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Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:15 am
by hopeful
Yes, what kind of salt do you use? Seasalt? Tablesalt?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:57 pm
by Hope Today
Tablesalt guys.

As for saying its off the breath report - so what?

It is working for me - no had the shitty taste since I started it, very little morning breath even. My whole confidence has lifted, not thinking "god I can taste the breath that could melt candles at 20 paces"

It may not work for you but it may for others.

There ain't no cure - just a management solution and it costs very little and isn't complicated unlike the Breezecare shite that just doesn't work for me - all that does is get read of your cash not your dragon breath!

It's working for me too

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:11 pm
by kedy

I've been so depressed, my boyfriend was out of town for three months and during that time my problem (bb), just went out of my hands, even with the gum in my mouth people kept asking me what was that smell. :( I didn't do anything against my life mainly because my parents.... and when I found out that my bf was coming to town again I decided to do something.

And I came to your forum I found this, and it is working.... I can feel my mouth totally different, please... let's have faith!!!

I wanna be happy, I wanna be worried about other things but this!!

I'm tired of being worried of my breath all the time... SO Tired!!! ](*,)

This is the first time in I don't know how long that I feel this good, and I've doing it since yesterday..

Thanks again!!


Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:02 am
by halihope
I tried the rinse gargle baking soda 2 stp and 1tsp salt mixed with the peroxide and I made the toothpaste w/ same stuff and scraped tongue 12 times. My tongue felt raw and my gums where throbing for at least 5 minutes after that it felt ok. This stuff is very salty and rough. I did this regimen and went to my first session of chakras and I noticed my bb did not go away, lady making light gestures. That evening I brush teeth and tongue again with mixture and went to a meeting and lady would cover mouth ever so often. Today I tried again and had doc. appt. and my nice doctor did not reacted but then he did not face me so much.
after that I went to lab and receptionist had a slight reaction. Has anyone tried this with real good results? If so please let me know exactly what you did. I want to keep trying it.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:54 am
by Hope Today
Kedy and Halihope,

Great News!

Right then here is what I do.


I suffer from Post Nasal Drip, I've rinse my nose and sinuses with a rinoflow machine and saline (google rinoflow). This clears the shit out of the nose.

The toothpaste mix is:

2 teaspoons of bicarbonate soda one salt mixed with 3% hydrogen perioxide. Mix to a paste. (I buy 3% hydrogen perioxide and you may need to dilute that slightly with water because it can feel quite harsh, also add peppermint essential oil to flavour the hydrogen peroxide).

I have a little plastic vessel with screwable lid (that I got from Breezcare!) and mix enough to clean the teeth six times.

The mouthwash is again two bicaronate and one teaspoon of table salt mixed with enough hydrogen peroxide so it is a liquid and give it a good stir. I add peppermint to hydrogen peroxide in the bottle so not to have to do it everytime.

The regime:

Rinoflow with saline up nostrils.

Gargle with mouthwash for at least 30 seconds.
Clean and floss teeth thoroughly. (Use hot water to clean tooth brush when cleaning).
Scrape tongue 12 times, again between scrapes rinse scraper with hot water.
Gargle with mouthwash again for at least 30 seconds.

My mouth, confidence, and bank account feel so much better, Breezecare is a total rip off in my opinion, it just doesn't work, and it far more complicated than my little simple regime and mine is so cheap. OK the rinoflow machine was about £100. but a great investment.


Jimi, do you have a comment my friend?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:51 am
by elliott
This has been discussed at this board plenty of times. I've been doing a very similar procedure... baking soda/peroxide/sea salt for about a year now. Brush, gargle, rinse, irrigate, even swallow.

I doesn't seem to be effective any longer than an hour for me, unfortunately. So by the time I walk to the train, ride to work, buy breakfast, and arrive at my office.... it's baaaacck!

Perhaps a travel solution is a nice idea for on the fly 'confidence' (small spray bottle might be good), but the mixture isn't really strong enough to call home to mom about.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:11 pm
by angst-ridden
hmmm. maybe that stuff only works on a specific "type" of bad breath? meaning there are many kinds of bad breath smells right? although i noticed that the most common smell here in this forum would be the fecal type of odor.. i dont have post nasal drip,but i have a VERY STRONG halitosis, hmmm, it smells like uh... spoiled or rotten. the kind that can be smelled when your mouth is shut since i think the smell exits on the nose instead. simply put. it can contaminate a car, a whole room even. it could be tolerable if the odor didnt spread that far, you know, just like the normal bad breath LOL so maybe for starters lets classify the "types" of smell that we have so that it is easier to see which one works best for a certain smell, coz hey, eventhough we all suffer from halitosis, we dont all smell the same right? so once i get hold of that bicarbonate stuff i will try this and see if it works for me. i havent tried using baking soda too so i will try them both. so maybe when there's another thread posted here about a cure, it would help if the poster also posted what his/her breath smells like so that its easier to weed out/observe the potency of the "cure"? geez, just thinking about having to suffer this menace for the rest of my life is unbearable! it makes me nostalgic! and by the way, hope today, im assuming that you never use any commercial toothpaste like colgate? does brushing with homemade stuff effectively clean our teeth?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:45 pm
by halihope

Do you do this regimen after breakfast? Do you drink water right after doing this regimen? If not how long do you wait? Does your mouth gets dry?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:08 pm
by Hope Today
I'm not big on breakfast, I usually eat an apple or grapefruit, I don't drink water afterwards because I like tghe fresh taste in my mouth.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:10 pm
by Hope Today
Oh I usually have a drink 30 minutes later -but that changes.

On the subject of breath problem - I wouldn't say I'd contaminate a car or it comes down the nose but definitely a long standing problem when I speak etc, you know the reaction.

But it might be gone!

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:51 pm
by j0n1982
I am not sure what westerners meant with "table" salt? I tried rocksalt (seasalt). And it is quite rough in the mouth. It caused me tiny blisters inside my mouth...

Also, I am not sure how it affected my breath malodor, but yes I also felt my mouth "fresher". This could be a placebo effect. I suggest you try it anyhow, it won't cost you much and will make your mood better.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:53 am
by bpatient
just one quick question. I noticed that hydrogen peroxide 3% is very harmful if u swallow it. i wonder if it's true? and how u guys managed to use it?

ps. i brought one from shopper drug mart (canada), which is used for minor wound, and it's called hydrogen peroxide usp from LIFE drug company.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:57 am
by Larc400
First of all: the Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) 3% should be diluted with the same amount of water. So: one half peroxide, one half water.

I've used that on and off for maybe 5 years, to gargle with, and to clean the tongue (using a cotton swab plus peroxide) and it's still the only thing that works a little. I don't think it's dangerous if you happen to swallow a bit of it ... it's just not very tasty.

Hope Today: have you tried ditching all the other stuff in your regime, and just keeping the Hydrogen Peroxide? I have a feeling the bicarbonate etc is really just a waste of time. The only proven ingredient here is the peroxide.

8-[ 8-[ 8-[

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:41 am
by Hope Today

I agree hydrogen perioxide is probably the ingrident that works BUT no doubt salt and bi carbonate do work. For hundreds of years salt etc was what was used to freshen the mouth and clean teeth.

The rinoflow flushing does work.


What I have concluded is that are different types and causes of the dragon breath but this is working for me. I am sorry if it doesn't work for you but my life has been changed by this regime, no longer do I have to put my hand over my mouth when talking or pull away.

My kids (who tell their dad the truth no matter what, adults who love you don't want to hurt your feelings lie) say my breath doesn't smell and if anything minty!