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Cleaning the linguals and surrounding area

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Cleaning the linguals and surrounding area

Post by Twilight »

Many of you are worried about the linguals tonsils as a source of bb. I find that when I stick my finger as far back as I can, a horrible odor comes from the saliva back there. PND, tonsils, lack of oxygen in the enviroment...they all attribute to this.

What I feel is that the linguals, unlike the palatine, are not capable of storing massive amounts of bacteria. In fact, that particular area, is quite smooth in my case a least.

So, my method for cleaning that area is qutie simple and I consider it effective in that after cleaning the smell no longer remains in accordance the swipe finger test (it's best to swipe, then rub onto the back of your palm and wait for it to dry).

I use Spry, but I imagine you can use most mouthwashes that are relatively safe. I would stay away from cholrine dioxide type crap. Besides that, Spry contains xylitol which supposedly has some great benefits for the tonsils. Prevention might be another good choice.

What you do is pour a little of your mouthwash of the top and, after thoroughly waching your hand, dip your finger into the mouthwash, making sure you go plenty of liquid on there. Then stick your finger as far back as you can and swipe all over your tonsil and anywhere behind the tongue. Even the back of tongue where you can't normally clean as well is also a good idea. I do about three "dips". Do as many as you feel necessary.

Also, this might not sound like it's all that fun to do but it's actually really easy with the wonderful tool that is the "human finger". It can go in so many places the brush can't. In fact, I don't even gag at all when I do this as opposed to brushing or irrigating the tonsil area.

Some days by doing this once this area will be smell free for at least 12 hours. Sometimes 6. No less than 4. Depends how bad the PND is.

Anywho....hope this helps.

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Post by Larc400 »

:idea: I've also been cleaning my lingual tonsils (=furthest back on tongue) simply using my fingers and water lately. It's not really a smooth area, more like a bumpy area like on this pic:


Do you know any online place that will ship Spry internationally?
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Post by Bluerain »

I agree with twight that the linguals tonsils are not the major source of bb. They are lumpy but have a smooth surface. Unlike the tongue and the palatine tonsils, the lingual tonsils don't have many hiding places for bacteria or mucus such as visible crypts or hairy taste buds. So the two major sources of bb is the TONGUE and PALATINE TONSILS. You can clean them both. Twight/Larc400 is right in that you should always clean the very back of your tongue. You can use your finger with mouthwash or toothpaste or buy a small baby toothbrush and try to brush the dorsal (very back of) tongue area just above the lingual tonsils. Cleaning this and the whole tongue and palatine tonsils should give you better breath even with a bit of post nasal drip.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

Twilight, thanx for the tip, i hope it helps i´m gonna try it

I´think lingual tonsils is a very important issue.
I´m with LArc400, I thought that the lingual tonsils of every person were rough and with rain and twilight: are you sure you reach ot the linguals and they´r smooth??
In fact , i asked about this to an ent, if this could be part of the problem and he told me that all lingual tonsils has bumps and that it´s normal, but i think he´s just an ignorant about this and about if something could be done about this to get rid of bb,

I think it would be important that all members check your linguals and report if this is the area with more strong odor and if they are smooth, or rough and with bumps, to establish some parameters....
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Post by Twilight »

I'm so glad to hear that this may be beneficial to anyone suffering from the same condition that I do. :D

Larc: I don't know where you reside so I don't know if it's available at your local health store or not. That's where I get mine. That said, I really wouldn't go too far out of your way to get it. Just about any mouthwash will work, just not the ones we pay fair amounts of money for that are kinda harmful and contain chlorine dioxide and other crap. You might be able to get away with using those too but I personally wouldn't recommend it. i just use spry because it doesn't taste bad, has xylitol, grapefruit extract, and other relatively natural substances. I'm sure something like pro crest health would work about the same.

Anyway, is their website. I think they may deliver overseas if that is your case. They have an international number so that must mean something.

Emotional: I'm sorry if I was misleading. I'm no ENT (but I think, and I know it's hard to trust them sometimes, your ENT was right) , but your tonsils sound perfectly normal to me. My linguals are quite bumpy, yes. I'm quite sure everyone's are. What I meant is exactly as Bluerain said, "the lingual tonsils don't have many hiding places for bacteria or mucus such as visible crypts or hairy taste buds". The linguals are bumpy and are indeed capable of harvesting bacteria just like most places in our mouths. That said, they are nothing like the tongue or, even worse, the tonsils and should be able to be easily cleaned as I stated. I think the worst to clean (especially for me) are my tonsils. They are basically impossible which why I'm getting them removed this coming up Thursday.

I could be wrong on this Emotional, but I don't think your linguals are the source of your bb. I don't know exactly what your case of bb is like but I will explain my perspective on it.

Recently, I went to an ENT specifically for the reason "bad breath from tonsils", he looked and right way saw they were very cryptic/septic even though my tonsils are quite small. I asked about my adenoids and he said they were basically gone and not a problem. He doesn't perform tonsillectomy and thank goodness because after signing up for tonsillectomy with another doc who does (he's ENT surgeon/facial comestic surgeon...sometimes these guys are better at knowing how things should look), the doc I went to today actually used an endoscope and saw a little bit adenoids left which he considered to be a very likely source of bb along with the palatine. He had a special name to describe how it looked but I forget what it was.

In my case, I have bb from both nose and mouth, which is why it makes sense that it's from my tonsils, especially the adenoids though I believe even the palatines can cause bb from the nose too. I also have PND like most everyone else here. Because of this, I truly feel that our tongues and linguals are just subject to spreading bacteria. Recently, I've even been getting a very slight sore throat every day which just goes to show how much the bacteria is capable of spreading, especially with PND.

My theory is kind of easy to test I feel. If you swipe back there and it no longer smells after cleaning, and it did before...then your linguals should be good to go. I would check for another source. Removing your linguals alone will definitely help but if your adenoids are messed up like mine the bacteria from them will spread too.

Because my bb is from other areas, this only helps a little. For some of you however it may help entirely. Especially is your bb is only from the mouth.
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Post by Busted »

I think the bacteria everyone is talkin about is supposed to be there. It's just that an overgrowth of those bacteria may cause a smell. These bacteria constantly get feeded by thick mucous. To be really honest, I think it's the thick mucous that is abnormal.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

does anyone know what function has the adenoids in our body?
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Post by Larc400 »

My "aroma" is also from nose + mouth 8) but I don't have any palatine tonsils (removed yers ago) nor adenoids (at least not according to the ENT that checked a few weeks ago).

So, what's left in a case like mine? PND, and lingual tonsils.

I guess the air expelled through the nose goes past the lingual tonsils too, so nasal aroma doesn't have to mean an adenoid problem.

To me it's clear that the lingual tonsil area stinks the most, like pure ass sometimes, and it returns pretty quicky after a basic clean. Doesn't that mean that is where the bacteria hang out :oops: ?
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Post by elliott »

I think you guys are on to something...

I'm just going to add that it's possible that there isn't enough saliva production to cleanse these areas naturally? Like Busted said, the mucous is thick, and it's constantly in that area. If you take lingual, palatine, or adenoids out, it doesn't cure the mucous problem. Isn't the old mucous the actual problem?
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Post by xoxo »

Busted wrote: These bacteria constantly get feeded by thick mucous. To be really honest, I think it's the thick mucous that is abnormal.
i think bad bacteria+thick post nasal drip is the problem, at least in my case. whenever post nasal drip travel down my throat people tend to step back/touch their nose etc. the were a few occasions where i m able to smell my own breath, god, it's terrible and i dun always smell the same my BF can attest to that.

so i suspect, different types of bacteria+PND=different smell. well, its a wild guess.
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Post by Bluerain »

Just quickly back to the lingual tonsils and adenoids. We all agree everyone has them to some degree right? Most people can't properly clean these areas and if bb was due to these tonsils then EVERYONE should have bb right? But only a fraction of us have constant bb. And if the lingual tonsils were the problem we would be able to get rid of bb from it by chewing gum/vit C/or drinking water to wash away smelly liquid. But this doesn't always work...

Busted/Elliott, I totally agree with you. It is thick mucus pnd that causes bb. Our tongue and palatine tonsils work on this mucus to produce shitty breath. I've tried so hard to decrease the thick and quantity of mucus with steroid nasal sprays, guaifenesin, NAC, but they don't work. I still get lots of pnd that is pretty thick. What works better is the saline nasal washes but it only works shortly after you do it. To get relief from this you would have to do it every hour of the day. Who has the time to do that? So all we can really is to focus on regular cleaning of the entire tongue (especially the very back) and palatine tonsils and sinuses. By the way mucus from the sinus shouldn't really smell unless you have a sinus infection or mucus that has been sitting your sinus for ages.

One last thing about cleaning. The thick mucus tends to sit on the back of the tongue and lingual tonsil area (maybe this is why you think it's your lingual tonsils or your throat that is the problem of bb).

So when you wake up or every 2 or 3 hr you really should try to cough up or hack up ALL of the mucus from there. When you swallow it should feel smooth and not like you have something in your throat. This way the shitty smelling mucus is removed and you shouldn't have bb. Doing this isn't so great for your throat but there are gentle ways of doing this and now I forgot but it's on the net. It may also cause more mucus to come down like someone said but I rather have healthy breath and slightly more pnd.

Sorry for the long post...
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Post by Busted »

xoxo wrote:
Busted wrote: These bacteria constantly get feeded by thick mucous. To be really honest, I think it's the thick mucous that is abnormal.
i think bad bacteria+thick post nasal drip is the problem, at least in my case. whenever post nasal drip travel down my throat people tend to step back/touch their nose etc. the were a few occasions where i m able to smell my own breath, god, it's terrible and i dun always smell the same my BF can attest to that.

so i suspect, different types of bacteria+PND=different smell. well, its a wild guess.
Maybe the bacteria evolved because of this and are able to cause a smell. Who knows? I know is that not everyone who's suffering from post nasal drip has bad breath. It must be some special kind of post nasal drip we have.
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Post by noptical »

For the 2039583406830th time, yes we have thick sticky mucous unlike normal people who have watery mucous that flows down their throat and they swallow it unknowingly :)
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Post by Busted »

In case you haven't noticed, I have repeated a lot of what I said in the past, because people don't read every topic up til now, so it doesn't hurt if I repeat something.

And plz stop acting like i don't know anything about it :roll: I'm not a newbie
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Post by noptical »

Busted wrote:In case you haven't noticed, I have repeated a lot of what I said in the past, because people don't read every topic up til now, so it doesn't hurt if I repeat something.
That's why we need to create a FAQ or something like that so newbies can read and learn stuff so we don't have to repeat the same things again and again and clutter the forum with not so useful posts but instead focus on learning new things.
Busted wrote:And plz stop acting like i don't know anything about it :roll: I'm not a newbie
Of course you don't know anything compared to me. See what's under my nick? GOD! How dare you question God's knowledge? :evil:

I'm just kidding of course :P
Last edited by noptical on Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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