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Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Dita »

gotshot26 wrote:Thanks for posting. Will try this toothpaste. Sorry to hear about your struggles. How long fresh are you getting at a time?
8-9 hours! :)

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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by zneb »

Is it still working ?
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Dita »

zneb wrote:Is it still working ?
100 percent, been through 2 tubes, best money ever spent.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Jimi Stein »

come on stop advertising tung is just like any other bad breath product...........u work for them?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Dita »

Jimi Stein wrote:come on stop advertising tung is just like any other bad breath product...........u work for them?
Oh that's great isn't it Jimi, you have no idea what hell I have been through having chronic BB. It's embarassing as hell, I have been suicidal and this is the ONLY thing including two types of mouthwash that work for MY body chemistry. It's cheap as hell and I JUST WANT TO HELP JUST ONE PERSON AND SAVE THEM THE YEARS OF TORMENT I HAVE GONE THROUGH MY ENTIRE LIFE.

The FACT is Jimi - products have NAMES.

The truth is that this has helped me and it might help another person. Just one other person that could be suicidal or on the verge because of this embarassing condition. Isn't that a good thing Jimi?

I thought this was supposed to be an open and safe place for us to talk about these problems. Jimi, you advertise shit loads of useless bollocks on here anyway.

You are a hypocrite. Unprofessional. Rude.

I don't work for them I actually work at a neurological hospice and then voluntarily teach adults with learning difficulties art therapy twice a week.

I actually give a crap about other people than myself.

Go on then Jimi - tell us what YOUR ANSWER IS THEN. Oh wait. It's $29.99.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Jimi Stein »

you created three different topics for tung gel.....seems fishy.......tung gel is nothing is the same crap as Katz product.....or Speiser miracle snake I said, zinc is not the main reason your bb went is the other ingredient, called sodium chlorite, a nasty chemical......seems fishy this is the only product that is praised here....and this company wanted to advertise here but changed their you could be one of their happened before.....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Jimi Stein »

ok main ingredient is zinc chloride....same shit as sodium chlorite, chlorine dioxine etc.....
side effects of zinc chloride are

Zinc chloride is a skin irritant. After contact of the skin, immediate removal is necessary using soap and plenty of water. After contact of the eyes, adequate measures are rinsing with plenty of water, use of Isogutt eye drops, and contacting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.[51]

Zinc chloride is caustic to the gastrointestinal tract, occasionally leading to hematemesis. Symptoms of acute intoxication are gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Vomiting occurs almost universally. The lethal dose in humans is 3–5 g.[citation needed] Decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract after oral uptake of zinc compounds is mostly unnecessary, since patients usually vomit sufficiently. Milk may be administered to decrease absorption of the metal. Zinc levels may be normalized with EDTA salts.[51]

Zinc chloride is extremely detrimental to the lungs, and pulmonary exposure to zinc chloride smoke resulted in ten fatalities.[citation needed] Inhalation of fumes of zinc, zinc oxide, or zinc chloride leads to pulmonary edema and metal fume fever. Onset occurs within 4–6 h and may be delayed up to 8 h. Symptoms include rapid breathing, dyspnea, cough, fever, shivering, sweating, chest and leg pain, myalgias, fatigue, metallic taste, salivation, thirst, and leukocytosis, which can last from 24 to 48 h. In cases of fume inhalation, cortisone preparations should be applied immediately (e.g., by inhalation of Auxiloson) to avoid development of lung edema.[51]
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Posts: 36
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Dita »

Jimi Stein wrote:you created three different topics for tung gel.....seems fishy.......tung gel is nothing is the same crap as Katz product.....or Speiser miracle snake I said, zinc is not the main reason your bb went is the other ingredient, called sodium chlorite, a nasty chemical......seems fishy this is the only product that is praised here....and this company wanted to advertise here but changed their you could be one of their happened before.....
Speiser miracle snake oil? Lol

No I am not one of their snitches - I in my heart know that. I am just glad that I am living like a normal person for the first time in my life.

It doesn't contain sodium chlorite.

I didn't realised this product was ever praised before?
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Dita »

Jimi Stein wrote:ok main ingredient is zinc chloride....same shit as sodium chlorite, chlorine dioxine etc.....
side effects of zinc chloride are

Zinc chloride is a skin irritant. After contact of the skin, immediate removal is necessary using soap and plenty of water. After contact of the eyes, adequate measures are rinsing with plenty of water, use of Isogutt eye drops, and contacting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.[51]

Zinc chloride is caustic to the gastrointestinal tract, occasionally leading to hematemesis. Symptoms of acute intoxication are gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Vomiting occurs almost universally. The lethal dose in humans is 3–5 g.[citation needed] Decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract after oral uptake of zinc compounds is mostly unnecessary, since patients usually vomit sufficiently. Milk may be administered to decrease absorption of the metal. Zinc levels may be normalized with EDTA salts.[51]

Zinc chloride is extremely detrimental to the lungs, and pulmonary exposure to zinc chloride smoke resulted in ten fatalities.[citation needed] Inhalation of fumes of zinc, zinc oxide, or zinc chloride leads to pulmonary edema and metal fume fever. Onset occurs within 4–6 h and may be delayed up to 8 h. Symptoms include rapid breathing, dyspnea, cough, fever, shivering, sweating, chest and leg pain, myalgias, fatigue, metallic taste, salivation, thirst, and leukocytosis, which can last from 24 to 48 h. In cases of fume inhalation, cortisone preparations should be applied immediately (e.g., by inhalation of Auxiloson) to avoid development of lung edema.[51]

Why do you never say to people on here who post extreme results from bleach and other chemicals that it is bad for them? Only now?
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Dita »

Jimi Stein wrote:ok main ingredient is zinc chloride....same shit as sodium chlorite, chlorine dioxine etc.....
side effects of zinc chloride are

Zinc chloride is a skin irritant. After contact of the skin, immediate removal is necessary using soap and plenty of water. After contact of the eyes, adequate measures are rinsing with plenty of water, use of Isogutt eye drops, and contacting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.[51]

Zinc chloride is caustic to the gastrointestinal tract, occasionally leading to hematemesis. Symptoms of acute intoxication are gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Vomiting occurs almost universally. The lethal dose in humans is 3–5 g.[citation needed] Decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract after oral uptake of zinc compounds is mostly unnecessary, since patients usually vomit sufficiently. Milk may be administered to decrease absorption of the metal. Zinc levels may be normalized with EDTA salts.[51]

Zinc chloride is extremely detrimental to the lungs, and pulmonary exposure to zinc chloride smoke resulted in ten fatalities.[citation needed] Inhalation of fumes of zinc, zinc oxide, or zinc chloride leads to pulmonary edema and metal fume fever. Onset occurs within 4–6 h and may be delayed up to 8 h. Symptoms include rapid breathing, dyspnea, cough, fever, shivering, sweating, chest and leg pain, myalgias, fatigue, metallic taste, salivation, thirst, and leukocytosis, which can last from 24 to 48 h. In cases of fume inhalation, cortisone preparations should be applied immediately (e.g., by inhalation of Auxiloson) to avoid development of lung edema.[51]
Hey, next time another person says they are using hydrogen peroxide you can tell them that it can cause white spots, skin burns, sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, pain redness, blurred vision. Hydrogen peroxide, the same mild acid that many people use to disinfectant their kitchens or treat cuts and abrasions. Hydrogen peroxide has been used as an antiseptic since the 1920s because it kills bacteria cells by destroying their cell walls.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed the safety of Zinc Chloride and approved its use as an astrigent in oral care Over-the-Counter (OTC) drug products at concentrations of 0.1-0.25%. FDA includes Zinc Chloride on its list of substances considered Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) for use as a nutrient. It is also on the list of GRAS indirect food addtives for use in cotton and cotton fabrices used in food packaging. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel has deferred evaluation of this ingredient because the safety has been assessed by FDA. This deferral of review is according to the provisions of the CIR Procedures.
More safety Information:

The FDA's Select Committee on GRAS Substances (SCOGS) concluded that there was no evidence in the available information on Zinc Chloride that demonstrates a hazard to the public when used at levels that are now current and in the manner now practiced.

Water-soluble zinc salts, including Zinc Chloride, are listed in the Cosmetics Directive of the European Union and may be used at a maximum concentration of 1%
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by gotshot26 »

It's clear from Dita's syntax that she is not working with the company. Many people that post new products are not legitimate, but I can confidently say she is.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Jimi Stein »

***k FDA, they allow mercury fillings to be put in our mouth....and other atrocities.....maybe you are the first one who believes FDA
and maybe you should have more respect for this website...that really helps to find the cure......or go post on Halitomafia forums.....they would accept you open hands
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Jimi Stein »

Therabreath is on the same level as tung gel........same crap, same oxidizing chemicals.....maybe you should do I research.....
MAybe you should start paying for this site, developer, designer, hosting from your pompous pocket....honestly I put more in than please just shut up......ebook is simply to cover the costs of the website....and with it people have a far better chance getting cured than just using tung gel....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Posts: 208
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by gotshot26 »

Jimi Stein wrote:Therabreath is on the same level as tung gel........same crap, same oxidizing chemicals.....maybe you should do I research.....
MAybe you should start paying for this site, developer, designer, hosting from your pompous pocket....honestly I put more in than please just shut up......ebook is simply to cover the costs of the website....and with it people have a far better chance getting cured than just using tung gel....
Another long-term member posted tung gel was working for them after Dita recommended it. So even if she is working with the company, isn't that a good thing that someone found a cure?

You do an amazing job with this site. I've been using it for ten years and am impressed you haven't sold-out for one of the halitomafia groups. I wanted to donate but you didn't reply to me. I asked that you accept more currencies. You only accept Euros. I don't have Euros. PayPal will only let me donate Aussie dollars. Please accept GBP, USD, AUD, CAD and I'm sure you'll get a few more donations.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Something that FINALLY WORKS after 15 years!

Post by Jimi Stein »

It is not a cure, cant you get it.....Katz uses Zinc in a similar way......Tung gel has fewer Twitter followers than our site....what does that tell you?
I reply to everybody....I think the email has gone to spam.
No, I will not sell out. In my ebook, I collected the cured reported on this site and added more info on those cures.....It is not a scam ebook, just what I have learned over 15 years of reading every post posted what works and what does not.
I changed donation button. I did not know PayPal does not automatically convert an amount from eur to usd...that is strange.....
And selling that brush.....I used that Tung brush for years...then I have read how infested that brush becomes with you are populating yourself with that brush into your tongue....another thing is that you are pushing all that gunk inside your tongue papillae where our problem most cases....and you push that bacteria in your tongue...with that dirty brush.....after I read that I never use that brush again....and I use just a regular spoon for scraping my tongue, works just any other scraper plus you can clean it really nice after usage.......
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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