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Re: Two questions

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 2:25 am
by bb28
okay so i just got back my endoscopy pictures. my images look clean. like your second ones. the doctor apparently took a sample of something and he is going to call me back. but it did not look anything like candida.

Now, my feeling is that my bb is due to a heart burn. I notice when I eat heavy foods like pizza, soda, chinese the first hour i am okay i think but then heart burn.

now, out of nowhere my father comes out and tell me, son when your grandfather was sick one time, the doctor told him to drink milk in place of water. so something led me to buy milk. and i did. i went to whole foods and bought one of those red horizon whole milk cartons. i heave a feeling that is the least processed milk in the north east.

now here comes the milk test: the other day i ate chinese, i ate ice cream, pizza, soda... and smoked so my bb could not have been any worse. one hour after eating i did the back hand test. and waited 30 seconds. did not smell good. now on the other hand i had a glass of that horizon whole organic milk. and drank a good amount. i took a nice jug. did the back hand test on my clean hand. waited 30 seconds. barely any smell. maybe the milk smell. but not heavy. that milk smell can be washed with drinking a bit of water. it almost feels like the milk bacteria eat or kill the bb bacteria.

now be careful what kind of milk you drink. i read that mass produced milk comes from cows that are injected with this gmbhb (i don't know the exact name) which is a hormone that makes cows produce more milk. out of their norm. i don't know. something has to give and that does not feel right. also it is also very thick. i can't drink it. so i buy whole horizon organic. also i am not a fan of fat free stuff. but you don't have to drink a lot. three glasses a day. after breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner, this almost feels like an ad.

hope this helps.
KeepTrying09 wrote:
bb28 wrote:hello kt very good post. thank you.

I have two question.

1. Do you ever recall having a sticky, or gluey saliva?
I have been getting this after I eat anything. Especially when I have soda, bread and other Candida friendly foods. However, when I have anti-fungal foods my saliva feels normal and soft and easy to swallow.
Yeah, I still get sticky/gluey saliva if I eat certain foods (mainly dairy). The only exception is when I eat plain natural yogurt, but I am only eating 6 ounces per day (3 ounces in the morning and 3 ounces in the evening) so I'm not really eating too much of it. I have noticed if I eat a whole lot of yogurt (like a whole cup or more) then I will get the sticky/gluey saliva as well.
bb28 wrote:2. Do you recall, when you got bb symptom or reactions from people - was it winter time or summer? I feel like my bb is worse during winter which makes me think that's when Candida is more aggressive. I have similar stories and when I look back I feel like 90% were during winter when it was cold.
To be honest, I don't think there was much difference between summer and winter. My breath was bad pretty much 365 days a year. But there might be a reason why Candida is worse for some people in the winter time. Generally during the winter people's immune system is weaker than it is during the summer time. Since a strong immune system is necessary in order to keep Candida under control, then it's makes sense that Candida might be worse during the winter time.
bb28 wrote:Also, I took a picture of my tongue recently. Does this resemble anything to what you have seen before.


I told my doctor about Candida - but he is 100% sure I have no Candida. He did only blood and urine test.
Heck yeah! It looks almost identical to what my tongue looks like after I eat certain foods! I think NOTANYMORE is on the right track, it looks to me like it is a build up of bacteria, or a build up of Candida, or maybe it's a mixture of both. Back before I was treated for Candida my tongue used to look like that 24/7 no matter how hard I cleaned it. After I was treated, after cleaning my tongue in the morning the white coating will come off and generally will stay gone unless I eat certain foods.

If you could, what does your diet consist mostly off? Are you eating a lot of meats, or dairy, or grains???

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:23 am
by br
KeepTrying09 wrote:
br wrote:I presume one can have candida in the mouth. Is this true? Please confirm. May I ask what is pnd?

Hey br,

To answer your question, yes one can have a Candida infection in the mouth, a white tongue without having samples taken and cultured in a lab, but the two most likely candidates are an overgrowth of bacteria or an overgrowth of yeast (Candida).

And to answer your second question, PND stands for Post Nasal Drip, which is also something that a lot of bad breath sufferers find they have in common.
Thanks, KT.

Re: Two questions

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:03 am
by KeepTrying09
bb28 wrote: now here comes the milk test: the other day i ate chinese, i ate ice cream, pizza, soda... and smoked so my bb could not have been any worse. one hour after eating i did the back hand test. and waited 30 seconds. did not smell good. now on the other hand i had a glass of that horizon whole organic milk. and drank a good amount. i took a nice jug. did the back hand test on my clean hand. waited 30 seconds. barely any smell. maybe the milk smell. but not heavy. that milk smell can be washed with drinking a bit of water. it almost feels like the milk bacteria eat or kill the bb bacteria.
This is interesting, because most people say that dairy only exacerbates the problem of bad breath. Perhaps the reason this seems to be working for you is because of the fact you are drinking whole organic milk. Per chance, does this milk contain live active cultures of bacteria? If so, it would be similar to plain natural yogurt, which has also been shown to neutralize bacteria in the mouth which is responsible for bad breath.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:16 am
by trouble
Caprylic acid is the common name for the eight-carbon saturated fatty acid known by the systematic name octanoic acid. It is found naturally in the milk of various mammals, and it is a minor constituent of coconut oil and palm kernel oil.
maybe that's why milk helps for you?
Caprylic acid is marketed as a natural health supplement to address fungal conditions such as candida albicans and certain bacterial and viral infections.
edit: the first quote is from wikipedia, the second from

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:42 am
by bbsuferer
hey keeptrying i want to know wat time of the day u take those med? can i get that med without prescription?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:16 am
by bbsuferer
@ keeptrying hey may ask if u can send me also that biozole capsule. im from philippines i really want to give my self a try.. i want to take a risk. u said u take that for two weeks once a day i want to ask how much is the 14 capsule.and the shipping fee? and i want also to know how bad was ur bb bfore? coz mine bfore on my first yr it was really bad coz i really dont know wat to do yet. but within the last 4yrs my breath was not as bad as bfore since i used toungue cleaner bt as the day goes by it become worst and wen im in cold room like aircondtn coz i feel like my throat was dry.i really feel that it comes from my throat the bb coz wen i dd tongue cleaning even after a few minutes i try to lickd my wrist is not really that smelly..but my breath was warm u got that.. i mean my saliva was not really smelly but my breath was smelly aftr a few minutes of brushing and tongue cleaning. so maybe mine also was from my esophagus.thanks for ur reply.


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:31 pm
by rey
hi bbsuferer,

there is a flocounazole in the philippines . the generic one cost 160 pesos in generic pharmacy which is only 150mg and ketoconazole is only 36 pesos. KT is selling a cheaper antifungal prices compare here in our country. By the way where you from im in the philippines? to and im planning to risk and to buy antifungal too.
bbsuferer wrote:@ keeptrying hey may ask if u can send me also that biozole capsule. im from philippines i really want to give my self a try.. i want to take a risk. u said u take that for two weeks once a day i want to ask how much is the 14 capsule.and the shipping fee? and i want also to know how bad was ur bb bfore? coz mine bfore on my first yr it was really bad coz i really dont know wat to do...and havent found the tonge cleaner yet. but within the last 4yrs my breath was not as bad as bfore since i used toungue cleaner bt as the day goes by it become worst and wen im in cold room like aircondtn coz i feel like my throat was dry.i really feel that it comes from my throat the bb coz wen i dd tongue cleaning even after a few minutes i try to lickd my wrist is not really that smelly..but my breath was warm u got that.. i mean my saliva was not really smelly but my breath was smelly aftr a few minutes of brushing and tongue cleaning. so maybe mine also was from my esophagus coz i really dont have bb b4 in my elemntarydays i jst got this wen i accdntaly swallowed some dirt particles from my fixing teeth opration. so now i can figured out that it was really an impection and mybe a candida..well i hop it was! i was totally depressd the last two yrs coz i startd to realize how bad my condtion was and i really want to start a new life again i really want to follow my dream but this condtion was making me hopeless. it really ruind my life..thanks for ur reply.

to rey

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:37 am
by bbsuferer
Hi there,

Thanks for giving me the info. im from zambales, ya i read your posts too. and your from manila right? which will i buy the fluconazole or the ketoconazole? wats the difrence betwn the two? but since i saw the box of biozole postd by KT and it says there fluconazole that is im going to buy. so its only availalbe in generic pharmacy? i think we have that pharmacy here,so if i buy that i will jst say fluconazole the generic one? i contactd KT thru email and he said he can send me those biozole if i decided to buy. bt since u told me that info. i will buy those one. well i jst i hope this will work. i will let u know..i jst really hope this is the answer to my prob

Re: to rey

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:39 pm
by rey

thanks for the reply anyway im not permamently living in manila im an ilongo, can I have youre number please? Someone wants to talk to you shes from davao and a woman. Regarding about flouconazole that is a generic name but biozole that KT's offered is much cheaper than available generics in the philippines kindly read your Private message my phone number is there. As i said one of the sufferers here in our country wants to talk to you. and youre not alone. thank you and hope we could communicate well in phone have a nice day . Please PM if you want to search for my number please red my previous posts and my PM for you. thanks


bbsuferer wrote:Hi there,

Thanks for giving me the info. im from zambales, ya i read your posts too. and your from manila right? which will i buy the fluconazole or the ketoconazole? wats the difrence betwn the two? but since i saw the box of biozole postd by KT and it says there fluconazole that is im going to buy. so its only availalbe in generic pharmacy? i think we have that pharmacy here,so if i buy that i will jst say fluconazole the generic one? i contactd KT thru email and he said he can send me those biozole if i decided to buy. bt since u told me that info. i will buy those one. well i jst i hope this will work. i will let u know..i jst really hope this is the answer to my prob

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:56 am
by terminalBB

i was wondering how do you tell if you've got it?Is there some sort of test you can do at home?


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:30 pm
by KeepTrying09
terminalBB wrote:hi,

i was wondering how do you tell if you've got it?Is there some sort of test you can do at home?

The best way to know is get a clinical diagnosis, so that means finding a doctor who:

A) Actually believes in Candida
B) Actually believes Candida can infect those who are not immunocompromised
C) Will actually agree to test you for it

If you can find that doctor then don't let him or her go!

All of the other "home Candida tests" are questionable at best. There is a questionnaire that is supposed to give you an idea if you have problems with Candida or not. It's at You just go down the list and check off what applies to you, then you add up your score which is supposed to tell you something.

Anyway, like I said the best way to know is to get clinically diagnosed....

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:54 am
by hopelessone
KeepTrying, my score on the questionaire is 251.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:05 pm
by Happylife
Hurray!!!... It is 276. I am better than you hopelessness...

I'll take this Questionnaire to my doctor.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:50 pm
by HigherThoughts
I wish keeptrying didn't take down his original post. I just ordered some fluconazole online. The first time I went to see an ENT I was prescribed a weeks worth for 100 mg/day.

I tried natural remedies after that, but I don't feel like I am really getting better. For the past few days I have been itchy all over, so maybe it is the fungal infection causing that. I think 100 mg/day for 1 week may not have been enough. This time I will be trying 200 mg/day and for a longer period. Maybe 2 weeks or more.