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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:10 am
by my3rdmolars
PND means post nasal drip. It happens when our sinuses produces too much mucus due to allergy, acid reflux or other sinus infection.

When I still have PND, I often go to the restroom just to spit out phlegm. If I dont spit it out, my bb gets worse and I cough a lot.

Since when did your cold started? A cold is supposed to go away on its own. Just like fever and cough, a cold is sign that there's infection in the body and you must let the immune system fight the infection. But if it lasts for more than a month, you should go to an ENT. Do you have allergies?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:29 pm
by dick.karma

have you started taking the meds? how about the consultation with GI doctor?

i've also tried chlorhexidine before (prescribed to me after the tonsillectomy) but didn't help

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:39 am
by rey

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:02 am
by rey

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:02 am
by rey

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:34 am
by my3rdmolars
rey wrote: im a filipino too as of now my condition is 85 % ok by just experimenting all the remedies in the market.
what remedies have you tried? Which one worked for you? Where can I buy breath rx here in manila?

I haven't tried any special products yet. Puro prescription drugs and tests lang like allergy test, sinus CT scan, steriod nasal spray, gentle jet, salinase, endoscopy, proton pump inhibitors, etc.

Im still waiting for my liver blood test results (SGOT/AST and SGPT/ALT).

I also want to try vitamn b12, breath rx, and other products. I just dont know how to buy them.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:08 am
by wants2giveup
I am filipino too! newbie here! i think i had this since i was in grade 5 when i hit puberty stage and when I was diagnosed of having a primary complex. its like tuberculosis, but not really, I had a small lump on my neck and then my doctor gave me meds but did not finished it for 6 mos treatment. Then I remember the first time someone told me that my breath stinks is that when i tried to whisper something to my seatmate ears and then he said "your breath stinks". But did not put so much attention because i was still young back then.

Then I enter highschool, the worst experience i ever had. people would avoid me or laugh at me. I also tried almost every mouthwashes/toothpastes but it doesnt work . I started to open up this feelings to my friends and family and they just think Im crazy but I am having weird reactions also when I talk to them and al of a sudden they will react and say "did I fart?" or "whats that smell?".

Heres what I believe is the root cause.

1. bacteria build up because of primary complex and was not able to complete the treatment
2. puberty stage (hormanal changes/imbalances at the age of 14)
3. post nasal drip or sinusitis (i have it as well)
4. extreme change in diet ( i skipped breakfast in highschool)
5. Bleeding gums (gingivitis) (had it before but got cured by oral prophylaxis)
6. tonsillitis (have not removed tonsils but it occurs every 2- 3 mos)
7. my wisdom tooth is impacted -meaning "nakabaon sa gums" (dont have the money to pay for the major operation)
8. bloated after eating and gaseous especially when eating carbs or dairy

I just want to give up!

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:28 am
by my3rdmolars
wants2giveup wrote: 7. my wisdom tooth is impacted -meaning "nakabaon sa gums" (dont have the money to pay for the major operation)
have you tried taking panoramic xray to know which of your wisdom teeth are impacted? Price of wisdom tooth extraction is P5,000 to P15,000 nowadays, with an average of P8,000 per wisdom tooth removal.

If you want to get the most affordable wisdom tooth extraction, you should go to UP PGH.

You said you have post nasal drip? What is the color of your phlegm?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:31 am
by dick.karma
Hi Rey!

still remember me? we spoke on the phone maybe 2-3 times last quarter of 2009 and you mentioned that sucralfate helped you that time. how are you and what are you trying/have tried these days?

i try to look for my old sim card and see if i still have your number.


what have you tried so far?


Anyway, despite this curse, Happy New Year to everyone! hopefully we'll find something that works this year

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:49 am
by angst-ridden
Mahal naman ng charge, ako 3k lang siningil ng dentist ko dito sa laspinas e, i also had an impacted wisdom tooth. But i know long ago that that isn't the cause of my BB. I seem to be different from you guys. I have BB but don't suffer from PND or any stomach discomfort. I consulted a dentist, an ENT, and an internist and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. But i do have tonsil stones. My breath gets really baad after drinking coffee, milk. Therabreath doesn't work, don't waste your money. I'm just using oracare and hydrogen peroxide plus i just started taking flora balance, hopefully it would work.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:18 pm
by my3rdmolars
angst-ridden wrote:Mahal naman ng charge, ako 3k lang siningil ng dentist ko dito sa laspinas e, i also had an impacted wisdom tooth.
wow mura naman. how long was the procedure? Mine was done 30 mins per impacted tooth.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:23 pm
by my3rdmolars
I have already filed for resignation effective feb 4, 2011. I cant go to work anymore. If you guys want to meet up, hangout just pm me ill give you my number. Or if you are afraid to go to the doctor, samahan ko kayo (after feb 4 pa)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:56 pm
by dick.karma
i'm sooo depressed lately :cry:

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:46 am
by angst-ridden
my3rdmolars wrote:
angst-ridden wrote:Mahal naman ng charge, ako 3k lang siningil ng dentist ko dito sa laspinas e, i also had an impacted wisdom tooth.
wow mura naman. how long was the procedure? Mine was done 30 mins per impacted tooth.
Naku that was in 2006 pa kaya forgot na. Mga almost 2 hours ata? Saka 1 lang impacted tooth ko e kaya di masyado matagal.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:45 am
by my3rdmolars
angst-ridden wrote:I'm just using oracare and hydrogen peroxide plus i just started taking flora balance, hopefully it would work.
Uy, ano yung flora balance? Did it help you with bb? Share naman.