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Tonsils, what to do

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

what i don´t understand is why our mouths are friendly enviroment for anaerobic bacteria, who feeds also from our pnd. Cause pnd isn´t a cause itself.

I know few people that can´t breath by his nouse so they breath by their mouth. Theorically this should give them bb for the mucus in their nouses plus a dry mouth by breathing by it......but it doesn´t!
yesterday i asked a good friend of mine, he has poor oral higiene, i´m maybe 10 times more cleaner than him with all the shit that we do, and now he tells me that he breaths by his mouth cause his nose is block. On the other hand, when i try to figute out if he also has pnd, he didn´t seem to understend what is that....could a person have his nose full of mucus and don´t have pnd???

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Kiki, what did your bb smell like??? Was it like fecal matter??? I knew I should have gotten my tonsils out before! I chickened out, because at the time I thought I had an ulcer and it hurt when I didn't eat. I was afraid to get the surgery because I thought it would tear up my belly not to eat after the surgery. It turned out to be a hiatal hernia, which I thought might be the cause. So now I'm all confused ](*,) Now I want surgery for both, just don't know which one to do first. I think I will sign up for a tonsillectomy again! A yr. ago my ENT dr. was convinced that that was where it was from even though I hadn't any tonsiliths at the time, there were pockets. I should have gotten it done then. It would have saved me from a lot of hurt and anxiety this year!
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Post by kiki »


I had them removed 10 years ago in tradition way, i.e. they cut them out. I don’t know if they are using new methods these days like lasers. They removed the palatine tonsils.


I can’t clearly remember what exactly the smell was. I red about many different smells, gasoline, sweet feet, and fecal matter. I think fecal matter.

emotional rescue,

I am puzzled the same way. Many people with poor hygiene smell normal even those with stuffed nose. Like some even have cold, and still smell normal. It is weird, they are very lucky. I thought that maybe such people have genetically good saliva maybe quality or even flow, God knows.
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Post by bwonita69 »

Thats what i said everyone has different types and different things that work for there bb.
I had tonsilitus loads so they removed them for me.
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I bought a sinus irregation kit several months ago (online $89). I think it was helping. I need to use it more consistantly. I've been just keeping my head above water with a toddler and a newborn lately. My breath seems to be not as bad when I am consistant. There is also a water pick feature that I use to blast my tonsils. The first time I used it I got the grossest taste in my mouth, like it had unleashed some ancient stink. It may be worth a try for some of you that think it's your tonsils, but aren't able to get the surgery done.
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Post by kiki »


Can you plz tell me what is the website for the irrigation kit, I found many on the web but still I don’t know who to trust and send money to.
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Post by elliott »

try the Grossan nasal irrigator. Works pretty good, but it's not very compact.

I am 86% sure that my have a tonsil problem... the other 14% may be digestive related. Seems like when I eat, food digests too slowly, but maybe that has noting to do with my BB. No smell from the nose, no pnd. Only a foul taste and sensation from the throat/tonsil area.

That's it. In 3 weeks, I am taking these shit factories out. Just gotta find another doc, besides the losers I've already seen. The ones that told me the cure was to just eat parsley, and order Halita... or "your breath isn't that bad"...while pinching the nose and rubbing eyes, etc.
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kiki ~ I bought the Grossan one as well. I ordered it form the Threabreath website.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I do not want that now you rush to doctors and get your tonsils removed. Tha is not a way to go.

I had mine removed years ago when I was a child and got bad breath when I was 15

and that should be clear that removal of tonsils may not solve the problem.

I am going for laser in few days now and just wait, I will let you know if it helped.

I am sure that it will decrease it at least 50 %, if he is gonna smooth the surface in the throat.

We have to wait.
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Post by Leena »

How do you know your BB is tonsils related?
I don`t have any idea if my tonsils have any smell. When I touch the back of my tongue with my finger it smells a bit most of the time. Can I perform the same test with the tonsils? I`ve tried it but I am not sure wether I was touching my tonsils or something else in the throat.

So how do you know the tonsils have anything to do?
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Jimi ~ Can you tell me again where you are getting the laser surg. done? And if you have no tonsils what are they doing the laser treatment on??? I'm anxious to see how it goes. Best wishes!
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »



they will work on remains of the tonsils, the rough tissue that is left in my throat
going to Israel for god sake. Why do I have to explain so many people. READ READ READ THE FORUM
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Post by Larc400 »

Dear Jimi,

if possible, please ask the laser doc's opinion of lasering the lingual tonsils (=tongue base) too, mentioned here.

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emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

Hi guys,

the way I see it, there is no point to take out your tonsils if you don´n know if you have crypts, tonsil stones or the liquid that later creates the stones in them.

You need to figure it out!!
If you have it, then the tonsilithis or the laser will help you to reduce your bb.
Otherwise, i think it would be useless

Leena, the best is to ask an ENT to check out these in your tonsils, but many of them aren´t familiar to these things, if you don´t tell him that the point is to get rid of your bb and this could be a cause, he probably would only look at them and say that there´s nothing wrong with them.

Another possibility is do it by yourself:
You need to massage them doing little circles, pressing them. first one, then the other. The stones are like soft and white, like a white mucus or something. And they smell REALLY BAD. Do it in front of a mirror and help you with a flashlight...
If you find them, you will have no doubts about it. This method is called ¨the finkelstein test¨ and is explained on the yehuda finkelstein interwiew that jimi did to him. You can find it on this site. It works.

good luck
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Post by austuser »

Jimi, where are you getting the laser surgery done??

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