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Got metronidazole today

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by meowkity1 »

Theres something called metrogyl dg gel. I believ it has metronidazole and chlorhexdine.

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Post by ElGrizzle »

Yea I was checked for H-pylori. It showed no positive results. I used Flagyl (metronidazole) anyway. It helped with mouth BB. Haver you ever had an H-pylori test, they give you some acidic stuff and you breath into a tube. Its a very easy procedure.

on another note.

Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole, and bismuth are used together to treat pouchitis. Both of these anti-microbials reach into deep crevices. Have you ever had bleeding in stool? or darkish black stool?
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Post by meowkity1 »

Peole I am still doing great
I went to store today and no reactions
I wouldnt say I cured
Cured would mean I could have a beer and still talk, eat garlic and still talk, eat eggs and not have to hurry and scrape
But I feel I am on my way
I will still have ent take out tonsils and adnoids.
Still waiting on my referal though . Its been 2 weeks, could it be any slower
it feels so good to be partialy normal again, and it sucks because all I had to do abviously was talk to my doc to give me meds, and finaly try xtra strength thera breath. I really like these products , but I want to go back to crst hopefully soon I will be able to
My tongue is still pink, pinkest its been in forever(years)
I plan on going out this weekend, but Ill just sip water, it'll feel good to interact with people again.
Everyday I cant stop thinking about the day I had last friday when my sons father didnt make a flinch, and leaned in to kiss me. God it felt so good
I will try my damnist to make sure I am hydrated so I can keep things on track . This has been the best 2 weeks I have had in years.
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Post by danger »

meowkity1 wrote:Peole I am still doing great
I went to store today and no reactions
I wouldnt say I cured
Cured would mean I could have a beer and still talk, eat garlic and still talk, eat eggs and not have to hurry and scrape
But I feel I am on my way
I will still have ent take out tonsils and adnoids.
Still waiting on my referal though . Its been 2 weeks, could it be any slower
it feels so good to be partialy normal again, and it sucks because all I had to do abviously was talk to my doc to give me meds, and finaly try xtra strength thera breath. I really like these products , but I want to go back to crst hopefully soon I will be able to
My tongue is still pink, pinkest its been in forever(years)
I plan on going out this weekend, but Ill just sip water, it'll feel good to interact with people again.
Everyday I cant stop thinking about the day I had last friday when my sons father didnt make a flinch, and leaned in to kiss me. God it felt so good
I will try my damnist to make sure I am hydrated so I can keep things on track . This has been the best 2 weeks I have had in years.
great news kitty, i hope it continues

i used to always be looking at my tongue in mirror loads throughout the day when i was sure that was the main reason
since i have become aware that it might be down to my wisdom teeth i have not even bothering even looking at my tongue anymore
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Post by meowkity1 »

Ive xome to the conclusion that patm is just from the bacteria, that we may have in our nose
Since my breath and nose is improved I dont have patm, but Ill verify this after my sons [lay group tomorow it got switched to mondays. If I can be there for an hour and not have people react Im probably mostly cured
Most people on the patm forum did say they have bad breath
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Post by iva »


I am so happy for you, it is good to feel normal atleats for a while!
Metronidazole has helped me with my breath in the past but not as much as fluconazole has.It permanently cleaned my tongue and diminished my PND. Your posts confirm once again my strong belief that for most of us bacteria and fungi are to blame.
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Post by meowkity1 »

Well the moment of truth csme, I went to the play group and no reactions.. 1 person rubbed but he wasnt close to me, and the people that were close didnt react
bUt I was so aware of myself that 1 teacher sat by me, I moved and then she moved closer. I said oh then they must not sense anything
Although I still did not open my mouth, it was like I was too scared to
Before when I had a coating the coating would catch food and make the coating thciker, I just drank some milk and there was no coating left, although I still scrape, after any dairy product because I am so worried to feed the bacteria
I think that bad tooth gave me an over growth of bad bacteria, I giot rid of that tooth but now I have to fight to get my mouth flora back to normal.
If another filling ever falls out I will run to walgreens so fast and buy some of that temporay filling Iv been seeing, Ill be damned if this happens again
For me I can honestly say I believe its about bacteria, obviously there was too much. I barely have a coating now
I have 1 pill left of metronidazole, and I hope Ill be good
Its almost hard to believe, how cme i didnt open my mouth much in the group, I guess I was scared I would get my bubble bursted. I said a couple words.
Before getting better I had the whole room sneezing and rubbing.
We were switchedsd to mondays today so it felt good to be off too a good start with new people
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Post by danger »

wow kitty, sounds like quite a turnaround for you

if anybody deserves it, you do. you seem to have tried all sorts of things, hopefully now you have found the right solution

are you going to get some more metro? or are you just going to stop all together?
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Post by meowkity1 »

Ill stop altogether, that stuff isnt ment to take constantly. I am also using chlorhexidine and thera breath extrastrength proucts, upside down nasal flush and thera breah nose drops
Its alot I am not sure what was most effective, although I startd metro on a thursday and by friday I was improving, and that friday afternoon my thera breath shipment came
Although I am doing good it takes alot to be good
I still get a slight coating overnight especialy if I dont drink, but it coes off easy, its not stuck to me like it used to be, before I could scrape but it was like each tongue hair was individualy dyed white
My routine is still very long, so I am not cured, but tromendously better
First I use tongue brush on tongue with peroxide and baking soda,
tongue brush with chlorhexdine
gargke cglorhexdine
brush teeth,
put thera breath on tongue let it sit
use oral irrigator,
rinse with thera breath
upside down nose flush
thera breath nose drops
scraping between each step
also taking metronidazole, zinc, and occasional probiottic
It takes a half an hour
So I am not cured, cured would mean I could use crest,and listerine in five minutes and go. But if I have to do all that to be normal again I will. My tongue is getting pinker and cleaner so who knows maybe in a month I ll be normal agian
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Did you get tested for H pylori? Go into a clinic and ask the doctor to have you tested with a urea breath test. Its easy, all you do is breathe into a tube. The only thing is, you have to wait about a month after taking any antibiotic. So if you notice problems coming back in a month, get that tested. Hopefully you are cured for good.

The protocol for H pylori is antibiotics with a PPI like prilosec or rabeprazole. H pylori creates a very acidic environment in the stomach so that it cannot be affected. Using a PPI lowers the PH so that the antibiotics can go to work in the stomach.

This is the mistake I made when I started taking left overs (didn't use the PPI) the bad breath came back.
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Post by iva »


I am in the same position as you right now - after all the things that I did now I know it`s bacterial overgrowth in my mouth and I need to restore my normal flora.
My mourning routine is also long but it gives me a couple of bb free hours -until I eat something. The bacteria start producing VSC again and the halitosis is back.
I am taking mouth probiotic, because the idea is to lower the level of bacteria by a cleaning routine and then to introduce some beneficial bacteria that will hopefully populate the mouth.
Now I am taking the Streptococcus slivarius of dr.Speiser, but I can`t say it helps. I have also tried taking Lactobacillus reuteri, but it didn`t help either. I guess bad bacteria are not easily beaten.
Meowkity what are u planning to do about that?
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Post by meowkity1 »

Dr kats sent email this morning it says, after every meal if you cannot scrape you should atleast swish with water to getthe food particles out, That makes sense , Starve the bacteria, and I will try hard not to eat much protien. Kats says all the white on the tongue is actually the bacterias excretions,(no wonder it smell like poop) he also says there is no way to remove it totaly we actualy need these bacteria they help break down protien to aid in digestion. So I think his products help neutralize the odor. I still use baking soda and peroxide because thats what seems to actually remove the bacteria
Its hard I just woke up I didnt take any water to bed so I have a slight coating that will come off easy. I really dont sense any bb though, just talked with my son before sending him off and he didnt even react. O i am still feeeling good about things.
Usualyy when I walk past neighbors doors outside she has a coughing atack everytime. Yesteday I was out raking for quite a while and no reactions, So I think I am still goo
But it will be great to use crest for 2 minutes and go
I have 3 younger sisters an Iv een teaching them the importance of scraping the tongue.
One problem is I will but i dont want to continue to use kats products to be normal its expensive
I ordered nose drops xtra strenth paste and rinse and this was over 50, Thatss too much mney, I cannot keep spending that kind of money monthly. But before that order I was spending about 20-30 monthly anyway, Theres alwas something new I want to try. Then this month I also needed more saline packets wich costed 12.
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Post by halitosisux »

meowkity, I know I've asked you this question before, but if you dont take any measures at all against your BB (like scraping your tongue etc) did you say you tongue doesnt smell bad anyway?

I'm asking this because im so BAFFLED why you'd go to all these lengths on your oral bacteria when your fight doesnt seem to be anything at all to do with your oral bacteria.

You keep referring to your tongue and the whiteness etc yet it doesnt even smell, nor do your tonsils, yet you keep making connections and correlations with it.

From everything you've ever said your odour is either coming from your nasopharynx/throat downwards or your nose/sinuses upwards. Maybe you are in some kind of denial over this because you feel that at least you are doing something directly against your BB by taking the oral measures that people with BB generally tend to take to improve their situation.

Metronidazole might be helping you at the moment because its affecting your gut flora and that you have some underlying digestive cause (like secondary TMAU which causes exactly the kind of odours you describe) or because it's clearing an infection somewhere in your nasal system. Like ElGrizzle says, it might be h.pylori that you are weakening, but not quite eradicating because you need to reduce the acidity inside your stomach for the antibiotics to work effectively enough in there.

On the subject of h.pylori, for £5 you can pick up a simple self-testing kit for detecting the presense of antibodies in your blood. If you follow the instructions properly and you get a positive result, its very reliable. But that would be just to open your eyes to the possibility because you always want to get it tested with the type of test ElGrizzle mentioned. Also, unlike the urea breath test you dont need to wait a month after taking any antibiotics with this self-testing kit because if you had h.pylori before taking the antibiotics and even if you wiped the infection out, you'd still detect the antibodies in your blood for months later.

Sorry if you've mentioned all of this before.
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Post by meowkity1 »

halitosissux I appresciate ou getting frustrated with me, I feel you care for me when you lecture me with all of your knowledge, and keep it coming, it makes me feel someone is on my side
I do believ its something with sius, adnoid, tonsil, but Im still waiting for ent refearal so until then these are the measures I am taking
But then I always go back to that damn tooth wich initialy got bb started, so then I start thinking mouth bactria.
My tongue doesnt stink now but in the past it smelled like pur poop and rotten eggs, so I am assuming I just got it down to a minimal level. I assmue I just am not cronic anymore.
I am having alot of faith that when I get adnoids out Ill be better
You seem pretty smart do you know if sinusitis can be cured or do you just treat the symptoms. Thats what my ct scan showed
Thanks so much for responding,
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Post by meowkity1 »

halitosisux you asked if I dont scrape what happens.
If I dont scrape I get thick coating, and although my tongue doesnt seem to stink like poop like it did before, my mouth would taste bad, and be hot. I dont sense anything from the snif test but. If I would scrape it wold be less hotter and less bad tsting, and thats why I continue to scrape.
I am at the point I dont know where the smll is coming from
Right nowat this very moment I dont think I have bb but my mouth seems to be hot,
I need to do more research on sinusitis.
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