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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by compor »

I am with Jimi on this one. People should realize that most of what you learn about bb, actually comes from this site. I am grateful for each and every informative & constructive post here. But especially to Jimi for keeping this site open and to halitosisux for his patience and resolve. He always asks the right questions. Everyone who is a regular follower of this site knows that Jimi is a bit short tempered but it does not give you the right to be ungrateful.

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Post by Missi »

Jimi, I'm so tired of your behavior and all your negativity !!
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Re: ..

Post by Jimi Stein »

Missi wrote:Jimi, I'm so tired of your behavior and all your negativity !!
Great Missi, you can move along, try healthboards, curezone.....
you will find out that is much better place for you

I helped at least 50 people cured their bad breath, if not more, saved their miserable life. If there would not be this site, we would still be brainwashed by the regular bad breath "experts" that charges 2000 USD per 10 minutes visit and when you come back because their crappy mouthwash does not work, they said you have been cured, they don't smell anything.

But poor you, you are fed up with my attitude? So sorry for you. How many lifes have you saved?

Again, this site is about helping eachother and not supporting rotten attitude from at least somebody, whos life has been saved. That ungrateful woman even mentioned that she is on a brink of mental breakdown. Who knows what would happen to her. And yet as soon she is cured, her attitude completely changes from being humble and with no hope to being ungrateful little cunt with a rotten heart. [-X
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Archimonde »

9YearsToFindCure wrote: tonsils are bigger and are near the vocal cords and when they vibrate, tonsil stones pop out of the tonsil crypts.
That would explain why i get much stronger reactions when i talk as opposed to just having my mouth open without talking. Was that your experience too when you had BB?
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Post by halitosisux »

Thanks compor.
I feel very bad reading all of this, for Jimi and for Mindy. Lots of misunderstandings going on. It's so easy to misjudge and and misinterpret at the best of times, let alone while living through this cruelty.

In defense of Jimi, he has a lot of responsibility and this site would simply not be what it is without him. I totally understand his exasperation at the lack of feedback at times. But in defense of Mindy, she hasn't actually done anything wrong, in fact she's done everything right in my opinion. But the more pressure Jimi put on her, the more she was pushed away. Real shame. But Jimi's pressure was kinda understandable because he was eager to find out what was happening, not just for himself, but for others too. And now it's come to this. I just hope there can be some forgiveness eventually.
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Post by StillHoping »

thanks halitosisux for the most perfect succinct response. I really wish Mindy will be allowed back because she has done absolutely nothing wrong; if anything - I found all her responses to be extremely prompt - both her and 9 years. As another female, it breaks my heart seeing her being called such harsh names when she is just trying to help. But like you said, I think this was just down to misunderstanding and I can empathize with the pressure. At the end of the day there is no reason for fighting, we should all be supporting each other through our search for a cure!
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Post by 9YearsToFindCure »

Jimi, it's not your breath that causes people to stay away from you and treat you like garbage in the real world, it's because you act like a psychopath. In our last Skype communication I texted you about (your vulgar comments to Mindy from about a month ago, that others weren't happy with them either, that you weren't even honest on your post about your last ENT visit, that I don't know if you're just afraid to have any kind of surgery but at least be straight with people, and that your site wasn't the reason I had my adenoids out so don't give yourself too much credit.) After saying those things to you, if you didn't want to be contacts on Skype any longer, it's your loss. But twisting things by saying you don't have adenoids when you do and now saying I called you all the time? That's laughable. I think you wish someone would call you all the time. I truly feel sorry for you that you don't have that, especially a girl. But stop being such a chicken shit and just go demand the god damn surgery. Then maybe you'd get cured like everyone else is doing and you wouldn't be such a miserable, hateful guy.

I honestly don't know what all of this is about anymore. People repeating the same damn questions. Just read the whole thread. Go demand tonsils, adenoids, and any cysts removed. That's it. You're done. You're cured. You're welcome. Jimi, you want money from me to upgrade this site? You don't need it. All you need to do is delete almost every other thread and ad on this site because it's all useless bullshit. False pity, delusional cures and conditions, and childish whining. Make this thread and a few more, your entire site. It's the ****ing cure! Wake up! For those of us who actually want to be cured and not just meaninglessly converse about it, it's all we need.

Many of you have thanked me which I appreciate very much. You're the ones who keep me coming back and are the only reason I'm still on this stupid site. Jimi, you've never said thank you. I spent my time researching, my money treating, and risked my body to ultimately discover the cure. While I've continued to spend months posting answers, communicating directly with people, and sharing my personal information, you've only been negative, aggressive, and manipulative while others are taking the same action I did to cure themselves. Why did you originally create this site anyway? Was it for everyone to kiss your ass and thank you for building one of the 1 BILLION websites on the net or because you actually wanted to be cured and this was the best way to search the world for it? Well guess what, it finally paid off. So stop being such a douche bag and just go do it. Even if you were cured, you'd probably still be a dick. But my hope for you is that you'd get a new girlfriend, start enjoying life again, and be happy.

Now you have the nerve to tell Mindy not to come back on this site after you attacked her like an abusive, alcoholic tyrant. And you're disclosing people's personal information like my financial status. Is anyone on this site safe from you? If not, then you should shut it down or sell it to NOTANYMORE for whatever you can get. You're completely self destructive. She's the first person whose been cured from my thread besides me. We're the ones, and soon FedUp, that bring any value to this site whatsoever and who can let others around the world know that there's finally an answer. Or you can keep treating people like you do, tell me I'm an asshole and to never come back to this site like you did Mindy, say ***k you everyone else who still desperately needs help to be cured from this miserable affliction, and come up with some new bullshit twist to justify it and help you sleep at night. I'm sure there are hundreds of people, if not thousands, who read these posts and never create an account. I was one of them. Take a breath, no pun intended, and think about what you really want from this site and from life. It's time to put your ego in check for this site and for your own well being.
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Post by -.- »

So if BB would be coming from adenoids wouldn't sinus cleaning with netipot help?

I guess people who see improvement from netipot should definitely get this surgery done.

Also could someone explain me how to do the cotton swab test. I feel like sticking a Q-tip down my nose, might not be the greatest idea.. 8-[
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Post by Jimi Stein »

9years I am happy your true personality finally came out. Such harsh words. And now I made up I was in hospital checked from an oral surgeon?

Are you insane? In our country, docs when operate on children scrape also the adenoids out.

You are such an asshole right now claiming I made it up. Your theory does not work on all, you think you got the cure, well ***k you, you don't.

I immediately told my doc to send me to surgeon to check if I have adenoids. Why would I made this up?

You must be too paranoid to think that I made it up......Only one woman was cured till now. Two of us dont have adenoids anymore.

Yeah I banned you from skype because you annoyed me with your ****ing skype calls. And I do not keep people on skype that are ****ing negative. Just suggestion, use skype texting, do not skype call people.

Dude you told me you read a post on my site that one guy was cured after he got his adenoids removed. please do not make shit up now. You told me that that finally made you do more research and be persistent.

Yes you are ****ing rich and cheap person. That is the truth.....I a not gonna disclose your name, so do not exagarate how your identity was revealed.

But yes I am glad your ****ing personality finally surfaced.

I think I said thank you in posts dude, but if not, why would I? You did not cure adenoids and regular tonsils were removed when I was 2 years old.......dude.....

o great advice, I did not know your ego is so ****ing big, that we should keep only your post, you seem to be a real retard.......and all other 100000 posts are pure shit right? Only your mighty post and topic is important.

Yes I should sell it right, for whatever anybody offer me. I dont know if you are stupid or just brainwashed.

But keep spitting on me, the ban is just a finger away. Maybe you should join that trailer trash woman....

You will soon see that you did not bring the almighty cure and that is no way to treat the owner of the site you ungrateful keyboard warrior

p.s. but if you would cure me; i would make a permanent banner for you, but you did not do that....... and check my 7th posts back, I thank you inthat post and I thank you many more times......
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by searching »

9 years,

Thank you for the helpful post. Congratulations on solving your BB issue.

Forgive me if the following has already been suggested:

Has your surgeon developed a list of colleagues who are 1) aware of the relationship of Thornwaldt's Cyst(s) and halitosis, 2) can properly diagnose the condition in those who have excellent oral health yet suffer from halitosis, and 3) now perform this procedure on this subset of the population?

A network of informed specialists would be useful and supportive.

I've read that Thornwalt's Cysts are detected in only 4% of those autopsied, i.e. a small percentage. Given this low percentage, the relationship between Thornwaldt's Cysts and halitosis may not be on the diagnostic list of most dentists and/or doctors, i.e. they need to be instructed to be on the lookout for it.

Your story is an excellent example of how anaerobic pockets are the root-cause of many of these cases, e.g., in tonsils, adenoids, poorly sealed/leaky crowns, partially erupted wisdom teeth, etc. Some of these pockets are more difficult to detect versus others, for the garden-variety dentist or hygienist.
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Post by StinkBomb »

halitosisux, well said. You are the ultimate peacemaker.

9Years, thank you for the courage to speak your truth.

searching, I agree that this is an important revelation and should be pursued by the medical community.

I had a tonsillectomy 8 months ago, but now I want to get my adenoids OUT. Before I go see my ENT again, I would like to have a pebble of ammunition. I took another look at my ct scan from 2 1/2 years ago but I just can't see anything that would appear to be adenoids, let alone a Thornwaldt's Cyst(s). Is anyone on this site an expert at reading ct scans? If so (and willing), shoot me a PM and I could share the images. Thanks in advance.
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Post by StinkBomb »

searching wrote:I've read that Thornwalt's Cysts are detected in only 4% of those autopsied, i.e. a small percentage.
Yes, this 4% figure could be discouraging but I believe it was obtained from the general population. It would be interesting to know what percentage of people with (non dental related) halitosis have Thornwaldt's Cyst(s). For all we know, it could be as high as 80% ... who knows? It definitely needs further research.
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Post by searching »

StinkBomb wrote:
searching wrote:I've read that Thornwalt's Cysts are detected in only 4% of those autopsied, i.e. a small percentage.
Yes, this 4% figure could be discouraging but I believe it was obtained from the general population. It would be interesting to know what percentage of people with (non dental related) halitosis have Thornwaldt's Cyst(s). For all we know, it could be as high as 80% ... who knows? It definitely needs further research.
Yes, this was my point, i.e. the professional dental community may be overlooking this as the root-cause, as it is a rare condition in the general population. However, it may be a chief cause for those who cannot rid themselves of BB with ordinary, daily brushing and flossing.
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Post by Jenny »

@StillHoping, excellent post.

@halitosisux, I'm highly disappointed in your response. Mindy did absolutely nothing wrong. As well as 9Years. You are making excuses for Jimi when his actions are inexcusable, disgusting, and vile. Calling a woman a cunt for no good reason is unacceptable. The only thing worse than a bully are the passersby that do nothing.
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Post by Jenny »

To Jimi, opening up this board was a great thing to do. However that doesn't make you a god and doesn't mean people should have to kiss your butt 24/7.

I also have to wonder why you're doing this. Is it to truly help others? If so, why do you always threaten to shut the board down whenever you perceive to be wronged by ONE member?

I hope you can go back and read everything here to see that Mindy and 9Years did nothing wrong while you continued to attack them and treat them rudely. I donated to you back in 2012 (I've been lurking for years before joining with this account) because I thought you were a good person doing great work. I'm disappointed to see how you treat people and bully others. You are not a good person.

If running this board is too stressful for you then please do consider selling it to someone who can handle it. You can also feel free to PM me if you want to get this off your hands.
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