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metrogyl 200

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Post by austuser »

coeric, i wouldnt take the second round of metro. Flagyl is usually taken for one week, 200 or 250 mg 3 times a day. Its when the flagyl is prescribed along with 2 other antibiotics as it is for a H. pylori treatment that you take it for two weeks.

My bb came back on the last day of my metro course. So for you to be symptom free the day after is a little promising.

p.s Has anyone tried a h. pylori treatment yet??

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Re: C for cure or con

Post by C »

LJ wrote:Hello again C this is L;
Until I hear your story, which maybe quite the fabrication, Iook forward to it; I have no idea what you're talking about. Noboby is cured of chronic, entrenched halitosis by one round of metrol aka flagyl.
there is not one shred of evidence to support this; but yet you persist. Maybe you should just take this little idea of yours and go over the curezone; they'll believe anything there. They might want to use it on their asses which so interest them.
And you don't remember you said you used Colgate; what else don't you remember? Liars have a difficult time remembering details.
Good luck and good bye. I hope Jimi is smart enough to send your stupid ass packing. Thanks for the laugh though. Laura
Of course, you are an expert, and you decided that nobody can be cured.
But I am just a liar and a crook, I try to cheat people on forums. That's what I do in my free time.

My presence on this site is not wanted, so I will stop posting.

I wish you all good luck with all your health problems.

ps: I didn't write anywhere on the site that I use colgate. But it seems somebody has a very good imagination.
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C what I mean

Post by LJ »

Well, I guess if you have to go you have to seems as though there would be something to fight about if you were here for purely altruistic reasons and I had completely wronged you.
When people accuse you of something that you think is incorrect; do you always run away? Laura
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Post by jonnyath »

C, coeric, could you two pls give me an update on your metro results so far.

Thanks in advance

Austuser, I hope its got you in the right direction towards a fix for your condition, I wish it was the be all and end all but things are never that easy.

Laura, I know where you are coming from but truth is stranger than fiction, one course of metro did the trick for me, I didn't post about it to convert everyone, just put my 2 cents in hoping it would be of some help to others, which I gather is what this site is about.
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Post by yeagermeister »

Just thought I`d add my 2 cents here on my metro results, it did nothing at all the whole week I took it & there is no difference now. I actually had a small glimmer of hope with this stuff, Damn.
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Post by noptical »

Jonnyath we appreciate the time you took to post here. Even if it helps 1 in 50 members its still a great help.
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Post by coeric »

jonnyath wrote:C, coeric, could you two pls give me an update on your metro results so far.
i finished the metro course about three weeks ago. within the first week thereafter, my halitosis crept back little by little as far as i could tell. it's definately not like the cases where people say the bacteria came back with force, luckily. right now, id say my breath is 40% better than it used to be. it's very strange.

my regimen is: floss, scrape toungue, brush with colgate total, scrape again. no special anything. as long as i dont smoke any cigarettes my breath is good for a couple of hours before it goes sour. this was definately not the case before. before metro (and colgate, i started using them at the same time) by breath would be bad 10 minutes after any mouth-cleaning regimen. so, my condition now isn't as good as it was during the time i took the medicine but noticibly better than before. if you ask me whether or not to try metro, i would say go for it.
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Post by waitingforrelief »

jonnyath wrote:C, coeric, could you two pls give me an update on your metro results so far.

Thanks in advance

Austuser, I hope its got you in the right direction towards a fix for your condition, I wish it was the be all and end all but things are never that easy.

Laura, I know where you are coming from but truth is stranger than fiction, one course of metro did the trick for me, I didn't post about it to convert everyone, just put my 2 cents in hoping it would be of some help to others, which I gather is what this site is about.

i was hoping that you could tell me if your breath problem was fecal before the metrogyl. my fecal breath problem has gotten so bad that i am feeling a bit desperate for a solution right now. it'd be good if you could let me know the quality of your bad breath when you had it.

thanks a lot. hope you'll be able to share.
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Post by jonnyath »

Well, I did a ring around (even the ex - bad move) and the answers ranged from poohy (the youngest) to rotting vegetables, food gone off in hot fridge, yucky.

Rotting vegetables seemed to be the general consensus, I did not mention fecal to anyone so as not to lead their thinking and no-one actually used that term.

I also found out that it was only within a 3-5 foot range that it was really offensive. Also that after a talking for about 10-15 minutes it would start to permeate the room noticeably.

As I think I have mentioned before I still have a whitish coating on my tongue and nasal drip down the throat.

One thing that may be of interest, I am a severe hay fever sufferer and get pain in my lymph glands during the allergy season, in the army I used to get a cortisone injection to stop this and other effects during that part of the year (inappropriate for soldiers to sneeze during an ambush), this also had the effect of stopping my post nasal drip dead in its tracks. I now use an off the shelf product called Rhinocort (cortisol/cortisone spray) which I pump into my nostrils once a day during the allergy season which also stops my nasal drip while I use it.
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Post by noptical »

jonnyath wrote:Well, I did a ring around (even the ex - bad move) and the answers ranged from poohy (the youngest) to rotting vegetables, food gone off in hot fridge, yucky.

Rotting vegetables seemed to be the general consensus, I did not mention fecal to anyone so as not to lead their thinking and no-one actually used that term.

I also found out that it was only within a 3-5 foot range that it was really offensive. Also that after a talking for about 10-15 minutes it would start to permeate the room noticeably.

As I think I have mentioned before I still have a whitish coating on my tongue and nasal drip down the throat.

One thing that may be of interest, I am a severe hay fever sufferer and get pain in my lymph glands during the allergy season, in the army I used to get a cortisone injection to stop this and other effects during that part of the year (inappropriate for soldiers to sneeze during an ambush), this also had the effect of stopping my post nasal drip dead in its tracks. I now use an off the shelf product called Rhinocort (cortisol/cortisone spray) which I pump into my nostrils once a day during the allergy season which also stops my nasal drip while I use it.
jonnyath for how long did the cortisone shot keep you free from post nasal drip?
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flagyl has worked for 2 person

Post by mar11 »

if i'm correct flagyl has worked for 2 person, and there has been partial succses with 2 others. i think if you are very sure the bb went away , during the time you were using flagyl , you should propaply continue , coz. that way bad bacteria will be under controll.

if it works for me , and it stops working after I have stopped taking it. I will continue it,
the rest of my life if I have to.

I'm not saying it because I'm desperate for a solution.

but think about. people who have asthma, diabetes, ,... they use their medication all their life , doctors even prescripe tetracyline for acne for 3 months or more

I'm not a medical professional sow, you should consult with doctor before u take any of my adivise.
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Re: flagyl has worked for 2 person

Post by noptical »

mar11 wrote:if it works for me , and it stops working after I have stopped taking it. I will continue it,
the rest of my life if I have to.
There will be no "rest of my life" if you keep taking it :p Its an antibiotic not an antihistamine or something that you can take for your whole life without serious consequences. Dont mess with antibiotics, they can cause you so many problems that bad breath will be the least of your concerns.
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Post by ruch »

i found this: ... ad-breath/

i think the trick to using antibiotics like this is to use it to initially rid yourself of the anaerobic bacteria... but after the course is done, your bb will eventually return (as mine did). you have to maintain it with other methods - keep up with all the other things you do. i think using mouthwashes like chlorhexidine or chlorine dioxide work at this point because you now don't have those bad bacteria so you want to keep them away by maintaining your new oral flora balance. also, taking probiotics (like BLIS K12) to re-establish the good bacteria is probably a good idea at this point.. and keeping up with things like oral irrigation, sinus irrigation for PND, etc. (whatever you need to do to maintain everything).

i am going to go back to the clinic to get some metronidazole again and try dosing myself with BLIS K12 during and after, and doing the maintenance thing. hope it works!

i think none of this is a cure, by the way (not the kind where you can just be like a normal person, brush and floss and have no problems for the rest of your life) - i think once you have the bb problem, it is more like keeping it under control :(
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Post by aues »

There's a 35 year old guy (to be more precisely he was 35 in 2010) from Germany who claims he got rid of his 20 year lasting chronic bad breath problem by taking

Clarithromycin and Metronidazol

He writes that he took a knife to scrape of 10 - 20 % of his tablets and sniffed the pulver into his nose with a bank note :mrgreen:.
Furthermore he used an inhaler to inhale this pulver into his throat.

The other 80 - 90 % were taken orally by him.

Strange thing is that he writes he would have gotten these antibiotics prescribed by his GP because he asked his GP for treatment of H.Pylori. But he doesn't write whether or not the GP diagnosed H.Pylori prior to treatment.

If you want to read the original story in German google for "vissi555".
He copied and pasted his story to several health boards.

by the way:

Most of you will know this video from Channel 4's Embarrassing Illnesses:

Maybe the antibiotic the woman got was metronidazole?

EDIT: I read that I am not the first one who had come up with this thought - halitosisux has also mentioned this.
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