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Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:48 am
by Vivian
It's about good parenting!!!!

Having halitosis is almost the equivalence of being handicapped. If your sons were to see a physically impaired man on the street...let's say really akward looking....wouldn't you put your kids in check if they were to make demeaning comments!! So why can't you speak to your kids about your issue and tell them your working on resloving it!!! As i said, this is a perfect opportunity for the both of you to grow and work on resolving or atleast strenghening your self esteem so you have a better chance at dealing with what life throws at you. Lead by example....your a mother!!!

ANd if you're kids can't understand your issue, and still make comments or funny faces, then you have only to look at yourself in the mirror and ask what i am doing wrong as a parent/mother that I can't instill these values in my kids!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:55 am
by meowkity1
I challenge you to write your story Ms. Perfect. \
For your information my son isnt even 2 yet. How the F****K am I going to explain this to him.
My oldest ubderstands fully.He lets me know when its bad and a little better.
Im not entertaining your stupidity anymore.
Noone said they make comments or tease me with funny faces. If you actually had bad breath you would know what I mean when I say thaey sneeze and twitch.
They dont make fun of me. And I don't have selfesteem problems. I have halitosis

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:32 pm
by Vivian
You know your ignorance really doesn't suprise me.....

You'd mentioned that your family was on medicaid growing up and that you'd consider going on disability if's a cycle that will probably repeat itself with one of your sons if not both wanting to go on welfare when they get older because of learning impairments and not being able to get a good job b/c they have they'll just take the easy way out like mommy did and lean on tax payers dollars!!!

This also doesn't suprise me since you said that you are 25 and your oldest is you had children when you were sound really immature and you sound like you have a lot of growing up to do. At this point you won't allow any viable advice to penetrate your thick head.

And i've told my story to many people before, so I don't feel the need to tell it again. I don't have odor coming from out of my nose, so perhaps I don't have it as extreme as you and others, but trust me when i say that the pungent odor is there. But I still get my self up and interact act and to what i have to do to pay the bills....otherwise I'd be like you contemplating leaning on tax payers dollars.....Ms. Welfare recipient :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:45 pm
by meowkity1
This B**h is so stupid. Whoever said I was on welfare? Because I am not.
Vivian you really have isssues, and everyone reading this can see it.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:16 pm
by Vivian
I'm growing bored with this this will be the last time that I respond to you.

the Ms. Welfare recipient comes from you being a welfare case in the making; it's just that you don't even no it. Which is why i added the smiley face at the end of the comment.

I said in the beginning paragraph that you'd mention they need to be on disability b/c you noted it at the beginning of this post and in other posts:

[/understand completely. I havnt worked since my bb started about3 years ago. I wish I could get disabilituy. I dont know when Ill be able to face people. Almost every job requires you to talk. And if not you have to be around people so theyll still smell your nose. I just wish it didnt come out nose, then I would just keep my mouth closed. It used to be that way. Not anymore. Im so smart but I think my brain will go to waste because Imm too embarassed to go to school or work. GOD plesase help us all. Its just not fair]

You also made mention that you were poor growing up and your parents were on medicaid (a form of welfare). Hey, my mom had us on it to...but the difference between us is that I have no desire to be on it myself...i'm not using my bb as an excuse to be on taxpayers dollars...Here's your quote:

my mother totally neglected my mouth too. I dont know why. We were poor so I know we had medicaid. Hopefully it will teach you to not be lazy with your own kids.
Sorry our parents were so lazy

And just to give everyone a taste of your character, here's another quote, from many other quotes that you have talking about your shallow self-centered self:

same here. My mother and son say they cant smell it. So why do they always twitch and sneeze. I asked my son if my breath stunk or does it just tickle his nose. He says it just tickles. My mom says she smells nothing. I bet shes just stuffed up. i hate this shit. Im beautiful with green eyes, but I havnt had a date in 3 years.

An if you wondering whereI get a lot of my encouragement stems from the governor of NY (Patterson). He's handicapped (legally blind) completly blind in one eye and severly blind in the other, yet he manages to hold a prominent positon, married to a beautiful successful women, and had an affair....being gay, handicapped, and until recently black/african american(now that we have a black president), is another form of being handicapped in terms having to claw your way to make it in society. So we can include our bb in that category....but really, if the president and the govenor can overcome what society has deemed to be handicapped, then why can't we!!!

I'm a realist, and I know that most people don't want to be around smelly people. I probably wouldn't want to myself...but it's an issue that I have and I have to learn to deal with it as best as I can. But when it gets to the point that your kids are suffering Meow, b/c you did admit in the beginning of this post that your two year old can't talk b/c you don't talk to him ---> these are your words, not mine; then I have a problem with you not being able to deal with the bb issue in front of your children. There you're children, if you don't do it, then who will; what the teachers who you pay...please, everyone knows that the best lessons start from home.

I think I made my point. ~V

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:28 pm
by meowkity1
Vivian why are you so mad that I know I am beautiful. I really bet your ugly. THeres nothing wrong with having high selfesteem.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:20 am
by The_Daily_Dread
i think what's on meow's mind is how the hell can she have a healthy and caring relationship with her kids when she has chronic BB.

As you may well understand, bb is not just any disease. It has the power to make any sufferer SOCIALLY impotent. I know my parents ignore/pretend that my bb does not exist. My sister just states that i stink. period. This is family mind you.

So far i only know of one bb sufferer (not personally), the frat boy here in the boards, who rose above the social impact of having BB. He's one of a kind and i'm happy he's cured.

Attractiveness can somehow correlate with bb, since even if you're the most handsome guy or the prettiest gal, if you have BB, then you're f*cked. You deal with more pressure from the expectations surrounding you. People eye you day in and day out, and when they get to know your 'secret', its basically over.

The Frat Boy

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:47 am
by Harry_2K
Hi Daily Dread,

Where can I find The Frat Boy's post. Is this the guy whom you say has cured of BB? If so, I would like to know how?

Please reply.



Re: The Frat Boy

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:22 pm
by Cured
Harry_2K wrote:Hi Daily Dread,

Where can I find The Frat Boy's post. Is this the guy whom you say has cured of BB? If so, I would like to know how?
Unfortunately I think they're talking about this thread:


Sorry it didn't work for you, Harry... :shock:

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:24 pm
by tonsolloliths

I'd like to say that if I did not have my child as a confidente I would not have made it this far. Ask your 9 year old to help you with your search for your cure. My daughter was 12 or so when I asked her to help me. Then I found ProFresh and I had used that for several years with great success; but it is my daughter who said to me, "Mom, I don't think what you're using is working for you anymore."

Love (true love) conquers all, even extreme bb. If someone truly loves you for who you are inside they will never leave you or hate you because of bb. So I say confide in them, no matter how hard it is to do. Like the John Mayer song, "say what you need to say"


Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:39 am
by alexanderluther
I think the above post is right, when you soon discover someone close to you is ok with your BB it helps big time to ease your fear and possibly get over it.

I don't know why People can be insensitive to Meowkity, I'm attractive too and if anything it's probably made my life more difficult. When I did have BB i was in constant state of Anxiety and wnted to be left alone. People wouldnt stop coming up to me preventing my good progresss! I needed to pull myself together before i can start socializing again.

But anyways,

Meowkity I understand your PAIN, I couldn’t be around ppl in my own home without literally breaking down on the inside. You want to talk, But the extreme anxiety you feel on the inside makes it impossible for you to do such a simple task like speaking. To most People this sounds absurd, But To people like us, It’s a crying battle. I know that a part of you feels great Guilt for not being able to talk to your children but your phobia has dug so deep that you know that someone Standing exactly three metres can not smell your breath from there but you will still be afraid. That’s how bad! Fear of BB has become the centre of your Universe.

I think that when you’re in this state of mind, it’s hard to think of any other thoughts, but you need to try. Become aware of your feelings and describing them while you have it is a good start.

Work at it in small achievable steps at a time.. and Learning to accept your BB may be is a suggestion. I did when I had Bb, it was my first stepping stone to getting better.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:39 pm
by meowkity1
I just want to let everyone know my life is finaly changed. Tonsilectomy was my cure, I guess I had tonsil stones. Its bwwn about 2 month, Im healed, my mouth is fresh, theres absolutely no smell coming from my nasal. It feels so good to be around people without them hacking and sneezing, Ive been doing all things with my kids, and my sons speech has improved. I love that I can read to him up close and talk directly and clearly to him, I cant wait to walk him to the park this summer without people actually in their houses sneezing as soon as a pass. It s a wierd phenomenon, that Im glad I experienced, but Im glad it is over.
I barely even have morning breath now. I must say I havnt jumped right into the social scene, I think I may have become somewhat antisocial, of course I avoided my friends all those yeasrs. One majorly good thing about being cured is themoney saved on all those products. Monthly I was spending $35 on my normal routine products, and then I would spend 20-30 on something new I wanted to try, (like those dumb evora plus).I realize we're all dif, but people please see an ent, mines seemed he was willing to do whatever to help. I didnt even know I had tonsl stones. My plan was to bring him a gift for basiclicly saving my life but the week of my checkup my funds were low, hes not a surgeon but ge saved my life from misery.
I really didnt tell everyone about my tonsilectomy, I remember my first time sitiing with my cousin she didnt say anything but I can tell my her expression she could see my newfound confidence. I dont want to tell evryoneI just want to jump right in and be normal again.
I had it reallly bad people could smell me outside while I was in, ass soon as I entered a builing people would cough and sneeze even if they were around a corner, with windows down in my car the car over would react, children would hold their nose around me, people make dentist jokes around you, Whats bad is even with becoming a mute and keeping my mouth closed it was still gruesome ( That darn nose fart is gone)
I almost didnt get the tonsilectomy, I remember reading post abou tpeople who did it and then returned to say bb returned. Im glad I did it, I so happy.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:30 pm
by halitosisux
CONGRATS meowkity!!
wow well done.
So many people take their tonsils out and find it wasnt the cause, but as you've proved, it totally depends whether there's another reason for it or not and the only way to find out is to take this huge step of having them removed.

Amazing that you could have your tonsils behind it all and and yet be unaware of any stones. Maybe you had one huge one growing inside it, as is sometimes experienced. I can remember when my ENT took mine out he said they were full of stones, my right side in particular - and it was my right side where my wisdom tooth was, so there might be some connection there.

Did you have your adenoids out too? What did your ENT say about them?

You've also proved, that as bad as a case of "allergic" BB can possibly get, that it can be due to something as simple as your tonsils.

I'm glad you dont have to go through all that tongue scraping and all those pointless measures now. Its interesting how you could have had tonsils as your cause and yet you say your tongue never used to smell bad as far as you were aware. Again, it might be simply because you had much larger stone(s) so it was harder for the saliva to mix in with it all and spread it around the rest of your mouth.

Well done!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:45 pm
by KeepTrying09
Hey, congratulations MeowKity! Glad you finally found out what was behind your bad breath. Thanks for sharing your success story too. It's encouraging. When you wrote the part about being able to read to your son close-up the hairs on my arm stood up. Haha, powerful stuff there... :D

Hope now you are able to live the life you've always dreamed of. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:16 pm
by meowkity1
for some reason I just never thought it could be stones. I didnt start feeling around back there with my finger until a few months ago. and as Im writing this I decided to feal it , it feels really smooth, not bumpy and cracky.
Said adnoids were not in good shape.