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Metronidazole & Fluconazole (Combination therapy for BB)

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by ac10 »

Hey keeptrying09, Iam ready for you to send me the two drugs. Ive been emailing you. So whenever you see this write me back so we can discuss further.

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Post by ac10 »

DrMel I dont think JIMI is being negative at all. it is HIS website and i thank, love and appreciate him for creating such a site. Most of us would have lost all hope and some probably would have killed themselves already without the motivation and hope this site instills in us. Jimi having concerns on drugs that we are taking shows that he actually cares which just shows more of how good of a heart he has.

However though Jimi, although we are all very desperate and will try anything, I m convinced that KeepTrying09 is genuinely here trying his hardest in feeding us as much information as possible to help us conquer bb and live life again. He seems like a very intelligent person, like ive said b4, and puts a lot of thought in his theories before posting them on here.

Iam kindly asking you to let KT09 keep informing us with possible cures that doctors wont tell us. Even if he is charging a little bit etrxa money to pocket. I dont see nothing wrong with that. After all he is taking time out of his day to reasarch and post info and actually purchasing these drugs and shipping them out. I would gladly pay him for the services. Just like how I plan on donating to this website for its services. Hopefully nobody gets hurt but please let KT keep informing us with any valuable information he may have[/b]
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Post by hopeful »

So I've been taking the flagyl and biozole for 3 days now. I have been taking 3 flagyl pills(breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 1 biozole each day and up until today didn't have any side effects. Luckily for me, no major stomach upset or nausea, just a bitter taste in my mouth. I've eaten fairly healthy except for some chicken wings and french fries last night(which my body disliked by giving me some stinky gas!) and have taken quite a bit of probiotics. Based on my observations (coworkers mainly), I don't think it's helped yet. I still have hope as it's so early on.

If this doesn't work, at least I can eliminate it from the list.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes like vitamin C, pulling out teeth, what else, so many stuff that were just not working. There is no way this is a cure,m it helped one person, and obviously many tried now, no cure yet.

The guy is opening a shop here obviously.

This just can't be the cure, no ****ing way, and you people are so desperate you would try anything, even put your health at stake.
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Post by halitosisux »

This was never about people ruling out esophegal candida infection, it was about ruling out systemic candida infections involving any part of the body, once and for all, and without spending months on nonsense diets and alternative health BS. And I just cant understand what is so difficult about ruling out candida by going to see a doctor and asking to try antifungal/antibiotic treatment. And if you live in a country where doctors arent easily accessible, for costs involved etc, then the chances are you live in a country where the generic form of these drugs can be bought in your local grocery store.
IF anyone really did have a systemic candida infection or yeast overgrowth in some part of their body, they'd have CLEAR SYMPTOMS of this and would have no problem in convincing a doctor to persue this possibility.

Even an AIDS patient whose body has been literally taken over by candida has it controlled by antifungal medications, so why would anyone be in any doubts about whether or not candida is behind their BB once they've attempted antifungal medication.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

hopeful wrote:So I've been taking the flagyl and biozole for 3 days now. I have been taking 3 flagyl pills(breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 1 biozole each day and up until today didn't have any side effects. Luckily for me, no major stomach upset or nausea, just a bitter taste in my mouth. I've eaten fairly healthy except for some chicken wings and french fries last night(which my body disliked by giving me some stinky gas!) and have taken quite a bit of probiotics. Based on my observations (coworkers mainly), I don't think it's helped yet. I still have hope as it's so early on.

If this doesn't work, at least I can eliminate it from the list.
Hey hopeful,

Three days is way too early to judge if it's working or not. Give it some more time and let us know how it goes. :)
halitosisux wrote:And I just cant understand what is so difficult about ruling out candida by going to see a doctor and asking to try antifungal/antibiotic treatment. And if you live in a country where doctors arent easily accessible, for costs involved etc, then the chances are you live in a country where the generic form of these drugs can be bought in your local grocery store.
Hey Hal,

I think we've been over this already. Clearly from the posts of other forum members it is not so easy to get doctors to cooperate in regards to anti fungal treatment. I have always, and still do encourage people to try to get these medications prescribed by a doctor if they are able to. But again, I've heard from numerous people that their doctors refuse to explore this option, so they are stuck with either trying to acquire these medications on their own, or do without. If people are able to buy the generic versions of these medications in their own country, then I say go for it. Then they wouldn't have to wait a week or two for the medications to arrive. But I don't believe the majority of people who visit this forum live in a country where prescription medications can be bought over the counter.
halitosisux wrote:IF anyone really did have a systemic candida infection or yeast overgrowth in some part of their body, they'd have CLEAR SYMPTOMS of this and would have no problem in convincing a doctor to persue this possibility.
I respectfully disagree Hal. Let's differentiate between an external yeast infection and an internal yeast infection, because they are two different monsters in the eyes of the medical community. For starters, external yeast infections, such as vaginal yeast infections, yeast infections of the skin or nails, and oral thrush are accepted in the medical community because they can be seen. All a doctor has to do is take a look inside a person's mouth, on their skin or nails, or at a woman's vagina and they can say "Yep, this is a yeast infection." Internal infections are not that easy to diagnose. If it weren't for my bad breath, I would have never figured out I had a Candida infection in my esophagus. And look how long it took for a doctor to even discover that! I began searching for the cause of my bad breath more than 10 years ago. Believe me, I had seen many doctors before I saw the one here in Thailand who found the problem.

The problem with internal yeast infections is that the symptoms can often mirror those of other illnesses, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron's Disease, Leaky Gut, etc.... More often than not doctors will prescribe medications to treat those other conditions instead of investigating whether or not yeast is a possible cause. Internal yeast infections are not accepted by the medical community because they were taught in medical school that only severely immunocompromised people suffer from them. Quite frankly this is BS, and I am living proof of that. Good luck on trying to convince the medical community otherwise though. Personally I really do wish they would change their stance on the whole Candida issue. It really isn't that hard to check for, so I don't know why they are so reluctant to do it when patients inquire about it.
halitosisux wrote:Even an AIDS patient whose body has been literally taken over by candida has it controlled by antifungal medications, so why would anyone be in any doubts about whether or not candida is behind their BB once they've attempted antifungal medication.
I don't understand this point. I think you are saying that if a person has attempted anti fungal therapy but it didn't work for bad breath, then they can rule out Candida as a possible cause. If that is what you are saying then I completely agree with you. If someone tries anti fungals and their bad breath is not cured, then their problem clearly was not Candida.
Jimi wrote:Yes like vitamin C, pulling out teeth, what else, so many stuff that were just not working. There is no way this is a cure,m it helped one person, and obviously many tried now, no cure yet.

The guy is opening a shop here obviously.

This just can't be the cure, no ****ing way, and you people are so desperate you would try anything, even put your health at stake.
Jimi, you asked me why I didn't want to meet you or talk to you even though we live in the same city. Responses like the one you just gave are the reason why. Jimi, I appreciate the fact that you started this website. I think you started out with the intention of providing people who suffer from bad breath a place they don't have to feel embarrassed or ashamed. You have created a community here where sufferers can talk to one another and gain support and friendship and I commend you for that.

But reading through your posts in the months and years after you started this forum, I see such negativity coming from you. Frequently you say things like "This cure is BS", "FU@$ doctors, they are worthless", etc. You even call some of the people who post on this forum names that I care not to repeat here. I know bad breath can cause depression and anger, but is it really causing you that much emotional distress that you have become generally distrustful and blinded by negativity?

You say that these are powerful drugs and you have expressed your views on their safety as a reason on why people should not try them. But you equally discredit things such as Vitamins, Probiotics, Wisdom Teeth Removal, Tonsil Removal, Therabreath, EFT therapy, etc. Every single one of those remedies you have pretty much said "It's crap, doesn't work, don't waste your time with it." You have single handedly discredited almost every possible remedy for bad breath on the forum. What exactly are people supposed to try to cure their bad breath? If people eliminated everything you have said is "crap" then they would only be left with trying a Raw Food Diet to cure their bad breath.

You say that what I have offered people cannot be the cure. You say that as if there were only 1 cure for bad breath. Jimi, I never came to this forum saying that this was the definitive cure for bad breath. If so, I would have posted something like "ATTENTION ALL BAD BREATH SUFFERERS, YOU TOO CAN BE CURED, 100% GUARANTEED!". But I didn't write that at all, because I know that is utter garbage. I have repeatedly said "Hey, this might be your cure and it might not be your cure. I make no guarantee it will work, but it did work for me because Candida was the cause of my bad breath, and if you wanted to try it and see if it works for you then I am happy to help." Take the time to actually read through my posts Jimi and you will see that I have no "shady" intentions as you put it. I have posted my story. I have given information about the medications. I have provided ample links and information regarding both the benefits and the potential risks involved. I have made myself available to answer any questions that the forum members have. I have come to this forum even though I don't have bad breath anymore and I have tried to help those who are still suffering with bad breath to find their cure. And still, almost everything you say to me is loaded with negativity and distrust. I don't know what else I can do to make you see I am genuine in my efforts to help people.

Regardless of my opinion though, I still respect the fact that this is your website, and you have the right to manage it however you see fit. Again, if you feel uncomfortable with anything i've said, or anything i've offered, please tell me and I will stop immediately. My intention is not to piss you off Jimi, I am only here to share my knowledge and try to help people find their cure for bad breath.
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Post by DrMel »

This page had been so much better if Keeptrying09 had been admin instead of Jimi. We do not need your negative settings, Jimi.
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Post by hopeful »

Something we need to all keep in mind is that suffering from bb for the amount of time that most of us has is emotionally draining.

I'm sure we all have bad days where we just feel so down about everything that it would be impossible not to be negative.

Jimi, please try to be open minded and remember that everyone who is here is here for the same reason. We should be working with each other instead of accusing each other. I was one of your first financial donors three years ago and I thank you for creating and maintaining this space. Aside from curezone, I'm not aware of any other place for intelligent theory sharing.

Everyone just needs to chill and relax. We are all adult who can make informed decisions based on the information we have access to. If someone wants to try prescription meds, that is there decision. We are judged everyday already for our condition, let's not turn on each other as well.

Btw, I thought the prices KeepTrying charged were very reasonable. God knows I've spent 1000 times more for garbage toothpaste, gums, and mouthwashes.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hey KT and everyone else participating here,
I'm sorry for having to bring the subject of shipping meds up again but as much as I know you are trying to help people and I know its totally from a sincere desire to try to help others going through the hell you've been through, but there is a very important issue here with regards to legal liabilities. Infact, as far as I am aware its actually illegal to obtain prescription medications from overseas into the UK.

I guess if you simply announce that from now on any discussions regarding the shipment of any medications must be done in private, that wouldnt be a bad solution.

KT, on the actual discussion of candida, I meant generally if someone had candida in some part of their body there would be symptoms. And yes I agree those symptoms may well get confused by other causes, just like your case of BB was. But it was your BB that led to your endoscopy and your eventual diagnosis. If someone has the symptoms of crohn's disease for instance, the symptoms which would lead to any investigation and subsequent diagnosis would no doubt reveal the presense of candida during testing. So my point was that anyone who sees a doctor showing clear symptoms which a doctor might suspect may be yeast related, should not have too much difficulty being prescribed medications to deal with a fungal infection. Many doctors openly admit there are grey areas they dont know much about - BB and candida being prime examples. Its just a case of finding a good doctor who is willing to try things and experiment - most doctors admit they havent a CLUE about BB, other than sending patients home with a prescription for mouthwash. Its all about how you approach your doctor.

Also, yes you correctly understood my point about those with AIDS.

Everyone is desperate to rid themselves of this curse. That's actually why I've found it impossible to stop thinking about this problem and put it behind me because I'd always know I might have been able to help someone going through the same darkness that I went through. And desperate situations require desperate solutions. Taking out your tonsils hoping it will rid you of BB is a desperate measure. Wrenching out teeth is a desperate measure. Most people who end up getting cured, including myself, do so because they stumbled upon their cure in their quest to discover what is causing their BB. If people dont try things and take risks then NOTHING is ever going to happen.
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Post by hopeful »

So I just finished day 5 and I woke up with some odd muscle aches this morning (the joint connecting my foot to my shin in the front). It's been a nagging feeling all day and it's still sore and since I haven't exercised strenuously I'm sure it's a side effect (I usually only get muscle aches if I work an area of my body that hasn't been worked out in awhile).

Second thing I've noticed is some minor chess pains that started this afternoon. Not increased heart rate or anything but just some tenderness above my right breast where the bones are (so not near my heart anyways since it's on right).

Other than that, no stomach problems or nausea. Still eating healthy and loading up on probiotics in the morning and before bed (I use Custom Probiotics which guarantees 260 billion CFU). Five more days to go on the flagyl and 7 more on the biozole. I hope I don't have anymore side effects.

No report on improvements yet as I tend to hermit in my office all day. I will wait till the end to see if there are any improvements.
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Post by ac10 »

keeptrying i feel like u r avoiding me for some reason. i dont know what ive said or done to u for u to go from willing to help me to just completly avoiding me and not responding to my emails nor the pms ive been sending. whatever it is ive done im sorry and could u please help me get my hands on the those two meds. please
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

ac10 wrote:keeptrying i feel like u r avoiding me for some reason. i dont know what ive said or done to u for u to go from willing to help me to just completly avoiding me and not responding to my emails nor the pms ive been sending. whatever it is ive done im sorry and could u please help me get my hands on the those two meds. please
Hey ac10,

Oh goodness, don't think like that. I'm not avoiding you at all. I've responded to your e-mails, at least I think it's your e-mail address i'm responding to, but I haven't heard anything back from you. Are you sure my e-mails are not going to your junk mail folder??? The last e-mail I sent you (at least I think it's you) was yesterday. Let me know so we can get this communication error resolved! :)
halitosisux wrote:Infact, as far as I am aware its actually illegal to obtain prescription medications from overseas into the UK.
Hey Hal,

I visited the UK's customs webpage and went through it in regards to imports of pharmaceuticals via mail, as well as bringing it with you if you travel there. Prescription medications are not on the UK's banned or restricted items list for import from what I can see on the customs website. I imagine that is a reliable source since it is the official customs website from the UK Government. Feel free to take a look at their website and tell me if I missed something. I tried to dig through as much information as I could.
halitosisux wrote:I guess if you simply announce that from now on any discussions regarding the shipment of any medications must be done in private, that wouldnt be a bad solution.
I think you're right. Consider this my announcement then...
halitosisux wrote:KT, on the actual discussion of candida, I meant generally if someone had candida in some part of their body there would be symptoms. And yes I agree those symptoms may well get confused by other causes, just like your case of BB was. But it was your BB that led to your endoscopy and your eventual diagnosis. If someone has the symptoms of crohn's disease for instance, the symptoms which would lead to any investigation and subsequent diagnosis would no doubt reveal the presense of candida during testing. So my point was that anyone who sees a doctor showing clear symptoms which a doctor might suspect may be yeast related, should not have too much difficulty being prescribed medications to deal with a fungal infection.
I can only reply with something that I posted on November 16th, 2009 (just one day after my very first post). You can find the below post in my original thread here viewtopic.php?t=2534
KeepTrying09 wrote:Hi Archimonde,

You're welcome for the post. If I can help just one person discover the cause of their bad breath, it would be worth it for me. If I can help many people then that would be just freaking awesome :D

Oh wow, I would love to share a lot of information, but I should do it bit by bit. Seriously I think I could write a whole book on my experiences with bad breath as well as my opinions now regarding it and why I had it.

Regarding your doctor, I assume you live in a Western country. I can tell you a funny (yet sad) story. I had always gotten strep throat and tonsillitis at least once if not twice a year ever since I was a kid. The doctors always told me my tonsils were abnormally large, but they wouldn't remove them. From the time I was a child up until when I was 22 or 23, they had always just given me antibiotics for the strep throat or tonsillitis. When I was about 22 or 23 years old there was one winter back home where I got REALLY sick. I mean it was the sickest i've ever been. My tonsils were so swollen I could barely breath. They were literally touching each other. I went to the hospital it was so bad. Of course this was back in the West. The doctors could not tell me what was wrong. They kept going back and forth between viral infection and bacterial infection in my throat. They gave me antibiotics. Of course that didn't work, so they gave me medicine to relieve the swelling of my tonsils.

After a few days I still had not gotten any better, so they sent me to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. The ENT doctor had a look down my throat too, and you know what he saw? He saw the same white patches down my esophagus that you can see above in my endoscopy pics, except back then what he saw was twice as bad as in these pictures! Unfortunately he did not even take a sample, nor did he tell me what the white patches were. In fact, i'm not even sure if he knew what they were. Needless to say, he did not give me the correct medicine, he just gave me more crap to reduce swelling and fever and told me to ride it out and after I got better he would remove my tonsils finally (after so many years of suffering from strep throat and tonsillitis) :x

It wasn't until I came to the East (I live in Thailand now) that I figured out what those white patches are. I LOVE my doctor here. When she did the endoscopy and saw the white patches on my esophagus, she told me that it was Candida, but she had to do a lab test just to make sure. Of course she was right. She treated me with the Biozole medicine and as you can see my Candida was gone after that.

You know the thing that really pisses me off though? After years and years of going to the doctors in the West, they couldn't even tell me why I would get strep throat and tonsillitis so much. When I come to the East, the doctor here immediately finds the problem and fixes it! As far as I know I have been Candida free since I was treated with the Biozole, and my bad breath has cleared.

Since bad breath is a symptom of Candida, and my bad breath started when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I wonder how long I had Candida! Did I really have it for 18+ years?!?!?! Because no matter how much I brushed my teeth all throughout that time period, it never helped, not once!

Maybe you could print this post and bring it to your doctor to show her that Candida infection is real and could possibly be a cause of any breath odor you might have.... :D
hopeful wrote:So I just finished day 5 and I woke up with some odd muscle aches this morning (the joint connecting my foot to my shin in the front). It's been a nagging feeling all day and it's still sore and since I haven't exercised strenuously I'm sure it's a side effect (I usually only get muscle aches if I work an area of my body that hasn't been worked out in awhile).

Second thing I've noticed is some minor chess pains that started this afternoon. Not increased heart rate or anything but just some tenderness above my right breast where the bones are (so not near my heart anyways since it's on right).

Other than that, no stomach problems or nausea. Still eating healthy and loading up on probiotics in the morning and before bed (I use Custom Probiotics which guarantees 260 billion CFU). Five more days to go on the flagyl and 7 more on the biozole. I hope I don't have anymore side effects.

No report on improvements yet as I tend to hermit in my office all day. I will wait till the end to see if there are any improvements.
Hey Hopeful,

Thanks for sharing the information. It's valuable information to share with people. Both muscle aches and breast tenderness are known side effects which can happen to some people who take the medications. They are superficial though. Just keep monitoring yourself and if you feel like the side effects are getting too serious, you should seek the advice of a pharmacist or doctor immediately.

Also, I wanted to say, when you are trying to gauge whether or not your breath has gotten better, it's best to put yourself in situations where you have to interact with strangers. Back when I finished with my round of Fluconazole, I would purposely sit next to people on the public transportation and open my mouth to breath, and I'd also make phone calls and talk in their directions. I know, they probably totally thought I was crazy, or rude, or maybe both, but I didn't care. I just wanted to see their reactions. I would recommend you do something similar. In fact, to everyone who tries any remedy for bad breath I would recommend they try something like that. In my opinion, the people who you work with or see everyday have gotten so use to reacting to your bad breath that it has probably become a natural habit to them. That is, they react subconsciously every time they see you coming. The best way to truly gauge how your breath is is to put yourself in situations where you have to interact with people who have never seen you before.
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Post by ac10 »

hey keeptrying check ur pm
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Post by hopeful »

Day 6 finished
- chest soreness gone, muscle/joint connecting foot to leg still sore but hasn't worsened (it feels like a bruise that really hurts when you press on the area)
- have lost 3 lbs. but I think it's just from eating healthier and not snacking at night (if I lose anymore, I'll be "underweight" according to my BMI)
- I bought some cayenne caps, ginkgo biloba, and garlic caps today because I have really, really, really bad circulation (ice blocks for feet) and my body temps are always low (I've been like this for as long as I've had my bb so maybe there's a correlation there). I took the garlic, cayenne, and flagyl with a light lunch of veggies and quinoa and by late afternoon had a horrible pain in my stomach. I think this was likely from the introduction of cayenne into my body. I checked on for possible interactions with flagyl and the supplements and nothing came up so I will try it again tomorrow with a bigger lunch and some protein in the meal. I took the ginkgo with flagyl at dinner and had no problems.
- still too chicken to test out reactions KR09. May do it this weekend. It's just hard when you've lived with those hurtful reactions for so long and especially for me since I take most things in life somewhat personally.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

ac10 wrote:hey keeptrying check ur pm
I checked my PM and the last message you sent me was on March 15th, which I already replied to. If you could do me a favor and e-mail me directly, that would be greatly appreciated. :)
hopeful wrote:still too chicken to test out reactions KT09. May do it this weekend. It's just hard when you've lived with those hurtful reactions for so long and especially for me since I take most things in life somewhat personally.
I believe in you :D. Don't be afraid to do it, it's the only way you can really know for sure if your bad breath is subsiding or not. Try not to take any reactions personally. It's not your fault you are suffering with this condition, it's just the cards you were dealt in life. I totally believe you (and everyone else) can overcome it though through patience, courage, and diligence.

Just to let you know, I didn't notice any changes in my breath until the end of my treatment with Fluconazole. So try and remain optimistic until the very end. :D

I really do hope this is your answer! Fingers crossed, and thanks for keeping everyone updated with your progress.
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