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Post by Busted »

sweets07 wrote:
Busted wrote:

There's no real reason for me to be paranoid about it anymore. I mean I pretty much know I have it 24/7. Even when it's better than usual, it's still bad. So I pretty much expect someone to make some kind of reaction when I say somethin to them and most of the times I do get one. I'd be surprised if the person did not make one. I get the nose touch more often than the "move the head out of the way". Somtimes it's a combination of both that I get: They move their heads out of the way and then grab their noses afterwards.
do u always project your breath when u talk? i think it's an important skill to learn- not projecting and pacing your speech. it will allow you to talk to people and not get embarrassed. i've gotten by like this and people are usually shocked when i confess my problem.
Not really, I just talk like i would when I'm at a safe distance. It's hard though, especially when you're not really sure if the person still wants to talk to you because of your bb. You have to like pretend you don't have bb at all.

But I noticed that a lot of people I'm in a conversation with want to end the conversation ASAP.

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Post by sweets07 »

Busted wrote: Not really, I just talk like i would when I'm at a safe distance. It's hard though, especially when you're not really sure if the person still wants to talk to you because of your bb. You have to like pretend you don't have bb at all.

But I noticed that a lot of people I'm in a conversation with want to end the conversation ASAP.
i'm sorry to hear that. i suggest practicing not projecting/breathing much when you talk. it's hard to describe. it requires talking with your teeth almost closed together. i watch other people and they look similar to me when i talk. so i don't worry about looking weird. when i smell other people with bad breath, you can smell the fart even from a distance. so i talk like this most of the time.
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Post by issy154 »

When I went on vacation and was in an elevator with a lot of people, I started having a convo. with my aunt and no one made any reaction. I was basically grazing another person's arm and there was a woman in front of me and I was facing her.

I dunno if they were just being polite though and couldn't wait to get out of that damn elevator LOL.

Anyway, it seems as if I will never truly gain all my confidence back because I will always be conscious about it.

Also, I think it depends on the people who can smell your breath. Some have a better sense of smell then others, some have bad hygiene and are used to bad smells so they don't react at all, etc.
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Post by sweets07 »

issy154 wrote:Also, I think it depends on the people who can smell your breath. Some have a better sense of smell then others, some have bad hygiene and are used to bad smells so they don't react at all, etc.
i totally agree. i don't react to people with bb. i've never met anyone who's been worse than fart, fishy, stale, hot dog water, or morning breath smell tho.

i don't think i'll ever not be self conscious either. so many people with stale breath or hot dog water breath get in your face and don't know their breath stinks. even if i am lucky enough to smell like them or nothing at all, i'll still always hide my breath when i talk.
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hot dog water :lol: that's a great description of some people's breath! I only wish mine smelled that way and not like farts.
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Post by sweets07 »

TIREDOFIT wrote:hot dog water :lol: that's a great description of some people's breath! I only wish mine smelled that way and not like farts.
yep y'all know that smell! they probably got some food rotting in their back teeth or cavities to fill.
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Post by Busted »

Do you always meet people with bb, sweets?

I have been in a few situations where the person I spoke to had a some bad breath, but it wasn't chronic as in my situation. I mean they only have it from time to time. Plus it wasn't the kind you can smell from 5 or 6 feet away. And I didn't react to it too and nor did others who spoke to them. It did smell bad but not bad enough for others to react to it.

But if I see other people always grabbing their noses, coughing, and move their heads out of the way, it makes me think if my situation is even comparable with theirs. In your posts it's like you meet a lot of people with chronic bad breath every day.

I always check if someone other than me shows any signs of being a chronic halitosis sufferer, but I've never seen one before in my life. I mean this forum helps us feel a little less alone, but you still have to go through life alone day to day.
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Post by elliott »

what's interesting for me is that my ex-coworker had nasty BB before I had it. We worked closely together, and I never understood why she was so quiet. I never made a big deal about it. (I have had 2 friends w/ BB and I tried not to make them dad also has BB)

Anyway, she always complained about her stomach, her stuffy nose, allergies. She was Korean and ate lots of spicy food. About a year later, she mentioned seeing some doctor, and she was taking some Korean substance...some brown liquid in a bag. Soon, her breath stank no more! At the time it meant nothing to me.

Year later, she got let go from the company. Months later, MY BB problem kicked in. Now, I can't stop thinking about my coworker! Did I get it from her? We drank from the same cup at times, stuff like that. I wonder how she got rid of it? All that time, she was suffering, but I never knew it... I guess I'll always wonder.
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Post by sweets07 »

Busted wrote:Do you always meet people with bb, sweets?
i've only met one chronic case and i have a few friends with fart mouths that arise at random points in the day- like after a nap, later in the day, when singing, etc. not chronic cases tho. the chronic guy i know got that resolved... don't have the nerve to ask him how he did it. i mean how do i say, 'hey man, i know your breath used to smell like shyt, how'd you fix it.' that's just not cool. i remember looking around his room for breath products and all i saw was colgate toothpaste.

other's with the staleness/hot dog water... i don't know. it just seems to be people that eat ethnic foods all the time or drink too much coffee. my boss is like that. most people i run into have nice breath. even my friend that smokes. i hate smoker halitosis! you walk by someone smoking and the smoke-cloud smells like fart and cigarettes. why do that to yourself?!?!

lastly, i've had a break through!

when i couldn't sleep last night at like 4am, i ate a blueberry yogurt, listened to music, came on the site, and then went to sleep. i woke up this morning and my tongue was pink! was it the yogurt who knows. but i'm excited! things are turning around!
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Post by noptical »

sweets07 wrote:when i couldn't sleep last night at like 4am, i ate a blueberry yogurt, listened to music, came on the site, and then went to sleep. i woke up this morning and my tongue was pink! was it the yogurt who knows. but i'm excited! things are turning around!
Keep eating natural yogurt (dunno if blueberry makes it worse or not). I've been eating a lot of yogurt for 3 weeks now and it hasn't been few times when I woke up and instead of smelling like shit I smelled just... a little yogurt.
One thing I know for sure it helped A LOT with my digestive system and I will keep eating.
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Post by jc »


Anyway, she always complained about her stomach, her stuffy nose, allergies. She was Korean and ate lots of spicy food. About a year later, she mentioned seeing some doctor, and she was taking some Korean substance...some brown liquid in a bag. Soon, her breath stank no more! At the time it meant nothing to me.

That`s a popular Korean tonic. That`s included in my list of future remedies if the present supplement I`m taking will stop working.
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Post by Larc400 »

elliott wrote:I wonder how she got rid of it? All that time, she was suffering, but I never knew it... I guess I'll always wonder.
Can't you get in touch with her... surely you know her name 8-[ ? You can just come clean about your problem and ask what was in that mysterious brown bag tonic.
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Post by Leena »

Larc400 wrote:
elliott wrote:I wonder how she got rid of it? All that time, she was suffering, but I never knew it... I guess I'll always wonder.
Can't you get in touch with her... surely you know her name 8-[ ? You can just come clean about your problem and ask what was in that mysterious brown bag tonic.
Or maybe it was not the tonic that helped. She might have seen the proper doctors and they might have cured her. Or she might have done many things at once that helped.
It would be great to ask her.
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Post by jc »

I`ve seen many Korean women drink that tonic so I don`t know if it`s okay with men but I`m sure that they take that for extra vigor, fertility & overall good health.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

jc, what are you doing and taking actually?
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