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Burning mouth/tongue and its connection to candiasis

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Burning mouth/tongue and its connection to candiasis

Post by Twilight »

Today I've been suffering mildly from "burning mouth/tongue syndrome." I just wanted to know whether anyone else on here has ever experienced this before?

For anyone who's wondering:
"Burning mouth syndrome is a relatively common condition that is characterized by a complaint of an abnormalsensation of the lining of the mouth that most patients describe as feeling like their mouth has been scalded.

Usually this sensation develops in the front part of the mouth, typically affecting the inner surfaces of the lips,the roof of the mouth and the sides and tip of the tongue. In some patients, only the tongue will be affected,however, any combination of these sites may be seen. Some patients may have a decreased taste ability oraltered taste sensation (bitter or salty). Other patients may feel that their mouths are dry or sticky. In all cases,however, the lining of the mouth clinically appears normal."

I just recently discovered that this is the feeling I sometimes get in my mouth. Whenever a doctor asks me if I have a bad taste, I always have to reply with no because to describe it as a taste seems misleading. I remember having this exact same feeling in my mouth while taking Odor Cleanse for a while too (mushroom would seem to encourage yeast growth). I've also had two cases of oral thrush in my lifetime. Then I found this:

"Burning tongue or burning mouth symptoms are usually caused by xerostomia, candidiasis, other chronic infections, referred pain from the tongue muscles, dental disease, reflux of gastric acid, medications, noxious oral habits, blood dyscrasias, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, inflammatoriy disorders, psychogenic factors, or unknown causes. Geographic tongue results from loss of filiform papillae from patches on the dorsal surface of the tongue. The location of the patches may appear to shift over a period of weeks. It is usually not painful and does not require specific treatment."

So...I think I'm gonna try some anti-fungal treatment of some sort. Does anyone know of any homemade techniques for temporary relief?

Anywho, I hope someone can find this information useful.