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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:17 pm
by caramiamine98
There are people who have been diagnosed with TMAU that have BB but not BO. Every case is different and this disorder is going to manifest itself in different ways depending on the severity. There are people who no doubt have TMAU that have BO exclusively. No two cases are going to be alike. Yes, primary TMAU (genetic) is rare, but secondary TMAU (acquired) is not as rare maybe in the general population but not on boards like this. It is important to stay as open minded as possible on this subject and to consider EVERYTHING because the good news about secondary TMAU is that it is potentially curable.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:15 am
by Archimonde
caramiamine98 wrote:There are people who have been diagnosed with TMAU that have BB but not BO.
Where are these people? I've been on this forum for over 5 years and I never heard of somebody testing positive for TMAU and only having strong BB with no B.O whatsoever. If such people exists on TMAU forums (which i don't read), please link a message that confirms what you said.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:23 am
According to Dr. Preti, of the Monell Center the leading researcher on this subject very few people actually have it , it is a rare genetic defect ! He has studied odors for 36 years.... and he does test for it. He told me the stats but I can't remember....really rare .

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:53 am
by halitosisux
1 in 100 is not rare

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:10 am
by deebo
Archimonde wrote:
caramiamine98 wrote:There are people who have been diagnosed with TMAU that have BB but not BO.
Where are these people? I've been on this forum for over 5 years and I never heard of somebody testing positive for TMAU and only having strong BB with no B.O whatsoever. If such people exists on TMAU forums (which i don't read), please link a message that confirms what you said.
you can google this just as easily as anyone Archie . The doc you talked to may still be under the old assumptions that TMAU means "fish odor syndrome" alone. He would be misled there too . Does this Doc even know about type 2? Why are you worried about it man ? Do you suspect you may have it ? Why not test ?
http://www.bloodbornebodyodorandhalitos ... -tmau.html

Halitosisux already told you that Malory posted on This forum how her main issue is Breath ,not body . In fact I think Jimi was the one to inform her of tmau as a possibility . ... 93.extract ... ns093.full

Black Cohosh

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:58 pm
by caramiamine98
Interesting info about black cohosh helping to reduce odour due to hormonal issues. TMAU does have a hormonal component as many sufferers say their odour began in puberty and many women with this condition say their odour worsens during menstruation.
TMAU and Black Cohosh
Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) is a member of the buttercup family. The perennial plant is native to North America, where it is sold as a dietary supplement for the treatment of a multitude of ailments, such as hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. No studies have been done to show benefits to TMAU sufferers, however, black cohosh has been used to aide women with body odor caused by hormone imbalances in menopause. Black cohosh is safe and can be found in various forms, such as:


Talk to your doctor before beginning any herbal treatment. The safety and efficacy of black cohosh for TMAU is not proven beyond six months.


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:05 pm
by deebo
If you're in California with a child ,this trial could be a good idea to help forward research for our odor community .