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My bad breath was from my esophagus (throat), not my mouth..

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by Archimonde »

Dosage depends on what type of candida you have: vaginal, esophageal, systemic, etc.

For us, the proper dosage would be anywhere between 200g and 400g a day but how much exactly? *shrug*

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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Keeptrying,

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I was just wondering, did you have candida in your mouth too? Was your tongue ever coated? Did you find that your tongue coating (if you had one) ever smelled bad?

I was just curious if your candida infection (it looked quite bad) ever moved from your throat into your mouth 'cos it looked like a hell of a lot of candida in your eosophagus!!

Also, could you describe how your bb smelled? Was it sweet, which is sometimes associated with candida?

Thanks for your postings about this :)
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Post by Snobuni »

Arch and Keeptrying,

I just noticed in the thread that the dosage on the antifungal (biozole?) box in the photo is 200mg. So I guess this is what you were taking daily Keeptrying?
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Post by Leonardo »

What an amazing post. Thank you so much KeepTrying09 for taking the time to come on these forums and sharing the information. I can assure you it was so very appreciated by me and I bet others.

I have been quite depressed these last couple of months, but reading your thread has once again given me hope. I relate to your original story a lot, and we have a very similar past in regards to age and how this has affected our lives.

I too am surprised at the efficiency of Eastern doctors compared to Western ones. Please do not take this as an insult, but rather a compliment. I suppose as Americans we have an inbred arrogance when it comes to thinking we have the most advanced systems. Obviously not the case.

May I ask... Are you actually originally from Thailand? Or are you from another country? Your English and punctuation seems perfect, so I was thinking this was your first language. Just curious.

If you don't mind would it be okay to put together some questions tonight and post them here tomorrow?

Thank you again.
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Post by Archimonde »

Snobuni wrote:Arch and Keeptrying,

I just noticed in the thread that the dosage on the antifungal (biozole?) box in the photo is 200mg. So I guess this is what you were taking daily Keeptrying?
That photo isn't his', it's from a pharma web site. Diflucan comes in doses of 50, 100, 150 and 200g. But if i had to guess, he probably took the 200g one, that's the recommended dose for euso candida. I'm tempted to order the 150g one and double it for 300g a day.

@Keeptrying Did you take one dose/day or more than one?
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Snobuni wrote:Hi Keeptrying,

I was just wondering, did you have candida in your mouth too? Was your tongue ever coated? Did you find that your tongue coating (if you had one) ever smelled bad?

I was just curious if your candida infection (it looked quite bad) ever moved from your throat into your mouth 'cos it looked like a hell of a lot of candida in your eosophagus!!

Thanks for your postings about this :)
I don't know if I had Candida in my mouth because I didn't have the doctor check for it there. But I did a google search on people who had Candida infection in their mouths, and I can tell you my mouth and tongue looked NOTHING like those peoples'. Regarding a coated tongue, yes I had and still have it. My tongue coating is particularly bad after I eat meals or when I'm just waking up in the morning. I just use a tongue scrapper followed by brushing my tongue with some toothpaste, and the majority of the coating is removed. Also, I did ask my gastroenterologist, immunologist and dentist about the tongue coating and they all said it was normal for a coating to appear on peoples' tongues, just that some coatings are thicker than others due to a number of reasons such as the shape of the tongue, salivary flow, etc..
Snobuni wrote:Also, could you describe how your bb smelled? Was it sweet, which is sometimes associated with candida?
I wish I could answer this one, but nobody ever told me exactly what my breath smelled like, they just told me it smelled bad. My father told me when I was about 7 or 8 years old that my breath smelled like shit, but he liked to cuss a lot and I think that was more of an expression than a fact. After that I just got told I had bad breath or dragon breath.
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Snobuni wrote:Arch and Keeptrying,

I just noticed in the thread that the dosage on the antifungal (biozole?) box in the photo is 200mg. So I guess this is what you were taking daily Keeptrying?
Archi is right regarding the picture of the Biozole. I got it from the internet just to show people the medicine that I was prescribed by my doctor. I can't remember if I took 200mg or not. I will get the information for you and as soon as I do I will post it here.
Archimonde wrote:@Keeptrying Did you take one dose/day or more than one?
I took one dose per day.
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Leonardo wrote:What an amazing post. Thank you so much KeepTrying09 for taking the time to come on these forums and sharing the information. I can assure you it was so very appreciated by me and I bet others.

I have been quite depressed these last couple of months, but reading your thread has once again given me hope. I relate to your original story a lot, and we have a very similar past in regards to age and how this has affected our lives.
Hey Leonardo. You're very welcome. The only thing I thought about when posting my story was just helping other people find the cause of their bad breath. We are all in the same boat and whatever I can do to help I would gladly do it 100 times over.

You will find the answer to your problem. Never give up hope!
Leonardo wrote: I too am surprised at the efficiency of Eastern doctors compared to Western ones. Please do not take this as an insult, but rather a compliment. I suppose as Americans we have an inbred arrogance when it comes to thinking we have the most advanced systems. Obviously not the case.
Totally agree with you there!
Leonardo wrote:May I ask... Are you actually originally from Thailand? Or are you from another country? Your English and punctuation seems perfect, so I was thinking this was your first language. Just curious.
English is my first language. I am not from Thailand, just living here now.
Leonardo wrote:If you don't mind would it be okay to put together some questions tonight and post them here tomorrow?
Ask away! I would be more than happy to answer anything I am able to. :D
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Post by Archimonde »

Do you ever have days with BB? If yes, how often?
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Archimonde wrote:Do you ever have days with BB? If yes, how often?
I can't answer that question for sure Archi because honestly I don't know. I cannot smell my own breath, and therefore I cannot know unless someone tells me directly. What I can tell you is this.

Before I was treated for Candida:

1.) I was directly told by 3 people that I had bad breath. (Also my mother told me after I was treated for Candida that she had noticed I had bad breath before, but she never said anything to me about it.)
2.) I heard numerous comments indirectly from people regarding my bad breath. One day I said hello to a person that I knew, and when I walked away I heard him say "You need to learn how to use a toothbrush." Also, one day my manager offered me a piece of chewing gum as soon as I came into the office. As soon as he offered me the gum, a fellow co-worker said "How about you give him 2 pieces." Another co-worker used to say "Someone's got dragon breath" when I was around with other co-workers. The list goes on and on.
3.) Whenever I used to sit next to people on the subway or bus, or anywhere for that matter, they would cover their nose or move away, without me even speaking! The bad smell was coming through both my nose and my mouth because the Candida was in my throat, and when I breathed the bad breath would escape through whichever hole I was breathing out of. It got to the point where I would hold my breath for periods of time whenever I was in public places.

After I was treated for Candida and changed my diet and fitness habits:

1.) No one has directly told me that I have bad breath since then. After my treatment, I had my mother smell my breath for 2 weeks straight. I made her smell my breath so much that after the end of the 2 weeks she was fussing at me about making her do it! She said she couldn't smell anything.
2.) I do not hear indirect comments as frequently as before regarding bad breath. Of course, sometimes I do hear people talking about something smelling bad, but I have to remind myself, I live in Bangkok now. This is a big, dirty, polluted city and there are many smells when you walk outside on the street. Every time someone has made a comment about a smell, I can usually smell it too and the source of the smell is usually apparent such as trash on the street or the sewer systems here or the street vendors selling some kind of stinky Asian food around every single street corner.
3) When I take the subway or the bus, people do not move away from me anymore. Furthermore when I sit next to them, they do not cover their nose.
4) And finally, people do not put their hands to their noses when I'm speaking as much as they used to. Does it still happen occasionally? Yes, sometimes, but I honestly think it might just be the natural habit of some people to do this. I try not to read too much into it.

As I've said, having bad breath for such a long time has left a psychological scar on me. I still worry about it. I still take steps to prevent it, I still pay attention to the actions of people around me probably more so than others. But the important thing is I DO BELIEVE that one day I will be freed from the psychological burden and not think about bad breath at all anymore.
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Keeptrying,

I was wondering if you had any other typical symptoms of candida infection besides the bb?
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Snobuni wrote:Hi Keeptrying,

I was wondering if you had any other typical symptoms of candida infection besides the bb?
I had every single one of these symptoms which are some of the most common of a candida infection:

bad breath
abdominal gas
excessive fatigue
cravings for sweets or yeasts
rectal itching
inability to think clearly or concentrate
mood swings
poor memory
learning difficulties
cognitive impairment
coated tongue
jock itch
sore throat
acid reflux

If you believe that you are suffering from a Candida infection, please take this Candida Questionnaire. I have included the first page of the questionnaire below. The full questionnaire is 7 pages.

Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Keeptrying,

I suffer from most of those symptoms too, but, as I've noticed with lists of candida symptoms, they're always very wide-ranging and seem to include a multitude of minor illnesses!!!

Saying that, I've taken candida questionaires before and always scored very highly on them (I scored 236 on the one you posted!!) and I have always suspected that I have a candida problem.

It's frustrating that this illness isn't recognised by more GP's, but it's often dismissed as only a threat to people with severe immune deficiencies (HIV and AIDs patients, etc).

Incidentely, you were clear of HIV, but were you suffering from any other immuno-compromising illness at the time, although I suppose this is unlikely 'cos you'd been suffering with bb from an early age. Do you think you were infected with candida as a child? Any idea what might have set it off? Did you ever take antibiotics when you were younger?

Thanks for answering all these questions :D
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Snobuni wrote:Hi Keeptrying,

I suffer from most of those symptoms too, but, as I've noticed with lists of candida symptoms, they're always very wide-ranging and seem to include a multitude of minor illnesses!!!
Yes, there's hundreds of symptoms for Candida infection, it's almost hard not to have at least a couple of them.....
Snobuni wrote:Saying that, I've taken candida questionaires before and always scored very highly on them (I scored 236 on the one you posted!!) and I have always suspected that I have a candida problem.
Yikes, 236 is high. I think mine was 180 something back when I took it.
Snobuni wrote:It's frustrating that this illness isn't recognised by more GP's, but it's often dismissed as only a threat to people with severe immune deficiencies (HIV and AIDs patients, etc).
When my doctor here in Thailand discovered the Candida, that was the first thing she had me do was take an HIV test. Also, the ENT doctor who saw me a few years prior and saw all the white patches as well, he made me take an HIV test too. Only difference is he didn't tell me what the white patches were and he didn't give me any medicine that could help it. That makes me think he might have known it was Candida, but he kept his mouth shut about it. :x
Snobuni wrote: Incidentely, you were clear of HIV, but were you suffering from any other immuno-compromising illness at the time, although I suppose this is unlikely 'cos you'd been suffering with bb from an early age. Do you think you were infected with candida as a child? Any idea what might have set it off? Did you ever take antibiotics when you were younger?
Nope, not suffering from any other immuno-compromising illnesses. Regarding my childhood, I just posted a new thread over in the General Section titled Bad Breath report. It's a bit long, but I put all the info about my childhood in there. Check it out at viewtopic.php?t=2556 :D
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mindyb »

Hi guys...
Well thanks to the posts of KeepTrying and BBforyears... I went to the assistant of a Gastro doctor. After all the doctors and dentists I've seen, I had the most wonderful experience there. They were cordial, friendly and really listented to me. First off, its so embarrassing to say I have bad breath and I don't know why. But they saw my turmoil and kinda looked at me like you are just coming to us now? Anyways, she took my hand and said we are going to try and find what is causing you this taste, breath and pain in your life.
I am set to have my endoscopy on Dec. 17th. They put me asleep and the procdure will take 1.5-2 hrs.
I showed her my checklist of things that were ailing you guys from this community I belong to... She was interested and said the doctor would look for all those things (candida, bile, HH, etc.) and she said she'd do the impedance test next if the endoscopy came back normal.
Wish me luck that this will help me discover and treat my root of bb!!!!
(I am reposting on BBforyears thread as well)
Everyone keep updating on these topics!
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