby breath. As for me, brushing many times a day, going to the dentist every six months, white smile, healthy.... but with BB.
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