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What has worked for me

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What has worked for me

Post by Bluerain »

Here's what I've discovered and what I've done to significantly reduce BB.

I have allergies, post nasal drip, rough tongue specially at the back, and tonsils. I take Reactine for allergies, brush my tongue, do daily saline nasal washes and rinse with Listerine. I can usually tell if I have bb. I suck up or hawk up mucus/spit from my throat, spread it on my arm or back of hand. I wait for it to dry and smell it. If the stuff smells I'm pretty confident my breath also smells just as bad or worse. Another way I test is to swallow spit/air a few times with my mouth close and see if there is a smell or weird odour from my throat.

Sometimes when I suck up mucus from my throat after my usual cleaning it doesn't smell. But when I repeatedly swallow and suck up mucus/spit I can sense something foul that came from my throat. So even after brushing my teeth and tongue, rinsing with listerine and doing nasal washes, I can smell something but it's not so strong. I have come to the conclusion that it's not my teeth, tongue or mucus from my nose because I clean them all. I eventually figured out it was from my tonsils. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't see any stones so I used a Q-tip with some toothpaste to clean it and gently press near the crypts and I found one or two of these nasty stones, which smelled awful. Then I rubbed Crest Prohealth (with zinc and apparently an anti-bacterial compound) on them and let it sit for a bit. I do this twice a day along with the other cleaning. After doing this the sucked up mucus doesn't smell anymore. Even mucus that has been in my throat for a few hours doesn't smell too bad. If I swallow spit or air forcefully a few times and suck up the spit from my throat there is a usually bad smell even after cleaning the tonsils. I'm pretty sure that this is coming from my tonsils. I think what happens is when I swallow my tonsils is pressed against my throat and tongue and any mucus/spit/stuff from my tonsils is squeezed out and goes down my throat causing the terrible bb. So I think you should try to see if it is your tonsils (for those who have theirs of course). I've been able to keep my breath ok if I do this tonsil cleaning and along with regularly removing mucus from post nasal drip especially if I feel like there is a lump in my throat. If the mucus stays too long in your throat and if you're congested and breathing through your mouth, you'll get bb but it won't smell as terrible or as shitty as the stuff from the tonsils. I try to only swallow when I'm drinking or eating and that way the smell goes with the ingested stuff. There was other users on here who suggested the similar things, squeezing out stones and clearing up mucus, and I agree with them. Also chewling gum and drinking water also keeps to wash down any "squeezed tonsil juice" or stagnant mucus away. Vitamin C would also be great too but they are damaging to your teeth. Buffered Vitamin C is less damaging. I've tried Ester C, which is non-acidic, but it doesn't stimulate saliva as well as regular ascorbic acid.

I can't control morning breath, which is really nasty, but if I do the complete cleaning and try to maintain a mucus-free throat throughout the day then I'm pretty sure my breath doesn't smell as bad. When I talk to people now at distance of about 1 or 2 feet away I don't get a reaction. This past weekend I even made out with my date and again no complaints. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor to completely remove them.

Hope this will help some of you.
Take care...

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Post by mike987 »

i know what you mean about the bad taste deep in the throat...

i don't have that anymore, because two or even three times a day (for good measure) i swab out the crypts with a cotton swab..

usually after 12 hours between swabbings, i can get some noticeable dark liquid or small squishy bits to stick to the swab.. if i stopped swabbing i'm sure i'd have the stones back after just a few days

i don't think the stones are the sole reason for bb... if you've ever smelled a tonsil stone, you kind of have to put it closer to your face before you are blown away by the horrible stench.. BUT, like your theory, i'm thinking even the smallest pre-stone liquid can spread throughout the mouth and linger in the mucus..

this is good information.. and congratulations on making out with your date.. hehe =D>
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I also think Yehuda might be on the right path.

It seems so unbeleivable that the tongue would be the cause of the bad breath, because we can clean it.

I know that for me whan my bb was a lot less I felt so fresh at the back of my tongue, this is the place where the problem lies. And it can be cured!!!!

WHy the hell not people. Agree that that pus is dripping down the throat and infecting the oesophagus and also the mouth and creating that horrible stench.
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Post by Busted »

Especially when your throat is a place that can't really be cleaned. I mean you're not suppose to swallow a mouthwash. When you gargle as far back as possible, you won't even reach your throat area.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

yeah, i think yehuda is in the right track,

palatine tonsils are one of the more important sources and ligual tonsils is probably the worst.
I´m sure that the 300 members of this site, if we put our fingers over the lingual tonsils that´s the place where the most intense and awfull smell is. This thing we all have it in common. And when we talk, that´s the place where the breath pass, so it carries all this shitty smeell in it.

Yehuda is the first that i heard that says he can treat the lingual tonsils, this is were the most amount of anaerobic bacteria lies.

The only thing that rest to know if this can be cure by laser or some surgery, or if we have to find another method.

That´s the research we have to do, and that´s why jimi will go to israel.
It´s our responsability to find a cure, cause no one will do it for us

So anyone who can, please donnate

good luck to all guys this is hell
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Please let somebody elaso go to Yehuda also.

I think we should focus on adenoids. My adenoids seems to be rough, ad I can squeeze something out, like a sick tasting stuff, and they smell always.

It seems like the wohole tissue is rotten, i might be. I am not an expoert at all.

And when we swallow vitaminc C this is the area that gets afected by vit C and not the sinuses.

SO i think it is not the sinuses, it must be adenoids in most cases.

Adenoids became putrid, just try and push them down with your finger, it seems that mine are soft and hollow, but not sure.

I am really scared of getting operation, not sure how much it will hurt after, but Yehuda will laser them of hopefully so the pain will be less.,

It seems so strange that no doctor can identify he source for god sake. At least FInkelstein is doin so called Finkelstein test when he locates the source of bb wih latex glove.

No other doctor does that, they just look like retards in your mouth.
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Post by elliott »

Put me in this category as well.

I know for sure that there is something rancid in my throat. Funny thing for me is that I can gauge at which periods of the day where it comes and goes. It's related to eating. Oatmeal has a tendency to line the walls of the throat. I eat it every morning. Sounds nasty, but when you suck it back up from the throat, it brings all that sludge with it.

I also find though, that the more you hack, suck, and try to clear... the worse it'll get.

So is there any downside to removing these tonsils? Do they serve some purpose? I mean, if doctors have limited knowledge on tonsils and BB, how do we know if this is safe? I'm not trying to scare you further... just questions to ask.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »


how do you touch your adenoids?? by what i see on the pictures is on the back of the thorat and nose, how do you reach there???
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

not sure abut the adenoids

probably oyu can nottcheck them yourself

but foruc on lingul tonsils

I think adenoids are not the cause because we all have the problem with the throat wher the lingual tonsils are

I think we are practically cured if we take care of lingual tonsils

most of us have the same symptoms, forget the TMAU, just focus ion lingual for now.

ANd those who have tonsils stones in palatine they should focus on those also

Lingual operation is not easy one so I am f... scared

But if it would get rid of bb I would do it.
Last edited by Jimi Stein on Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Larc400 »

I went to the ENT to look for adenoid problems, and she concluded I have no adenoids at all (commonly they disappear after childhood). Still, I do feel like a lump back there quite often ...she said it's probably just sticky PND.

If, like Jimi, you manage to actually feel adenoid tissue, you should probably ask your ENT to check it out...
girlie girl
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How long before some relief?

Post by girlie girl »


I started today doing what you said had worked for you--I finally found how to get in the tonsils or at least put pressure on them to get stuff out. No stones, but in one tonsil there was a small amount of yellow gunk. Yuck. Anyway, I was wondering how long did you do this process of Q-tipping process before you noticed an improvement. By the way, I think this makes really good sense. Thanks.
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Post by Bluerain »

Girlie Girl,

I noticed that my breath improved almost right away. I did that swallowing test and I couldn't sense any funky smells after squeezing out the small stones and cleaning the surface of the tonsils. The next day I did the same test and there wasn't that horrible stench.

The yellow liquid is a bit concerning. I've read somewhere that when the tonsils appear to be coated with a yellow or white film it could mean an infection but I could be wrong and l don't want to scare you. You should look into that though.

Hope you'll see some improvement soon...
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