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An Amazing Discovery - Sugarfree/Chewable VITAMIN C

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by KC »

I also planning to quit smoking again. But gotta finish the rest of it (not too many, just about 10 packs). Really don't want to waste them lol.

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Post by noptical »

KC wrote:But gotta finish the rest of it
That's what everyone says :lol:
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Post by oceanside »

sos_bb wrote:I tried the sugar-free vit C and OMG such a difference! we'll see how it long it lasts but I can feel the difference in taste and I know it's helping. Thank you so much whoever thought of this, such a good idea! I've been taking about 1500mg a day (3 pills) and sucking them. =D>
I am glad that you are finding relief. Good luck.

I continue to recieve amazing relief. This entire week has been very good for me. I am happy to be able to live again with courage, confidence, and freedom.

Again, I have to give credit to Dr. Sami Yanikian for his help and continuous consultations. Futhermore, it's good for me to be able to focus on more important things such as living and ejoying life like normal people do.

Keep the faith and be encouraged.

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Oh my god!!!

Post by Laka »

Well I hope I don't jinx this but I tried the Vit C yesterday from GNC. 500 mg but not the sugarfree ones. Anyways, it has been working MIRACLES!!! I've had bb since I was a kid and never thought I will ever really be able to do anything about it.. Already after the first 2 vit c pieces my mouth has been feeling fresh and odorless. I get a little bb when I'm starving or after some meals but as soon as I take another vit c it goes away..

Today I bought the sugarless ones and am praying that the bb never comes back again!!! Not sure if I am absolutely 100% odorless but I feel very good.. I used to be able to smell my own breath all the time and now I just smell nothing. NOTHING! :lol:

John, THANK YOU sooo much for this tip, I would have never thought of it! Honestly, I am still a little skeptical because some of you were fine for weeks and then suddenly it came back.. Sorry to hear that! I really hope that's not the case with me as well but I just almost can't believe that it would be this simple.. :-k

Praying it will stay this way though.. [-o<
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Post by KC »

I hope Vit C can help me 2. But I'm still waiting for Snoopsister's reply....
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Re: Oh my god!!!

Post by oceanside »

Laka wrote:Well I hope I don't jinx this but I tried the Vit C yesterday from GNC. 500 mg but not the sugarfree ones. Anyways, it has been working MIRACLES!!!

Today I bought the sugarless ones and am praying that the bb never comes back again!!! Not sure if I am absolutely 100% odorless but I feel very good.. I used to be able to smell my own breath all the time and now I just smell nothing. NOTHING! :lol:

I would have never thought of it! Honestly, I am still a little skeptical because some of you were fine for weeks and then suddenly it came back.. Sorry to hear that! I really hope that's not the case with me as well but I just almost can't believe that it would be this simple.. :-k

Praying it will stay this way though.. [-o<
I am glad you are finding relief. Be strong and confident that you are benefiting from your condition. Laugh out loud, enjoy your life, and take courage to live as you have always wanted to.

Please keep us posted.
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Post by oceanside »


I continue to recieve amazing relief from my condition. Praise God. O:)

I AM confident to declare that I am healed/cured from my chronic symptoms and emotional suffering. Yes, I AM confident and bold enough to delare this fact regarding my condition. \:D/
It has been well over one month since I started this vitamin c experiment and today I am beginning to understand the depth of my discoveries as far as how this disorder has affected me. The emotional pain, the power of paranoia that it has caused me, and the constant state of living in fear has been overwhelming.

I am free at last. I am free.

Furthermore, since I have been completely off using mouthwash my mouth and flora has never been better. It is amazing. I believe using mouthwash all these years has done more harm to me than anything. Killing bacterial with harsh chemical, chlorine dioxide, left my mouth feeling, tasting, and smelling rotten, dead, and polluted.

As you well know, with any living organisms, once it dies it will begin to rot, decomposs, and stink up. I see roadkills on the highways all the time. The vultures pick on the dead tissues and rotten meat. The smell is overwhelming.

In much the same fashion, harmful mouthwash has been killing every living organisim/bacteria in my mouth, and as the result, rotten and decaying organizisms has
been producing horrible, gasous odor that has been the primary contributor of my chronic bad breath. This is my own personal theory to the cause of my condition and I encourage everyone to help me "think outside of the box" in regards to this theory. I welcome your feedbacks.

The worse part of this suffering is the isolation and shame. So much that almost every gesture or reaction from others has been percieved negative reaction b/c of my odor. That is untrue. I will say more about this when I can find the words.

Using ascorbic acid helps neutrilize the odor, increases salivary flow, promotes healing, but more importantly not using any mouthwash is allowing my mouth to return to it's healthy balanced state.

For those who are finding relief from VC, the next step I encourage you to do is to take the courage to finding a trusted friend, family member, somone to begin talking, sharing, and helping you getting back living a normal life without fear and shame.

I will keep everyone posted. Please tell me what you think about my observation.

Better days are here.

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Post by Busted »

Oceanside, do you still get the usual reactions u got e.g. touchin their noses and all that stuff?
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Post by jonnyath »

Oceanside, what is happening with this Lavoris reformulation thingy?

Is the Vit C doing it for u by itself, or did the Lavoris get your bb to a manageable level and is the Vit C a semi permanent measure until the Lavoris is available?

Are u still waiting for the Lavoris reformulation to go into production (or has it already and I missed a post or twenty) or do u feel it doesn't matter either way now?

Not really relevant to me I guess but a lot of ppl have faith and look to you as a champion in this bb cause.

So clear things up a little dude.

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Post by Larc400 »

Did anyone sucking Vitamin C notice any dental effects? (i e teeth breaking easier etc etc)
Last edited by Larc400 on Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mike987 »

so i've been out of the loop for awhile..

-vitamin c from GNC
-no vitamin a

or do i have it wrong? could someone correct me please :p
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Post by elliott »

Oceanside, if anyone deserves to rid this disgusting problem, it's you. Well, all of us... but you have been passionate and a voice of strength thru all of this.

Perhaps you can begin to add all the things you had missed out on back into your life. Over time maybe you will realize and confirm what the problem really was.. and maybe that is the answer for all of us.

We all have the bacteria problem, but possibly we have different target areas. Yours was the mouth, and you are neutralizing that area. For me I think it's the throat, and I want to focus there. Some have nasal problem. Regardless, the funk exits orally.

Maybe you should decrease the C over time and see what happens?
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i tried 4000 mg vit c for a week(that was not sugar free)

Post by rahul »

i tried 4000mg vit c for a week 500mg 8 times a day(but that was not sugar free) it didnt work at all for me
is there anyone who was not having any change in bb with vit c with sugar but with sugar free he found a lot difference??is there anyone (such case)
shud i go for the sugarfree vit c???
waiting for all of urs valuable opinion
i will tell u all abt my bb
1.i have bb since childhood increases on talking,empty stomach,after meal.
3.i dont have any other problem,my digestion is good,sleep good,no pnd,no sinus,no tonsil, nothing whenever i eat anything similar smell comes for some time(after meal)
is there anyone with similar condition like mines n being cured by sugarfree vit c
waiting for all of urs valuable opinion especially oceanside urs coz u must be knowing someone on this site with similar condition n got relief with vit c
waiting eagerly very eagerly
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Re: i tried 4000 mg vit c for a week(that was not sugar free

Post by whyme »

rahul wrote:i tried 4000mg vit c for a week 500mg 8 times a day(but that was not sugar free) it didnt work at all for me
is there anyone who was not having any change in bb with vit c with sugar but with sugar free he found a lot difference??is there anyone (such case)
shud i go for the sugarfree vit c???
waiting for all of urs valuable opinion
i will tell u all abt my bb
1.i have bb since childhood increases on talking,empty stomach,after meal.
3.i dont have any other problem,my digestion is good,sleep good,no pnd,no sinus,no tonsil, nothing whenever i eat anything similar smell comes for some time(after meal)
is there anyone with similar condition like mines n being cured by sugarfree vit c
waiting for all of urs valuable opinion especially oceanside urs coz u must be knowing someone on this site with similar condition n got relief with vit c
waiting eagerly very eagerly
1. i also have bb since childhood
2. mine just increase when i don't eat or after i eat..
3. i think i have sinus problem since i always feel a bit of muscus coming down my throat, i have small tonsils..

i'm taking 3-4 pills a day sugarfree vit c and the first time i took it breath got ok but now i can taste the pills in my mouth, my mouth smells like oranges and cherry (Pills are cherry flavor). so far it hasn't cured me and i'm afraid to increase my dosage.
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Post by Troy »

I know this thread has been up for a while, but i never gave it much attention as i thought Vitamin C tablets just can't possibly work as it sounds way too simple. However after reading some testimonies i've decided to get some tomorrow. I have also ordered some Smartmouth, but it'll take a few weeks to arrive, so till then i'll experiment with this.
After suffering with bb for almost 8 years I am finally doing something about it. Big part of that motivation comes from you guys so thank you.
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