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Post by integral »

I don't understand something. If Cured7 suffered of assumed halitosis for 7 years, and then seemed so courageous so as to ask everyone about her supposed bb, why did it have to take 7 years to do that? I mean there are halimeters around too, if one is afraid of asking this so delicate question around.

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Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:32 pm

Post by klif »

Cured7 how can you explain (probably you'll not answer as you/he said) but how can we explain offering chewing gum xD xD Why do people do generally? I hate this product :evil:

All you who have confirmed bb by reliable person, do you have, or you cured ones, do you have/had bad taste in your mouth? As we can't with sure say it's sign of bb.

Integral I think Cured7 had to take some courage, and he was full of it all, i many of us who move and get courage to go to doctors after a while.

And I also believe in halitophobia...I see often people covering their mouth when they are talking, but they do not have any bb :-s
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Post by skeptical »

I can totally understand how halitiphobia can be really annoying to people who actually suffer from "real" chronic halitosis. Period.

For real sufferers, please be patient. People can gain so much information from this site and be able to understand whether they have a problem or not.

It is helpful for people to understand that just because someone has told you in the past you have bb, it doesn't mean it is a chronic condition. Everyone has bb from time to time and I think that sometimes you can fall into the trap of thinking that it is chronic when it isn't. It is my theory that this is how a lot of cases of halitiphobia start.
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