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metrogyl 200

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by oceanside »

jonnyath wrote:PPL, I only came across this site a few hours ago,
I have definately NOT been down the same path as you guys and gals as far as spending money on treatments goes. I had no idea there is a whole business out there devoted to draining peoples finances over such a problem as halitosis.


Yes I could tell you a long story about what bad breath has caused me to miss out on but I didn't realize the impact it was having on my life until I actually got rid of it. Then everyone came out of the woodwork and basically said thank f__k you did something about it at last, you smelt like you were dead etc etc. I could go on and on about what came out, but in a way my ignorance was a blessing as I did not realize my breath was a lot worse than I figured so I was not conscientious about it like you guys.

Wow! Unbelievable. So you have been completely cured over two years on one treatment of Metronidazole, and you suffered from halitosis for twenty years. Wow, unbelievable!

I guess in more ways than you can ever imagine, ignorance was a blessing for you. Not knowing you had bad breath spared you of a cold, painful reality. I know I have chronic halitosis, known it since 7 yrs old. Teased, made fun by kids, told straight to my face by one college dorm mate that I had breath from hell, had deviated septum surgery, spent tons of money, seen halitosis clinics, doctors, ect, ect, ect, dentisths, they all said i had halitosis but nothing worked. I am so tired of retelling my sad story; it's old, pathetic, and yesterday's news. We are living it, dealing with it, and fighting with everything within us to finding a cure without success.

I am soo sick and tired of talking about halitosis. It eats me up day and night, and even in my dreams my subconscience state of mind feels utterlyy ashamed of my life. I don't even want to talk about what i think is the cause of my halitosis. i don't give a dam anymore about why, why, why,... jonnyath, I just want to live a normal life, to be able to laugh out loud, talk to someone face to face without them freaking out, offering me gum, mints. I just usually avoid talking to people (period). More than anything I just want to be free from this madness.

If metronidazole cures me, my life will be 100%, completely changed forever! Sure I still have problems but I at lease be able to deal with my problems freely without shame and holding in what I want and desperately need to say, but just too ashame to let out b/c of bad breath. Dam it, I hate it with all my being. I just want to be able to walk into a room of people and feel comfortable walking up to them, look them in the eyes and shake their hands without them stepping away from me b/c of the sewage odor coming out from my mouth.

I want to be able to share an intimate conversation with a beutiful woman. Share pillow talks, whisper into her ears, give her a passionate kiss, and to live a life of love. halitosis has robbed me of my dignity as a human being. I missed out on the pleasures of youths, dating, dancing, and socializing. I can go on and on, but it would just tear everyone apart becuase this is our reality.

I hope and pray that my life will forever be changed if Metronidazole opens the door of imprisonment and allows freedom to enter my life, jonnyath.

You brought the brightest glimmer of hope for a cure to me in a very long time. Even if it doesn't work, I at lease know that you were spared, saved from this horrific nightmare.



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Post by baguio »

I have a stock of 400mg metronidzole (AKA flagyl). Tried them over a year ago. Tried them again just after new years for a week or so.

They do help a little bit but they will not solve the problem. The bacteria buld up a resistance to it. Others have reported similar results over at the yahoo groups board.
People who are considering using this substance should be very cautious in doing so. It is a very strong drug. Alcohol is out of the question whilst your taking this stuff. The last day I was using it (and i had reached the conclusion that it was of limited help at that stage), my ear - and the area around it numbed for a few hours. Now its a possibility its unrelated but I strongly believe that the metronidazole was responsible for this (i wasnt on any other meds and felt otherwise fine beforehand).
Proceed with caution.
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Re: metrogyl 200

Post by waitingforrelief »

Anonymous wrote:Hi ppl, after years of reading forums I actually have decided I may be able to contribute something worthwhile.

To get to the point, after 20 years of bad breath, which included a stint of bodybuilding, healthy eating and excellent oral hygeine I could not get rid of the sewer in my mouth.

Two years ago bitterly complained to my new doctor and he prescribed a course of Metronidazole tablets which are 200mg doses. There are 21 tablets in the container and you take one morning noon and night for 1 week.

Problem solved so simply after so long.

This treatment is meant to be, among other things, for bacteria control on patients who have just had operations, it is not claimed to be or produced for breath problems.

I also have a problem with mucus down the back of my throat, a white tongue and I am a mouth breather due to sinus passages not formed correctly. All this is supposed to contribute to the problem from what I have read in various sites, these issues still remain and yet the bad breath is gone.

Not brushing teeth regularly can cause a bit of a whiff, but at least that is normal and the occasional morning breath is there, but a cup of tea gets rid of morning breath and the toothbrush takes care of excercising the gums.

I have only just started reading posts on bad breath in the last month out of curiosity and am surprised by the amount of money being made out of peoples suffering.

I am in Adelaide, Australia, the medication is available with a doctors prescription.

Oh, and I was just like you people, couldn't speak to someone without them visibly cringing from me.

It worked for me so I hope it works for some of you if not all.

congratulations on having found a solution to your problem!

i have started another thread about this. but in order to maybe determine whether your solution would work for others, would you mind describing, in as much detail as you can, your previous symptoms of halitosis (quality/description of bad breath), and other related issues (dry mouth, digestive problems, etc.)?

the more information on what our problmes are, and in cases of sucess, the more liely we can understand our problem. thank you so much for checking in even after your own problem's solved. hopefully you won't mind sharing a bit more.

and all the best to you!
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Post by coeric »

boy, nothing is ever easy. i was excited like everyone else until i came about baguio's post. what he says sounds exactly like what is going to happen to me if i tried it.

jonnyath (guest) im not sure how bad your breath was prior to using this drug, but the bacteria in mouth is very aggresive. they are strong, hostile, and above all else, resilient. i could throw anything at them and the smell would come back. if i had tried 50 different cures for halitosis in my life, they would've won 50 battles against me. i dont know why god has made such damning critters so resilient. at this point, logic would suggest nothing short of my death would cure me.

however this drug does, please report your findings.
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Post by noptical »

coeric wrote:boy, nothing is ever easy. i was excited like everyone else until i came about baguio's post. what he says sounds exactly like what is going to happen to me if i tried it.

jonnyath (guest) im not sure how bad your breath was prior to using this drug, but the bacteria in mouth is very aggresive. they are strong, hostile, and above all else, resilient. i could throw anything at them and the smell would come back. if i had tried 50 different cures for halitosis in my life, they would've won 50 battles against me. i dont know why god has made such damning critters so resilient. at this point, logic would suggest nothing short of my death would cure me.

however this drug does, please report your findings.
Maaan in the end we'll going to drink chlorine to kill those damn bacteria lol
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Post by austuser »

coeric wrote: i dont know why god has made such damning critters so resilient.
there is no such thing as god, silly.
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Post by noptical »

austuser wrote:
coeric wrote: i dont know why god has made such damning critters so resilient.
there is no such thing as god, silly.
Haha sometimes I think, if there's god why he lets us suffer like that? Now, one of those very religious folks would tell me "he's testing your faith!" and then I would punch him in the face.
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Post by austuser »

I'd just breathe in his face
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Post by noptical »

austuser wrote:I'd just breathe in his face
Ahaha this is funny and sad at the same time :(
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Post by coeric »

some people have it easy, some people dont. it's just the way it is. we definately dont have it easy, but then again, what about the millions of babies born with aids? they are certainly not better off than we are.

bible thumpers might say it is all a test from god. and perhaps it is. who can know for sure? but as a realistic christian i do not believe our hardships are a direct test from above. i just cant believe that, because how can you test someone with a problem that never had a solution? what can a six month-old baby do to cure itself from aids? there are just too many contradictions in life.

what i believe people with hardships ought to do is simply live as best they can. use everything you were given to fight for life, up until your last breath. then you know that you went out trying. and when you pass from this world, hope that you made some positive mark during your time here, instead of just living for yourself.

there is a verse in the bible that states, " the lord is sympathetic to those who have suffered."
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Post by noptical »

coeric wrote:what i believe people with hardships ought to do is simply live as best they can. use everything you were given to fight for life, up until your last bad breath. then you know that you went out trying. and when you pass from this world, hope that you made some positive mark during your time here, instead of just living for yourself.

there is a verse in the bible that states, " the lord is sympathetic to those who have suffered."
fixed for reality
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Post by austuser »

well i havent even finished my first day on metronidazole and its totally blasted the anerobic bacteria from my mouth. Nilodor did a lot but with these antibiotics doing their thing i can see the difference between having less bad breath, and having NO bad breath. Its like i dont have breath at all, just hot air as someone else mentioned once.

But i know it wont last. A week from now when i have finished the course, it'll come back. I will try and overdose on K12 probiotics at that time and see if it helps...
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Post by noptical »

austuser wrote:well i havent even finished my first day on metronidazole and its totally blasted the anerobic bacteria from my mouth. Nilodor did a lot but with these antibiotics doing their thing i can see the difference between having less bad breath, and having NO bad breath. Its like i dont have breath at all, just hot air as someone else mentioned once.

But i know it wont last. A week from now when i have finished the course, it'll come back. I will try and overdose on K12 probiotics at that time and see if it helps...
Maaaaan thats super duper great news!!!! :D Dont be such a pessimist. Remember that stress worsens bad breath! Think the bright side: YOU GOT READ OF ****ing BAD BREATH AFTER I-DONT-KNOW-HOW-MANY YEARS :shock: :D :D
Now, follow the dosage as correctly as possible. And if it returns, I guess you should have the treatment from the start.
Read what it says on the frontpage about h-pylori. Some halitosis sufferers were given those antibiotics and its says about a particular case where the bad breath returned after a while so the patient need to get trhough the treatment again and after that she didnt have any bad breath.

By the way, did you have dry mouth? And if yes, do you know? If you still do, is it at least a little less dry?

Good luck man, next thing I want to hear from you is that you got rid of that nightmare! Take care!
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Post by john »

this is great news!! :D
is this the ultimate cure????
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Post by austuser »

and i can say dont be an optimist!

Seriously though, its obvious that its BACTERIA that causes my bad breath, and not some other systemic cause. Thats good, because i know i only have to deal with bacteria. But the fact is, many a bad breath sufferer has done the antibiotic thing to no avail. But at least i have probiotics on my side to use after my antibiotics.

Then again, back when i did the hydrogen peroxide/baking soda thing it was the same deal. It completely obliterated the bad bacteria for about three days, then came back with a vengeance. Even WITH the K12 probiotics. Bah

anyway, no, i dont have dry mouth issues or little saliva. Thats all good, except for when i smoke 2 packets a night on the weekends =D> but i do have sinus and post nasal drip issues. Like i stated earlier, Nilodor has helped this a great deal and basically makes me feel like there is no bb, as there is no mucous for bacteria to feed on. But im still waiting to hear from others if Nilodor actually works, because it may just be that Im thinking its that, whereas it might just be a change in weather here or something stupid.
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