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UK media opportunity with channel 5 to raise awareness

Another possible cause of bad breath.
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UK media opportunity with channel 5 to raise awareness

Post by malory »

A message from Holly of Tigress Productions:

Tigress Productions are making a new documentary series for Channel 5, following medical mysteries from both the patient and consultant perspectives.

We’re still on the lookout for active cases and case studies to include in the series and so I was wondering if you have any current/retrospective cases of TMAU that you’d consider telling us about?

We’re looking for stories that have a detective element – that have perhaps flummoxed the medical profession or taken a long chain of treatments to reach a diagnosis/cure.

The series will not be presenter-led and will rely on interviews with experts in the field and personal testimony from those affected which is one of the reasons I’m contacting you.

We are still in the early stages of production (filming commences early June until August) so it would be great if you'd let your members know about our production.

There is of course, no obligation for them to proceed as contributors on our series, but it could be a great opportunity to get some national coverage for TMAU. Any members interested in talking to me can call me on: 0117 933 5654, [email protected]

The aim of the series is to raise awareness about lesser known ailments, showcase revolutionary new treatments, and also show our audience in detail how the diagnosis process works – often patients are left wondering why their GP has taken a certain course of action; rare conditions offer us the opportunity to follow a doctors thought process from beginning to end. Filming will start early June until August, but we’re keen to speak to potential contributors now. The show will be broadcast towards the end of the year, 8 or 9pm slot (TBC).

Holly assures us the program is not exploitative:

"I understand that TMAU is a sensitive condition, and that you need to protect your members, but I can promise you that this is a serious documentary series. Tigress Productions makes inserts for the One Show, as well as lots of prestigious content, so we’re not out to exploit anyone."

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

why you want to shoot a show abount TMAU and not regular bad breath?

Is regular bad breath not damaging and wrongly perceived from public?

Why always making show about TMAU only???
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Atrial »

Jimi what makes you think you don't have tmau type 2. Take the test I'm 99 % sure most people on this website will test positive for tmau type 2.
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Atrial wrote:Jimi what makes you think you don't have tmau type 2. Take the test I'm 99 % sure most people on this website will test positive for tmau type 2.
LOL, here we go. Another nut job thinking they can blanket diagnose the entire forum. Wait, I thought 90% of us needed our adenoids removed! Damn, I'm confused.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

most of us have bad breath in mouth, throat area...that is my opinion
***k the tmau, I dont want to believe i have it. I dont have body odour.

Accepting TMAU is like accepting loss.
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by halitosisux »

Jimi TMAU type 2 does cause bad breath in mouth and throat area and rarely body odour because in TMAU 2 the levels of TMA in the blood are much lower, and it gets in secretions like saliva and mucus and smell mainly comes out where these secretions are and where they build up, i.e. the throat and maybe the nose.

TMAU1 = High levels of TMA in blood = strong fishy smell from lungs, secretions and entire body
TMAU2 = Low levels of TMA in blood = fecal, garbage, smelly socks, burning rubber, from secretions, but not much from lungs or rest of the body.

Even though TMAU 1 and 2 involve the same smelly chemical, they are almost 2 completely different things because TMAU1 involves a faulty gene and the other is usually caused by problems in the gut, impaired enzyme function, or hormonal imbalance. Women often exhibit TMAU-like odours during menstruation because of the temporary hormonal imbalance.

So much points to TMAU2. And there's things you can do yourself to confirm it. And even more important, you can often do a lot to reduce TMAU2. Probiotics, avoiding certain foods, and eating plenty of the right foods and supplements.

Finding out and fighting your issue issn't accepting loss.

All this talk of the liver, juicing etc, and TOXINS. In a normal body, that's a load of nonsense, but when you have a buildup of something smelly in your bloodstream, THEN it matters.
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Post by Atrial »

Atrial wrote:Jimi what makes you think you don't have tmau type 2. Take the test I'm 99 % sure most people on this website will test positive for tmau type 2.
LOL, here we go. Another nut job thinking they can blanket diagnose the entire forum. Wait, I thought 90% of us needed our adenoids removed! Damn, I'm confused.
I think you are a nut job with tiny brain keep brushing your teeth and using mouthwash that has helped you in the past. Idiot you will probably smell the rest of your life because you are too close minded and lazy.
Here is simple fact that indicates we are mostly tonsil/adenoid or tmau type 2

There has been a lot meeting that were arranged on this website in london more than 10 meetings
About 9 people at each meeting and they could NOT smell each other in only 1 meeting 1 lady said she could smell others.

Some of those partisipants had positive tmau2 test others did not take a test.

Any one who has been in london meeting will tell you the same .

Notamymore prove me wrong take the test otherwise shut up.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

come on stop with nutjob comment please, we are all in same shit here
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Hi


Atrial wrote:
Atrial wrote:Jimi what makes you think you don't have tmau type 2. Take the test I'm 99 % sure most people on this website will test positive for tmau type 2.
LOL, here we go. Another nut job thinking they can blanket diagnose the entire forum. Wait, I thought 90% of us needed our adenoids removed! Damn, I'm confused.
I think you are a nut job with tiny brain keep brushing your teeth and using mouthwash that has helped you in the past. Idiot you will probably smell the rest of your life because you are too close minded and lazy.
Here is simple fact that indicates we are mostly tonsil/adenoid or tmau type 2

There has been a lot meeting that were arranged on this website in london more than 10 meetings
About 9 people at each meeting and they could NOT smell each other in only 1 meeting 1 lady said she could smell others.

Some of those partisipants had positive tmau2 test others did not take a test.

Any one who has been in london meeting will tell you the same .

Notamymore prove me wrong take the test otherwise shut up.
Lazy? I have had major surgery in hopes of a cure. In fact, I just had a stomach surgery for severe reflux and Barret's esophagus 2 weeks ago. We know for a fact that reflux can be a secondary source of halitosis. Last year I had my tonsils removed, including lingual tonsils. Lady, I am a lot of things but lazy (to find a cure) is not one. I will ignore your comment about hoping that mouthwash will help my situation as I am way beyond doing the same things over and over in hopes of achieving different results. I made the nutjob comment because you, in your narrow minded view of halitosis, claimed that most of us have TMAU. My job is not to prove you wrong. You made the claim, the onus is on you to prove it. Show some documentaion that most people with chronic halitosis have TMAU.
In fact, a simple halitosis search will almost never point to TMAU as a source. Isn't that strange that if most halitosis people have TMAU that dentists, ENT's, Gastro Dr's, etc. don't order a test right away? Isn't it also strange that people can't smell each other in meetings? does evryone else have halitophobia?
I have read countless medical journals, articles, posts, etc, including TMAU literature. If I had ANY reason to believe that was me, I would have gotten tested. So I will shut up when you can shut me up with facts to support your nonsense.
Last edited by NOTANYMORE on Mon May 25, 2015 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

how you feel now? Do you feel any better after reflux surgery?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Jimi Stein wrote:how you feel now? Do you feel any better after reflux surgery?
I will post an update soon in my sticky thread but yeah, there is some improvement. The quality of my saliva has improved and my throat is moist where it was always dry before surgery. Also, I haven't had any burning sensations in my throat after eating. Unfortunately I can't get rid of the mucus after eating. Because I'm not as dried out, I can't smell the halitosis throughout the day despite the mucus which is a good thing. However, when I sleep the mucus dries and I have to hack it up upon waking. Morning breath is still pretty bad but better than before.
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Post by Atrial »

Notanymore I have already told you the evidence that suggest most people on this forum have tmau2 .
In simple terms if you talk to someone with tmau2 and you can't smell them and they can't smell you. You probably know what that means.
Like I said people go to meetings arranged on this website and they can't smell each-other it didn't happen once it happens everytime that means there is a single compound causing the smell add the fact that some of those people have positive tmau2.

It's not 100% but it's pretty close that most of us have tmau2.
There is a meeting this july come and see it yourself or take a test.
I hope you did the gerd operation for non-bb reason because that is not going help you with your bb. You will find that out in few weeks.
Btw i have not been tested for tmau2.
But i can add 1+1=2
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Re: Hi


Atrial wrote:Notanymore I have already told you the evidence that suggest most people on this forum have tmau2 .
In simple terms if you talk to someone with tmau2 and you can't smell them and they can't smell you. You probably know what that means.
Like I said people go to meetings arranged on this website and they can't smell each-other it didn't happen once it happens everytime that means there is a single compound causing the smell add the fact that some of those people have positive tmau2.

It's not 100% but it's pretty close that most of us have tmau2.
There is a meeting this july come and see it yourself or take a test.
I hope you did the gerd operation for non-bb reason because that is not going help you with your bb. You will find that out in few weeks.
Btw i have not been tested for tmau2.
But i can add 1+1=2
I just feel so bad for you. You are walking around thinking you have a super rare affliction without getting diagnosed? People are meeting and can't smell each other and that is the basis of your TMAU theory? Do you smell fishy? I have never smelled fishy...ever. Also, TMAU is often misdiagnosed when the real culprit is infection or renal disease according to the wiki page. It also says that 85% of people with type 2 can be cured of all odor with the right diet and activated charcoal. Cure yourself today if you have it! wait....never mind. Odds are that you don't.
Also, my fundoplication was not for halitosis as stated in my previous post. I have had severe reflux with food comming all the way back up the esophagus and Barret's disease. I don't expect a cure but I have already seen improvement. Either way it limits my chances of getting esophageal cancer from the Barret's so it was worth it. This is my last post to you. I wish a cure for you and everyone else but you and I are never going to see eye to eye on this.
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Post by Atrial »

No I don't smell of fish that is tmau1 and i have never smelled of fish.
Like all of us you have wasted years without finding cause/cure what makes you think you will find cure/cause in coming years.
Do yourself a favour and take the test you have nothing to lose.
If you don't get positive results I will apologise you.
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Post by Archimonde »

I made a thread a while ago about the "pro-TMAU propaganda cabal" on this forum.

viewtopic.php?p=51638&sid=46a088ccabfe9 ... 4b2955f463

Malory is at it again. Looks like her sidekick Deebo left the cabal and the forum. Maybe he wised up and finally realized he never had BB to begin with like so many people on here.

Though i firmly believe the brain, leader and mastermind behind TMAU propaganda on the whole internet is 'Scientist42', aka, Arun something, i don't know what username he uses nowadays. He was all over BB and TMAU forums a few years ago, he even had his own forum and website trying to convince everyone they have TMAU.

I suspect he made up the term 'TMAU2'. That term was unheard of just a few years ago, he was the only one using it. I couldn't find 'TMAU2' in any medical database or scientific literature back then. He invented TMAU2 to convince the world they might have TMAU even if they test negative for TMAU, no joke. He's the real McCoy, somewhat of a cult leader. Malory is one of his propagandist.
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