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Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:21 pm
by alexmarison
Had a big test yesterday with garlic and onion hashbrowns for breakfast and ribs with a garlicy BBQ sauce for dinner. I ate enough garlic that, under normal circumstances, I'd smell like it for over a week. But, a day later, I detect no garlic whatsoever, again. I admit, it was in my mouth a little when I woke up this morning, but I am not sure that was coming from my lungs, because of all my unfiled cavities and gingival pockets, which probably catch whatever I'm eating and take several brushings to loose it and mostly just time to dissolve it.

I've been taking the vitamin D for about a week and a half and I think my lungs have dramatically improved - I am closer to positively claiming that, due to vitamin D supplementation, they no longer re-emit sulfides whether digested or inhaled.


Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:59 pm
by alexmarison
Had a test last night: some food with a good amount of raw garlic and onions, and I failed. I still am not sure I have adequate vitamin D levels yet after only 2 or so weeks of supplemets, but this was a set back. However, the last couple of days I've been looking into exactly how vitamin D would help neutralize sulfides in the body, if it does. It seems it could be apart of process for using up sulfur that involves several vitamins, anyone of which could be a rate-limiting factor - one of which (folic acid) I am also deficient in. What's interesting is I've recently, on-and-off been, been taking folic acid supplements or eating salads (whenever I can afford to) - even during my test of vitamin D. Do the times I felt vitamin D was working correspond to the times I was also taking folic acid or eating foods containing folic acid? I am not sure, but I do know I've had no folic acid for the last couple days. I'm going to eat some salad and try to borrow some more FA supplements and see what happens.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:46 am
by Louche
First of all, this forum is kind of freaking me out because until I came here i had no idea there were so many conditions causing chronic bad breath and that it could be incurable!

Secondly, I can say that i am a little Vitamin D deficient and probably have been for over a year, but didn't get tested till a few months ago and then again two months after that. My level was the same on both tests. I can tell you that Vitamin D certainly does affect the breath, from my experience. However, it is not all clearcut.

I started taking K2 supplements and found out that way that K2 depletes the body of Vitamin D... and causes bad breath, apparently by doing so. K2 is supposedly great for you, if your Vitamin D level is sufficient. I found out the hard way that it will f-ing kill you if you are Vitamin D deficient.

Some observations from my experience:
There are two types of K2 supplements: MK-7 and MK-4. MK-7 supplementation invariably has given me bad breath both immediately and chronically. MK-4, when I first took it, caused me bad breath and yellow teeth, but when I stopped taking it, I suddenly had totally fresh breath with minimal need to brush teeth... that persisted until I took more K2. The thing is, I took it with a lot of Vitamin D. K2 basically is the vitamin needed to utilize Vitamin D. But Vitamin D supplements caused me other side effects, especially in large amounts, so it's been difficult. I got on MK-4 a second time, and the same thing happened: poor oral hygiene when I took it; drastically improved oral hygiene with smooth teeth and fresh breath persisting afterward. Then the next K2 i took was MK-7 with Vitamin D to compare because the previous MK-7 I took didn't have Vitamin D. OMG.... ever since then I have had persistent horrendously bad breath!!!!!

I waited it out because I wanted to avoid side effects from MK-4 and to build up my vitamin D level first. But then I started going out dancing and meeting girls again, plus the work issue, and I was like, I can't deal with this crap. It was getting worse and worse, and I felt like my mouth was just never, ever clean. Ever after brushing, flossing, and using medicated and non-medicated mouthwash 10 times, my mouth felt dirty constantly... even with the mouthwash IN my mouth, even the moment I spit it out, my mouth felt dirty. So i started taking K2 MK-4 again in hopes of finally putting an end to it. The first night of this, I felt like my mouth was clean all night. But when I woke up the next day, it was back to the same. I was going to a party that night, so I decided to take more again that night when I got to the party, combined with lots of Vitamin D every time. This seemed to help immediately, but not as much as the previous night.... I did not feel like my mouth was clean at all, just better than it was earlier that night, when it was abysmal. I'm guessing my vitamin D level had been lowered overall due to taking it the previous night. In any case, I was disappointed...

But then the next day my mouth felt much cleaner, if still not acceptable. The next day it felt even a little cleaner. But then the third day out, it was getting worse again. Maybe I wasn't taking enough Vitamin D. I think I took more Vitamin D with the K2 the other times when it had a lasting and sufficient effect, but now I am avoiding that due to side effects... I can't go out dancing if i'm getting arthritis from taking too much vitamin D at once... which happens. Plus I'm afraid that's not necessarily the (only) issue and that I'll just screw up my health for a matter of weeks and not even solve the problem......

Anyway, yesterday I ended taking TWO MK-4 pills, and ugghghghgh I'm regretting it. A pressure built up in my eyeballs and I was afraid I was getting glaucoma. Then at work tonight I had a worsening arthritis all night, which I hadn't had to that extent in 2+ months. This is same as previous experiences taking too much Vitamin D and/or K2.

The improvement in my breath with each of these pills was even less long-lasting than the last two times. :/ I feel like my Vitamin D level is getting lower and lower..... and I have a possible date in less than two days... well, sort of. I'm not sure if it's a date-like event or she is just giving me a personal tango lesson because she likes dancing with me. she's giving me a lesson and then we're going to the dance... it's not a date per se, but could lead to one later ... or not. Any case, regardless, we have a great dance chemistry, and it will SUCK to be in such close quarters with someone for that long while having bad breath. i honestly think she may have run away from me after the first time we danced, but then she asked me to dance the moment she saw me at the next dance. and then again. and then invited me to this other dance. so she likes me as a dancer, and I freakin' hate being in this position worrying about my breath and not feeling clean enough to talk closely to anyone let alone kiss them. ](*,)

I digress.....

yeah... so it makes sense based on my experience that the K2 this time isn't doing the trick because I'm not taking enough Vitamin D with it. But the notion of postponing this event is killing me because then I'd be stuck wondering for weeks... plus I'm really trying to jump back into dancing, and it's like arthritis vs bad breath. ARGH

I was taking 4000-10000IU of Vitamin D3 in a day the times it worked for me. Now I've been on about 2000-6000IU per day for 3-4 weeks, and this has allowed me to gradually improve my bone health. But I feel like if i go a day without taking at least 3000IU, I start to feel like I'm getting increasingly Vitamin d deficient. And if I take 5000IU or more, I start feeling increasing side effects. So I've been trying to stick to around 3000-4000IU per day.... ideally 4000IU, but it often ends up just 3000IU, which seems to be barely sufficient. I won't take 1000IU unless I get it with at least 25% DV calcium, which seems roughly the right proportion based on my experience. But I tend to just eat 2-3 big meals in the day, so it makes getting the ideal amount difficult and a pain in the ass. Because eating too much in a meal seems to cause me problems. SO MANY PROBLEMS.

Anyway... goddamn twice tonight my coworkers handed me mints and insisted I use them. I hate mint, so I wish they'd stop. My mouth didn't even feel as gross as it had the previous weekend, and still this... and I know they can smell it from a distance because i'll be talking to them 1.5-2 feet away or maybe even a little further, and suddenly they start ranting about how I have bad breath. :(

It's a lose-lose situation... but I can absolutely confirm that Vitamin D affects the breath and is good for it. I don't know why, but I read it has antimicrobial properties. I don't know if this is just because it deposits calcium in the mouth, and calcium is alkaline, which bacteria do not like. Or if it creates certain enzymes that fight bacteria. But the difference is frightening and dramatic. One day I have horrid, rancid mouth... then K2+D3 and my mouth is totally clean.

Oh, also, I have to report that taking this amount of Vitamin D (usually 3000-5000IU per day) did not improve my breath at ALL on its own. It just got worse and worse and worse. Again, maybe it just wasn't enough. but K2 always seems to impact the breath for better or worse. So maybe at low levels, you really need a big dose to see any effects... or maybe you don't see the effects at all until your level is higher or you take K2 MK-4. BTW, D3 also makes my teeth very smooth and improves my mood and energy level immensely.

Anyway... I could try taking MK-4 + a megadose of Vitamin D3 the day before dancing with this woman, but I'm afraid I'll be in no shape to dance that night in that case. I'm also afraid all this is destroying my organs and joints insidiously.

I really wish I'd never taken that last MK-7 pill because my breath might still be persistently good otherwise. It seems like that ONE 100mcg pill has ruined my breath and important aspects of my life for months, and really set back my overall health if I end up sacrificing that for good breath.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:24 am
by halitosisux
No offence and I'm sorry if I sound arrogant or insulting, but I can't stop smiling at your post. What an example of the kind of shit we all go through trying to chase this thing out of our body when we can literally smell we're onto something.

Reminds me of this video clip:-
(damn advert at the beginning, sorry)

I hope you are onto something! but no idea what it might be. I doubt it's actually relating to any kind of deficiency, but maybe these things you take are affecting something like hormones or enzyme production, or just temporarily poisoning you and throwing your whole body out of whack in some way.

Maybe you have some other underlying issue that causes you to become vitamin D deficient. Have you had any tests to find out?

Re: update

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:55 pm
by jamesmcavoy
normal circumstances, I'd smell like it for over a week. But, a day later, I detect no garlic whatsoever, again. I admit, it was in my mouth a little when I woke up this morning, but I am not sure that was coming from my lungs, because of all my unfiled cavities and gingival pockets, which probably catch whatever I'm eating and take several brushings to loose it and mostly just time to dissolve it.
I've been taking the vitamin D for about a week and a half and I think my lungs have dramatically improved - I am closer to positively claiming that, due to vitamin D supplementation, they no longer re-emit sulfides whether digested or inhaled.[/quote]

Hi .
For the user who created this thread
This is how everyones body is made .when u eat strong sulphurus foods sulphur is eliminated from our filth urin sweat lungs etc . Then why do u want to stop .
Yes there might be some systemic disorder in smones body producing these but trust me
I have type1 bb and when i eat too much garlic i can smell it all over my body sweat urin filth and breath too for a couple of days and then i get back to normal