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Bad Breath Might be comming from no one expects it would

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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My friend said her hubby had horrible bb due to gum disease. It wasn't fart smelly - she couldn't describe it. All my dentists have ruled out my gums. I'm sure there are many reasons why people have bad breath. I read online last night that a lady had a dog with horrible breath and it turned out he had a tumor on his spleen. They did surgery on it and afterward the dog had no more bb. I think if you have pnd that your bb has to do with a low grade, chronic upper respiratory infection - like in the lungs, tonsils, adenoids or sinuses.

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Post by sweets07 »

TIREDOFIT wrote:My friend said her hubby had horrible bb due to gum disease. It wasn't fart smelly - she couldn't describe it. All my dentists have ruled out my gums. I'm sure there are many reasons why people have bad breath. I read online last night that a lady had a dog with horrible breath and it turned out he had a tumor on his spleen. They did surgery on it and afterward the dog had no more bb. I think if you have pnd that your bb has to do with a low grade, chronic upper respiratory infection - like in the lungs, tonsils, adenoids or sinuses.
when i finally get my tv maybe i won't blog here so damn much... but anyway

it makes sense that if your spleen, a specialized lymph node and immunological filter of the blood, is jacked with a tumor then you'd have an increase in crap flow through the body. same with the liver. blood flows from the gut straight thru the hepatic artery (i think) to the liver before it hits the rest of the body as a major filter. if you have bb from these organs not doing there job you would probably have other major issues too... i guessing bo, anemia, increased susceptiblity to infections, jaundice... i need to think about this more... i'll get back to you.
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Post by sotired »

Has anybody done deep cleaning?
I had significant improvement after a deep cleaning about a year ago. I had begged my dentist to refer me to a periodontist (so that my insurance would pay for it) and he said he couldn't justify it because I didn't have any issues with gum disease, but that I probably needed a deep cleaning because my gums were starting to recede. He told me a couple of visits later that the receding gums could also be caused by over-zealous brushing, but the deep cleaning helped a lot for about a month
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Post by rmb »

:( hello there,just like all you guys im still suffering with bb,i swear the vit. c improved my bb.
i stopped using it for 2 weeks and it came back.hopefully we can find a permanent cure.
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Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:31 am

Post by coeric »

im kind of tired of hearing about vitamin c. it hasnt been proven whatsoever that it helps even the tiniest bit. what is "helping" is that tart flavor in that particular gnc brand that makes peoples' mouth salivate. anything that makes your mouth water in its natural saliva will temporarily help. think about it. why else would no other brand of vitamin c work? or why does the gnc brand with sugar not work? it's simply the flavor.

this seems to be another thread on general causes so ill add my other 2 cents and hope that someone can benefit from it. i believe that there are two main types of halitosis, and about 95% of all sufferers have one or the other, or both. first is like what oceanside and most others have, that it is an imbalance of volatile bacteria on and inside their tongues and tonsils. these can be "treated" to an extent with anything that makes ones mouth water with natural saliva. a cure for this type of halitosis is unknown to all.

the second type of bad breath is what i believe is causing my own problem (and a few others here it seems). and that is rotten/enlarged adenoids. it gives us bad breath in addition to strange body odor problems. certain antibiodics have a specfic affect on our halitosis as they target problem ares in our sinuses, thus changing how the gland behaves, and for a while you might think youre cured while taking them. but it always comes back of course. this is also why the vitamin c doesnt work well on us. the source of our problem is hidden above our tonsils and not on the tongue alone.

i havent had my adenoids removed yet - no insurance, no money - but i do feel that once i do it ought to be the answer ive been looking for.
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