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prilosec and bb

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prilosec and bb

Post by sweets07 »

i'm sure this may be old news to some, but i wanted to express first hand experience with prilosec causing bb.

as some of u may already know, i underwent a tonsillectomy (didn't have adenoids) and my friends and family have confirmed that i'm bb free. i think that it comes back from time to time, but at least it's not chronic anymore.

i've been on prilosec for a couple weeks now, and out of no where i would get the most horrible breath, ESPECIALLY in the morning. it's smelled like rotten fish. i figured i was relapsing, but i remembered someone from the site warning me about prilosec and bb.

i stopped taking it, and it seems like things are improving. my digestive track is no longer out of wack (i had the worst constipation) and i don't have that horrible order from my mouth.

WHY this happens:

i think it is linked to the fact that our bodies' immune cells depend on proton pumps to destroy bacteria they ingest. these drugs block proton pump function, and thus immune cell function. so u get an overgrowth of aggressive bacteria in the mouth. i think that those who have chronic bb, have immune deficiencies that need to be addressed. but how many people can find an doctor that specializes in immune deficiencies that focuses on these issues!!! as an immunology doctoral student, i can guarantee u that i'll do everything i can to find a link between bad breath and the immune system that can translate into relief for bb suffers. this condition needs attention, and i'm tired of doctor's general ignorance on treating the problem. it's just too serious.

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Post by hopeful »

So would a good first step be rebuilding my immune system with supplements and a healthy diet?

I know my bb originates from poor digestion and my poor immune system so I've been looking into treating both with supplements. Can you make any recommendations?
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Post by elliott »

Sweets, if there is ever anything I can do to help... I'm not going anywhere.
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Post by sweets07 »

hopeful wrote:So would a good first step be rebuilding my immune system with supplements and a healthy diet?

I know my bb originates from poor digestion and my poor immune system so I've been looking into treating both with supplements. Can you make any recommendations?
the best way to help your immune system is to eat well and take BOTH pre- and probiotics. your immune system depends on healthy bacteria to function properly and healthy bacteria need pre-biotics to grow. if your flora is mostly anaerobic, you end up with allergies, digestive problems, and as we all know, odor problems. i think that it's possible to overdo it in terms of taking probiotics, so if i were you, i would start by drinking one glass of a yogurt smoothie containing a prebiotic like inulin, and cutting back on refined sugars and fattening foods. i know many have tried the probiotic thing, but if it is not done properly (ie taken with prebiotics and a healthy diet) it doesn't always help. especially when we spend all our time using anit-halitosis products....

which leads to my next suggestion: i would not try treating halitosis with anti-halitosis products. it is no different than trying to treat it with antibiotics. it doesn't work long term. this means, keep your body healthy and stop using mouthwashes and zinc products that only make the anaerobic bacteria gain strong resistance genes. if i use anything, i'll BRIEFLY gargle with hydrogen peroxide, but i prefer not to use it because it kills the good bacteria and allows the bad to grow and gain strength.

nothing is guaranteed when it comes to tackling halitosis, and we all know this. we just have to do everything we can to make sure our bodies are balanced and healthy to give ourselves a chance at having a healthly mouth flora. i remember reading someone's post that bb suffers are healthy but just have bb bacteria in their mouth. this is not true. your body is not supposed to have a proliferation of anaerobic bacteria anywhere. it can be pathogenic and reflects an imbalance or deficiency in your normal bodiy function. i say this because many professors study these things at school but have yet to find links to bb because frankly no one is looking. it's just too rare and consequently overlooked.
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Post by jc »

maybe you could shed some light on how zinc makes the anaerobic bacteria gain more resistant genes. i`ve tried taking it a few years ago & even if it helped eliminate my pnd, i started getting coughing reactions. is there a way of reversing it. what other products could cause these mutations? thanks.
Posts: 187
Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:53 am

Post by sweets07 »

jc wrote:sweets07:
maybe you could shed some light on how zinc makes the anaerobic bacteria gain more resistant genes. i`ve tried taking it a few years ago & even if it helped eliminate my pnd, i started getting coughing reactions. is there a way of reversing it. what other products could cause these mutations? thanks.
some bacteria naturally have acquired differences or mutations that allow them to survive in harsh conditions. so when you try to kill off bb bacteria with some chemical (antibiotic) the few surviving bacteria with those beneficial mutations will grow and take over.

i don't know how you can reverse an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria. i think the key is having a healthy body and giving probiotic bacteria a chance to replenish. we all know there is no straight answer for how any one person can achieve this. in my case i swear it was a miracle from God. there are just too many people who have tried what i've tried and it didn't work.

i mean today i was worried about my breath eventhough i've been doing well, because i still just worry about it.... i don't why. I had my best friend check my breath and i asked if i smelled weird in general. she said no, you don't smell at all. i showed her the site and she read the stories. i told her i was like this, and she didn't believe me. she was in shock and gave the usual response, "these people need to just brush more often." she said that she always feels like her breath is bad even after she brushes. and she doesn't care. BUT in reality she doesn't have bb despite her mentioning that she has pnd and that clogged feeling in her throat.
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