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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by perrymason »

Well, nasal irrigation doesn't seem to help, it's just clearing my nose, not my sinuses. Any suggestions???

Some help guys :/

I really just want to clean the sinuses

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Post by Larc400 »

I wish we could all just be examined with x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging, to make sure nothing is going on in our nasal area / sinuses. Maybe it's something simple, like this thing I read about where food gets trapped between throat and nasal area whenever swallowing.

Isn't there some wealthy guy on here who can finance this?

I know I would, if I had enough $$$.

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Post by compassion »

Pervy 19

I have the same suffering as you.

Not only I have sour taste and odd smell in my mouth, but also I have independent odd smell from my nose. .At least I believe so. I can judge it by inserting my fingers right into the external nasal canals and smell the scent emitting from the scanty mucus attached to the finger tips. I suspected the bacteria comes down from nose through back of the throat to the mouth. So in the past years, I tried hard to deal with my nose problems and paid less attention to my mouth. But I still brush my teeth but not the tongue at least twice a day. And I visited my Dentist for teeth checking every half a year. No severe teeth decay or periodontis could explain my bad breath odor.

Sorry, I am a Chinese and my English is poor. I hope you all could understand what I am saying! :roll:
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Post by compassion »

I began to have allergic rhinitis since I studied at senior high school. 20 years ago when I was a college student, an ENT doctor showed me a whitish mucus crust from my nose and told me that’s a rhinitis. Almost at the same time, my younger sister told me my breath smelled like a rotten meat. :oops:
In the following years, the bad breath never disappears from me longer than 1 month. Why I am so sure the problem is in the noes? I notice if my nose has no whitish mucus in the morning and the nose is clear and dry, no postnasal drip will develop. No PND correlates well with no bad breath both in my mouth and nose.
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Post by compassion »

Furthermore, I work in a mental hospital. Most of the psychiatric patients have poor personal hygiene and most of them have serious teeth problems and even teeth lost due to severe tooth decay and periodontitis. However, strangely, most of them didn’t have bad breath although they even don’t brush their teeth as regularly as we do. :-k Their body odor resulting from inadequate body bathing and not changing clothes was more characteristic and impressing when you entering a mental hospital.
Sometimes I will be jealous of my patients that they don't have halitosis! The thought is odd but I think you all could understand my feeling!
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Post by compassion »

I have tried pulsatile nasal irrigation machine twice a day nearly everyday without interruption for several years. It helps indeed. But only last for minutes to hours. How long its effect lasting dependent on the degree of severity of the inflammation of nose or sinuses, I think. So nasal irrigation is supportive but not curative. :(
Sometimes I did wonder if the irrigation might have adverse effect by providing warming and humidifying environment for bad bacterial growth. 8-[ However, as I search from the internet and some ENT doctors’ advices, nasal irrigation’s benefit outweighs it’s disadvantage. So up to now, I keep nasal irrigation.
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Post by compassion »

Then I read some reports that the body odor including bad breath might result from bacterial degrading protein. My attention then shift toward the antibiotics that might kill those possible bacteria since about 1 year ago. I consulted my colleague, an ENT doctor how to treating chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. He suggested me to take Clindamycin and Minocycline independently or combined. I tried and found that’s really helpful to rid of nasal bad smell by at least 50-70%. My experience it is more effective in eliminating smell of “ rotten meat “. It’s the first time in the almost recent 20 years, I have confidence in sitting side by side with my colleague and finding they cough and rubbing their nose less frequently. Interesting, it will also decrease the odor of stool. \:D/
Unfortunately, once I discontinued antibiotics, the nasal odd smell will reappear about 3-7 days later. It is discouraging because the bacteria never disappear completely from my body. It means I have to take antibiotics continuously to maintain its effect. Hopefully, the effect of antibiotics will start about 2-3 days after 1st dose. I use antibiotics intermittently when important social circumstances is expected in the near future days. The major concern of my dosing schedule is the development of drug-resistant bacteria strain. So I just share you all with my personal experience but not say I am right.
As a medical specialist, I still not recommend antibiotics without consulting your doctors. Because it have side effects and will change the bacteria flora in our body. Besides, the safety is uncertain when used in the long time.
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Post by spygirl »

Pervy. I hope I can give you helpful advise but so far after tonsillectomy, what's helping me I think is my diet and omitting mouthwash and anything with zinc and flouride from my daily regimen. Both will require time to work. However, I find that nasal irrigation, even with pulsatile gadget, tend to really worsen my nasal bb. I stopped it long time ago on the advise of my ENT.

I recall the time I sat for CFA exams in 2005, everyone around me was covering their noses but they have no time to throw accusatory glances at me and I have no time to retaliate because we were all suckers running after time. So put in your mind that your score is more important at this point. You won't change a thing unless you can stop breathing. So you better train yourself to stop noticing and start focusing. Goodluck.
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Post by compassion »

In the recent 1 year, I noticed some medical news in our country. It’s the first time I heard of fungal sinusitis. Initially, I thought that might be the answer to my nose problems. However, I received a 64-slices CT scan of my paranasal sinuses. The result showed normal. That meant no obstruction or retension of pus or mucous or fungal balls in the sinus cavity. In addition, I lives in a large house at high floor in a building. My rooms are full of sunshine and breezing wind. All the furniture is newly made ( less than 2 years ). It is unlikely to have fungal growth in my house.
Until more recently, I accidentally search some papers talking about “eosinophilic fungal rhinosinusitis” . It really makes sense to me. Fungus is everywhere in our environment. My immune system will react to the fungus by aggregating eosinophiles in nose to attack fungus. However, the eosinophil also produces toxic substance damaging the lining layer of nasal cavity. Those processes provide the good opportunity for bad bacteria growth. So the treatment target is the fungus and eosinophil. Bacteria is secondary. According to the treatment guidelines and study result, I chose Sporanox 100mg 1 tablet one day. Surprisingly, it does work to decrease my odd nasal smell by at least 70-80%. =D> Similarly, I have discontinued Sporanox for days and found the effect would decrease gradually in 3-4 days. It may be my prejudice, I could differentiate my bad breath into 3 types, “rotten meat”, “feces” and “ adhesive glue made from boiled starch “. The antifungal drug is more effective in eliminating the last one. Although Sporanox could be used more longer and even year long without significant adverse effect, I still experience fatigue even on full rest. The other concern of those antifungal drugs such as Sporanox or Lamisil is hepatitis. It’s better to check liver function before and after treatment by your doctor.
Now I take Sporanox alone without other antibiotics. My bad breath become acceptable with other remedies used concurrently. I’ll share those remedies later.
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Post by compassion »

As for the nutritional supplement to combat bad breath, I had tried Chlorella ￾iGreen algae￾j tablet for years. I read a commercial advertisement of Chlorella. It claimed the ingredient Chlorophyll ( rich in the green leaf for photosynthesis ) having effect in combating all kinds of body odor. I suck 2-4 tablets of the green pill in my mouth and let it gradually dissolved on back part of my tongue. It is helpful in ￾g acute condition ￾g. That means it could quickly eliminate the odor produced by the tongue coating. For example, when I finished a cup of coffee with milk or milktea, I often felt a thick sour coating on my tongue surface. The odd smell of cheese would go out from my mouth. Taking some Chlorella pills sometime could balance the smell to an acceptable level. It￾fs effect is about 50% and not likely to last longer after all the green pills dissolved to none in your mouth. Fortunately, it￾fs cheap and easily purchased in my country. No side effect and even good for our health are other advantages. I always keep 1 bottle in my office and suck 2-4 tablets before a meeting or long conversation with others.
Taking Clorella pills will not cause psychological stress as antibiotics or antifungal drug to me. I don￾ft need to concern the side effects, length of treatment, difficulty of availability and drug-resistant microorganism.
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Post by compassion »

The last part I want to share is from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine. Bad breath sometimes comes from dry mouth especially in thirsty or under stress or during a long talk. However, we would wonder why others will not have bad breath as us under the same situations mentioned above? The Chinese medicine will say we all have a body tendency that the element of fire was uncontrollably high in our body. It’s hard to understand but easily to recall our feeling of “ fire “ in the mouth and nose. So I regularly visited my Chinese medicine doctor for prescribing herb medicine to control the fire. I almost continuously take the herb medication for years. It really helps in reducing the feeling of dry mouth and fire. I personally believe, the fire or dryness of mouth and nose will enhance the growth of bad bacteria, And the feeling of fire in the mouth and nose seems also correlate well with the nasal inflammation and post nasal drip. Similarly, I have drug-free period because of many reason. The fire again will grow higher gradually days later. Fortunately, the herb medicine is relatively safe under the supervision of certificated Chinese medicine doctor. The bad news is that this method might be impossible for you friends living in western society. I have to admit, even in my country, the training and clinical practice of Chinese medicine doctors are not as strictly regulated as Medical doctors such as G.P. or other specialists. Lack of scientific based examination and diagnosis, the layman could not easily judge the Chinese medicine doctor he encountered a true expert or not! :-k
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Post by compassion »

Apart from my personal experience mentioned above, I have never tried any produts such as probiotics. It sounds interesting and makes sense to me. So I have ordered a product form Australia. The one-month package is expensive !! I'll test it at least for several months before I could make a comment on it.

I apologise again for my poor English!

Hope all of you could benefit more or less from my sharing !

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Post by KC »

Hi Compassion,

May I know where are you from? I'm also a Chinese. I'm now lookin for someone to test my bb neutralizer. If you don't mind, you can send the email to [email protected].

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Post by Larc400 »

Compassion, thanks for sharing.\:D/ \:D/ \:D/

How do you deduct a decrease in nasal odour by 70-80%? Does this mean you can always smell your own odour, or are you basing this on reactions around you?

Have you had MR aswell as the CT Scan? I hear MR is better for soft tissue, bacterial collections etc...

I think the idea about dry mouth increasing bad breath is because the volatile sulphur compounds etc only become volatile = airborne when there's no saliva around.
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Post by perrymason »

Compassion, you just WOW'd me. Thank you soooo very very much for all of the information. Also, you're english is great, no need to apologize :)

I'm going to look into those anti biotics you talked about, and purchase some cholera pills. I'll be going to my ENT in 4 days, and I've already planned out what we'll talk about.

Compassion, thankkkk you! :o
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