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Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:26 am
FedUp wrote:Hows the PND going?
Still have some PND and the snot looks like nasty.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:29 am
feelitagain wrote:did you have to get a ct scan of your sinus before the surgery?
The doctor had a mini-cat in his office. It is like a small CT machine which uses 1/10 the normal dose of radiation that a normal CT scanner uses. I had that done right before he came in to talk to me. It was pretty cool because he had my images on a tv monitor on the wall and we scrolled through them together.

As a rule, most ENTs will not do surgery on your sinuses without a CT scan. Normal xrays do not show that much and even not all sinuses are seen under direct observation.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:53 pm
by feelitagain
Thanks for the reply. What was the cost for sinuplasty?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:03 pm
feelitagain wrote:Thanks for the reply. What was the cost for sinuplasty?
I have very good insurance and live in the southern United States. Cost was $600 out of pocket.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:34 pm
Thank you To Halitosux for helping keep this thread on track.

It has been 1.5 weeks since the surgery and I am still experiencing 100% relief from halitosis. I have been doing the nasal washes several times a day per the doctor's instructions. Yesterday was the first time I didn't see any nasty looking snot after flushing and blowing my nose. I have also noticed that I can breath clearly through each nostril which I haven't been able to do in years. Although I can periodicaly sense some PND it is waaay better right now then it was before. In fact, I go most of the day without any awareness of it at all. This is a big change from feeling like I was chocking on mucus and being unable to clear it from my throat all day and night.

Fedup had mentioned that his PND is worse after brushing his teeth and it has always been that way with me as well. In fact, my new routine is to brush then flush my sinuses. This seems to help the most in my opinion.

Will update again soon.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:23 am
by feelitagain
Hey Notanymore,

I am happy to hear that you have been bb free.

Sorry for the newbie quesiton..but how are you doing your nasal rinses?
Please be specific..ty

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:35 am
feelitagain wrote:Hey Notanymore,

I am happy to hear that you have been bb free.

Sorry for the newbie quesiton..but how are you doing your nasal rinses?
Please be specific..ty
Sure. I use the neilmed bottle with the black top. I buy distilled water and the little neilmed salt packets. I usually just squirt the saline solution up one nostril and inhale through the nose. I repeat that process for the other nostril and alternate back and forth. When I have more time I will squirt a nostril, hold my nose, and lay on my stomach with my head hanging down almost perpendicular to the floor. This allows the saline to filter into the frontal sinuses. If you don't want to get to fancy, you can just bend over untill you are looking through your legs.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:01 pm
by FedUp
hi NOTANYMORE i sent you a private message. I am like 80% near the end of my trauma, i just need to know how to approach the next doc. TMAU definitely not for me.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:54 pm
by Corpsebreath
Seems really promising! Btw, did you have only nasal or oral odor, or both?


Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:57 pm
by mak_123
what exactly have you done ?
what kind of a surgery ?
Have you ever had any relief ?
When did bb start for you ?
When is it increasing ? Can you smell it ?
Nose , mouth or both ?
White tonque and smelly ? Do you have dry mouth especially in the mornings ?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:49 am
Corpsebreath wrote:Seems really promising! Btw, did you have only nasal or oral odor, or both?
Always nasal but sometimes oral. Oral was primarily in the mornings or when the throat mucus woukd dry.

Re: Notanymore

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:51 am
mak_123 wrote:what exactly have you done ?
what kind of a surgery ?
Have you ever had any relief ?
When did bb start for you ?
When is it increasing ? Can you smell it ?
Nose , mouth or both ?
White tonque and smelly ? Do you have dry mouth especially in the mornings ?
Please read the thread from the begining as 90% of your questions are answered. I only have a white tongue when my mouth gets dry. I have learned over the years not to focus to much on the tongue. It is an indicator of hydration and activity in the mouth but it is not the cause.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:31 am
Tomorrow is 2 weeks post OP. I can breath perfectly through both nostrils and the post nasal drip is probably 90% better. I still do not have halitosis as of right now. I did try some pizza yesterday and noticed a slight pump in the PND so maybe I have some sort of mild dairy allergy. So far so good...

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:16 pm
by Corpsebreath
The doctor had to flush out a snot ball prior to going in with the catheter. He said my right side was oozing and generaly indicates chronic sinusitis.
Was the snot ball on the right side?
Do you think there's any chance that that "ball" had actually been festering in there for some time. Like, for years maybe. And that the ball could have actually been the cause?

do you about this reaction.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:42 pm
by Room Bus filler2
I floss my teeth , scrap my tongue , brush my teeth and flash my nose and when good people smell my bb they show me their tongue i mean they get out their tongue and
show me while my mouth is closing and im taking the breath my nose.

Some mother fuckers cough.very hard while the close onew dont cough but give me reactions .

Have you ever had this reactions from the people.